4 refreshing days away from home

in #hive-109288last year


It's been four days since I left home, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying myself. I've been doing a lot of sightseeing and exploring, and yesterday I even went on a little shopping trip. It's so nice to be away from all the stress and hassle of life back home, and I'm definitely going to make the most of the few days' holidays.

I was really looking forward to getting away, but now that I'm here I'm finding that I'm enjoying my time even more than I thought I would. I needed some space and time to clear my head, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Things have been so hard this year and there seems to be no way around it to make it easier. I just want to be happy again and think less of the difficulty of the current moment. There have been times over the last couple of weeks when I felt like I had been left alone to face the world, and I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to cope with the situation. I've had to get used to the idea of having this weight on me all the time, and it's exhausting, so it's great to have a break.

The past 4 days have helped me to unburden myself and get away from this heavy feeling. I had been trying to put up a brave face and deal with everything all along, but it was getting me nowhere. Each time I remember all the financial losses I suffered in my various investments this year, I feel depressed and unmotivated to continue the grinding. But the thoughts that made me feel depressed are now gone. I'm more than happy to move on, and life will go on much more peacefully thanks to the refreshing days away from home.

For the first time in a long time, I feel ready to face the world again and ready to get on with life even if it means starting over again from scratch. I've had to put up a brave front over the last few months, trying to act like everything was alright, but I always knew deep inside that this was not really the case. Things are looking up again, and I feel strong enough to start looking forward again.

I remember it was this time four year ago when I first ventured into the decentralized world with my first blog on read.cash, and investment in smartbch where I made a pretty good income . I am looking forward to such an opportunity again. Meanwhile, I'd like to keep myself busy with something positive, and that is the best way to recharge my batteries. I do not have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself, but I do not want to feel bad either. I'm taking time to rejuvenate, and that is the best way to set things right again.

Now, I am trying to cut down on my spending and looking for ways to cut down my bills. I'm also trying to take more steps to improve my financial security and reduce my vulnerability to potential dangers. I'm looking at how I can be more financially independent, not just for me but for my family too. That is the point of the vacation, in any case, to do something positive to take the pressure off me, even if it is just for a little while.

I know that the times are tough, but I'm still optimistic about the future. Things are not going to be easy, but I am determined to make things better. I'm going to keep at it and keep making progress. This is my life, and I'm not about to throw it away with a pout!

There is still four months left in the year, so it's not over yet. There is still time for things to happen and to have some achievements for the year. So I am holding on to this thought, I hope I'm not being premature or anything, but for now things are looking good.

Someone asked me a few days ago about my resolution for the year 2023 and if I have achieved any of them. My response was that I never make resolutions, I float along with the tide. There are only my life goals for working that remain unchanged. Becoming financially independent and stable so as to be able to continuously support others, so it's the only thing I'll work on to fulfill my mission in life. Besides, I'm hoping to be able to launch a few new ventures in the years to come, so I'd like to be as prepared as possible.

I'm still thinking about my 4 days' experiences, they were indeed refreshing and made me look at life in a different way. I think this may also be the turning point that I've been looking for.

Thank you for reading!!

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