A deep and hurtful denial.

in #hive-1092884 months ago

Life is loaded with so many ups and downs. Disappoitments do occur, abusive reactions, shocking and surprises too. Those are part and percil of life. Majority of someone's good wills in most cases had turned against them. Some unfortunate ones have died in the process of helping others to have good taste of life in one way or the other. Life is risky but must be lived with conscious efforts.

Hehehe, i have had so many experiences of adverse or negative rewards or outcomes in the process of doing good or helping someone as the case maybe. I have learnt so many lessons, had some shocking surprises. It has not and will never stop me from being good helping those in dare need as i can and when i can.

This is a serious and painful reflections from the past about a relation of mine I helped to get through school and how my whole efforts has been turned to accusations and lies against me. Sometimes i deeply pause, and ponder over and about the whole scenario in pain and tears because i never imagined or expected it could be against me, but it has really turned against me for some times now, only God knows why it's this way.

In the year 2023/2024, my family and I traveled to the village from the urban area.. Lagos state where we resided at the time, during Christmas season as has been the normal occurrence for us. Seeing the wreched poor condition of my aunti's family. Most of her children not in the higer institutions, some are not even attending any school. I was moved with pity for them. Thinking on how their future can be without proper education.

I discussed with my husband we agreed to take one of them to stay with us and be registered in Lagos state polytechnic she can further her education for a better and brighter future to have great prospect to help her family. We discussed with her and her family everyone agreed. Since there is a weekend program in Lagos state polythenics . Abbreviated (Laspotec).

Due to financial lack, she has never attempted jamb before but had gone through waec examinations and was successful. We agreed she will join me in my shop from morning till 4pm then leave for school both parties agreed. We took her with us, for her first time, i registered her in jamb lessons first of all, paid her fees, she started and obtained her jamb result very successful.

At this time, Laspotec was admitting with waec that has five credits and jamb attemped results. She was qualified and was admitted to read business administration for three years which she did. She never for once said anything otherwise or complained, she occupied a room in our three bedroom flat. Eating together with us whatever we ate. We all go for shopping together whenever the need raise.

My family was paying all fees for her this three years of her education, feeding her clothing her doing so much for her and her family in the village too.
Immediately she graduated, she started carrying grudges, murmuring and insulting all of us in the house...

Saying she sponsored herself through school by her private hustling, .that my family never helped her through higher institution, polythenics that all the expensive fees we paid for her this three years, never existed rather that she went through school by her own hustle.

It pained me that i brought my family into this type of insults and unexpected redicles, negative narratives because i was the one that convinced my family to take her to live with us. She left our house rushed down to the village. Going about telling people negative stories and lies about my family in a bid to help her become educated to get job and assist her poor and low leveled family.

She rushed down to the village got married, got a job at the local government area of my state, till tomorrow she is still working there and still abusing me and my family denying vehemently we did not train her through school everybody saw and knew we were the one that took care of all her educational fees and she herself, it's so painful, shocking and surprising to me.

Funny enough after some years her husband pushed her out of the marriage and took away with him the three boys she had for him. She is now in the village, looking older than me while I'm her senior, she has no peace in her life because she lied against us, accused us of things we never did, denied the beautiful help my family rendered to her.

She has a job with that certificate but she has no peace, problems are all over her life for denying our sincere efforts and the expenses we made on her with our hard earned money, it's terribly painful to me as i just remembered the whole scenario as im writing this thoughtful post today again it feels so fresh as a new wound because it's a wound in my heart. My husband and our children felt very bad about it, this woman is from my maternal side. My family knows how well we all took care of her and all the things we have done for her.

Decisions /valuable lessons i have learned.

Helping people from a distance at a lesser capacity.
Giving out what i can freely give and be able to forget even when response turns negative than the positive i expect.

Not minding about People's negative response at my free and good will to them.

Thank you for coming and commenting on my post, please come again and keep coming, thank you 🙏.

All pictures here are mine.



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