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Embracing a path with so many regrets would inevitably pop a thought into the mind:
What if life has a Ctrl + Z command, what could happen?
Admit it or not, we all wanted to install that command in our system. The thought is when we can simply click it once we have done something that we regret doing. In just a click, things will be iron-out once anew. We no longer worry about our wrong choices as the Ctrl + Z is there, willing to give a hand. Regrets will no longer be part of our vocabulary as well, they will be forgotten in the long run.
Now, what is Ctrl + Z then?
Ctrl + Z is a command in the computer that means "undo". For instance, if you have mistakenly done an action, you can simply click the Ctrl + Z command and it will instantly take you back to your previous action.
Sound's fun, isn't it?
Moreover, if we try to apply this command in our lives, we could surely find it exciting.
Think of an instance in your life where you regret doing the most, if you can undo that thing, would it make you feel better? If yes, then embracing life with undo command would surely make your life easier.
Howbeit, as much as there are benefits to living a life with Ctrl + Z command, there are also downsides carved into every corner of it.
Here are some of the reasons why having the Ctrl + Z command in life is not always a good thing if it happens:
You Will Take Your Decisions and Actions into Granted
Imagine having unlimited money in your bank account, what would do? You may be spending them carelessly knowing that they can't be emptied, right?
Well, having an undo command in our lives would make it look that way as well. If we have the power to undo our wrong choices, we make our decisions and actions for granted. You see, we have an unlimited power to undo it, so why not take extra careful about how we decide, right? Unless that power would be just limited, then that's the time when we will be extra careful.
You Will Not Learn Important Lessons in Life
The wrong choices that we had in our lives would be converted into life lessons. These lessons, if learned within and will be applied in our lives could help us to grow into better people. Now, if we have the power to undo our wrong choices every time, we will not be able to learn from them. We will not be able to take consideration on reflecting the lessons that we experience in life. We end up taking those lessons for granted.
Life Will Be So Dull
Imagine having an easy life, like totally easy that you don't need to be careful with every move that you do, or every decision that you make, it would yield to life so dull. There's no excitement in your life if undo command exists. No consequences will be seen at the end, so no thrill will be felt.
Achievements in Life Will Never Be that Worthy
It hits so differently when we extend an extra mile into doing a task. It's a different feeling to achieve something because you work hard for it. And it's also a different feeling when you have reached it despite the ups and downs in life. Howbeit, if you have achieved something just because you keep undoing your wrong choices without instilling the lessons, I guess the achievements wouldn't be so meaningful.
You see, the wrong decisions that we had in our lives are not just wrong decisions, they lead to meaningful experiences that will add beauty to life. It will make anyone grow into someone better. It will make the path in life worth walking.
Above all, if there comes a time when I can turn back time and undo the wrong choices that I made, I will never do it. Because I will never be who I am now, and I will never be on the path that I am on right now if not because of the choices that I have in life.
Disclaimer: The thoughts expressed are personal and solely belong to me. This is original content.