An allegory that transmuted existence || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #3 [ENG-ESP]

in #hive-1092888 months ago

An allegory that transmuted existence

My encounters with philosophy were dormant and numb, until the beginning of my third cycle of university studies. It is peremptory in this dissertation a proem of the circumstances, which fermented my collision with philosophy (if the beginnings were winding, serpentine, and even stormy). Those were the times of university teaching at the medical school, my first steps with undergraduate students. Emotions fluttered everywhere, new contexts to socialize in, and fresh paths to incorporate into the journey, but at the same time, filled with expectations and fears.

The discipline to be taught, Medical Parasitology, with a program that, upon reading it, translated the stiff, disintegrated, and fragmented construction in its genesis. The challenge was wide and heterogeneous, but my main purpose was, without a doubt, to seduce the interest and make our future colleagues aware of the value of this area of knowledge. A curricular unit tarnished in the university corridors, being described as "meager, arid, abstract, tedious and even of little use", in other words, not very accommodating or attractive for the students.

The academic meetings followed one after another, but despite the dedication and love I put into my work, I was not satisfied with my practicum. I did not get what I expected from my students and I am sure that I did not meet their expectations either. I was assiduously reflecting on the questions, piloting in unanswered questions. My teaching training was basic, as well as my pedagogical praxis. I recognized my weakness, and I needed to continue my training, the opportunity came and I began my studies in Educational Sciences.

It was in this formative process that I completed my novitiate in the unruly and mischievous waters of philosophy, many fights occurred, to the swaying of its waves. I read, read again and again, and understood absolutely nothing. I felt out of focus and out of place, my inability to reach its sustenance obfuscated me, and my pessimism rebounded. I stopped for lapses and resumed reading again.

With the intention of finding points of light in the shadows, I traveled in ancient Greece and with it the foundations of Western thought, the masters and their disciples paraded. The baton belonged to Socrates between rhetoric and dialectics, Plato seconded him with his dialogues and Aristotle with his extended reflections, philosophy shone as a lifestyle, as application, action, and way of life, what an exquisite distinction contained in my pages. However, I faced a complex challenge, since my perception had always been formalized in experimentation, the categories of the "verifiable and quantifiable" applicable to the scientific method of the exact sciences.

It was the month dedicated to Plato, our facilitator of the discipline Philosophical Contributions to Education, who assigned us to read Book VII of The Republic (one of his main works), specifically the Allegory of the Cave, and then develop a critical essay of application to life. I began the journey in the letters, succinctly it is the story of some boys already men, who were always chained in a cave and the only thing they visualized were shadows (produced by an external fire and objects carried by men who were outside), that was the only "reality". One of them was freed and went outside, weighed the vicissitudes of light, managed to adapt, and could see the outside truth, with what existed. He returned to tell his companions, but his vision no longer conformed to the darkness, and his companions, chained by fear, preferred to remain in the shadows and not leave the cave.

I read and reread the Platonic dialogue several times and the longed-for light arrived. The breaking point was produced in me, because for the first time, it gave me the opportunity to think in abstraction and not in logic, to move in the leisure of philosophizing. I was imprisoned in the darkness of my cavern for years, thinking that it was my truth, my reality, denying the validity of other knowledge, which deserves to be legitimized in its different aspects. The necessary mental construct arrived, and new ways of perceiving my world flowed with validity and legitimacy. From that moment on, I began to be friendly with my inner self, to reflect in order to understand my emotionality, forms of interpretation were added to the perception of living this existence, in the ontology of being, ennobling my cosmovision.

This, is my answer to the question of the
Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #3

Is there a philosopher whose ideas have impacted your way of thinking? Tell us what material this shift originated from, and how/why it resonated with you.

Thanks for your visit.
June 27, 2024

Una alegoría que transmutó la existencia

Mis tertulias con la filosofía estuvieron adormecidas y entumecidas, hasta el inicio del tercer ciclo de estudios universitarios. Es perentorio en esta disertación un proemio de las circunstancias, que fermentaron mi colisión con la filosofía (sí, los comienzos fueron sinuosos, serpenteantes y hasta tormentosos). Eran los tiempos de la docencia universitaria en la facultad de medicina, mis primeros pasos con estudiantes universitarios de pregrado. Emociones revoloteaban, por doquier, nuevos contextos para socializar, frescos caminos para incorporar al viaje, pero al unísono, henchida de expectativas y temores.

La disciplina a enseñar, Parasitología Médica, con un programa que al leerlo, traducía la construcción acartonada, desintegrada y fragmentada en su génesis. El reto era amplio y heterogéneo, pero mi principal propósito era, sin duda, seducir el interés y concienciar a nuestros futuros colegas, en el valor de esta área de conocimiento. Una unidad curricular deslustrada en los pasillos universitarios, siendo calificada de "exigua, árida, abstracta, tediosa y hasta de escasa utilidad" en otras palabras, poco complaciente o atractiva para los discentes.

Los encuentros académicos se sucedían uno tras otro, pero a pesar de la dedicación y el amor que destinaba a mi hacer, no estaba satisfecha con mi practicum, no obtenía lo que esperaba en mis estudiantes y estoy segura de que tampoco cumplía la expectativa en ellos. Cavilaba asiduamente en los cuestionamientos, pilotaba en interrogantes sin respuesta. Mi formación docente era básica, así como mi praxis pedagógica, reconocía mi debilidad, necesitaba continuar en mi formación, llegó la oportunidad y comencé mis estudios en Ciencias de la Educación.

Fue en este proceso formativo, que cumplí mi noviciado en las revoltosas y traviesas aguas de la filosofía, muchas reyertas ocurrieron, al vaivén de sus olas. Leía, leía una y otra vez y no comprendía absolutamente nada. Me sentía desenfocada y fuera de lugar, mi incapacidad para alcanzar su sustento me ofuscaba, el pesimismo repuntaba. Me detenía por lapsos y retomaba de nuevo las lecturas.

Con la intencionalidad de encontrar puntos de luz en las sombras, viajaba en la Grecia antigua y con ella en los cimientos del pensamiento occidental, desfilaban los maestros y sus discípulos. La batuta era de Sócrates entre la retórica y la dialéctica, Platón lo secundaba con sus diálogos y Aristóteles con sus reflexiones extendidas, fulguraba la filosofía como estilo de vida, como aplicación, acción y forma de vida, qué exquisita distinción contenían mis páginas. No obstante, afrontaba un reto complejo, pues mi percepción, siempre se había formalizado en la experimentación, las categorías de lo “verificable y cuantificable” aplicables al método científico, de las ciencias exactas.

Era el mes dedicado a Platón, nuestro facilitador de la disciplina Aportes Filosóficos a la Educación, nos asignó leer el libro VII de La República (una de sus principales obras), específicamente la Alegoría de la Caverna, para luego elaborar un ensayo crítico de aplicación de vida. Inicié el recorrido en las letras, de manera sucinta es el relato de niños ya hombres, que siempre estuvieron encadenados en una cueva y lo único que visualizaban eran sombras (producidas por un fuego externo y por objetos llevados por hombres que estaban fuera), esa era la única "realidad" percibida. Uno de ellos fue liberado y salió al exterior, sopesó los avatares de la luz, logró adecuarse y pudo ver la verdad exterior, con lo que existía. Volvió a contárselo a sus compañeros, pero su visión ya no se ajustaba a la oscuridad y sus compañeros encadenados por temor, prefirieron permanecer en las sombras y no salir de la cueva.

Leí y releí varias veces el diálogo platónico y llegó la ansiada luz, se produjo en mí el punto de quiebre, porque por primera vez me brindaba la oportunidad de pensar en la abstracción y no en la lógica, de transitar en el ocio del filosofar. Estuve prisionera en la oscuridad de mi cueva por años, pensando que era mi verdad, mi realidad, negando la vigencia de otros saberes, que merecen ser legitimados en sus diferentes aristas. Llegaba el constructo mental necesario, fluían nuevas formas de percibir mi mundo con validez y legitimidad. A partir de ese momento comencé a ser amigable con mi yo interior, a reflexionar para entender mi emocionalidad, formas de interpretación se sumaron a la percepción del vivir esta existencia, en la ontología del ser, ennobleciendo mi cosmovisión.

Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del
Mensaje reflexivo del jueves N.° 3

¿Existe algún filósofo cuyas ideas hayan impactado tu forma de pensar? Cuéntenos de qué material se originó este cambio y cómo y por qué resonó en usted.

Gracias por su visita.
27 de junio de 2024


All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente


Keep up the good work. 👏

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Mi agradecimiento equipo @visualblock por el apoyo recibido, apreciado !HUG !LUV

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Es un placer para nosotros, tus aportaciones siempre nos emocionan.

El estudio académico o educacional de la filosofía está alejado de la realidad práctica. Eso ya ocurría en los tiempos de los primeros filósofos griegos, a los que acusaban de ociosos siendo que eran los únicos que se ocupaban de buscar respuestas a las preguntas más profundas del alma. Sin embargo, cuando nos sumergimos en ella por iniciativa propia, sea por inquietud personal o por fracturas emocionales, descubrimos esa luz que solo perciben quienes se atreven a romper sus cadenas.

En mi caso ha sido el estoicismo el que me ha servido de alivio, de rincón en el que atreverme a ser yo misma y el que me ha dado fuerzas para liberarme del miedo y vivir. Sea por una corriente u otra, lo bonito es encontrar ese faro que ilumina nuestro camino y nos permite avanzar. Me alegro mucho de que Platón y su caverna se encontrasen en el punto donde los necesitabas, dispuestos para ayudarte, como tú siempre haces con los demás. Un fuerte abrazo, me encantó leerte hablando de filosofía.

The academic or educational study of philosophy is far from the practical reality. That already happened in the times of the first Greek philosophers, whom they accused of idleness being that they were the only ones who were in charge of looking for answers to the deepest questions of the soul. However, when we immerse ourselves in it on our own initiative, whether through personal restlessness or emotional fractures, we discover that light that only those who dare to break their chains perceive.

In my case, it has been stoicism that has served me as a relief, a corner in which to dare to be myself and that has given me the strength to free myself from fear and live. Whether by one stream or another, the beautiful thing is to find that lighthouse that illuminates our path and allows us to move forward. I am very happy that Plato and his cavern were at the point where you needed them, willing to help you, as you always do with others. A big hug, I loved reading you talking about philosophy.

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Saludos, apreciada @palomap3, gracias por este filosofar tan sentido en lo vivido. Comparto tus aseveraciones con soporte y fundamento. Desde mi mirada, muchos factores pueden ser condicionantes y determinantes, de esa desconexión. Por ejemplo, considerables sistemas educativos, continúan desfasados de los nuevos tiempos, persistiendo la uni-direccionalidad en la enseñanza, siendo nuestros muchachos, simples cajas receptoras, sin la mínima oportunidad para disentir, opinar y mucho menos se les concede la posibilidad de que sean constructores de su propio conocimiento, se mutila desde el primer día el pensar. Por el contrario, cuando es por iniciativa propia, tú manejas el proceso en libertad, buscas construir saber de utilidad a tu vida, para fluir y obtener respuestas a tus necesidades.

Greetings, dear @palomap3, thank you for this philosophizing so heartfelt in lived experience. I share your statements with support and foundation. From my point of view, many factors can be conditioning and determining factors of this disconnection. For example, considerable educational systems are still not adjusted to the new times, persisting the unidirectionality in teaching, being our children, simple receiving boxes, without the minimum opportunity to dissent, to give their opinion and much less they are granted the possibility of being builders of their own knowledge, the thought is mutilated from the first day. On the contrary, when it is on their own initiative, they manage the process in freedom, they seek to build useful knowledge for their lives, to flow and obtain answers to their needs.

El estoicismo, la ética misma, por encima de todas las cosas. Sus principios brillan en ti de forma diáfana y con gran vitalidad, centelleando en tus actos. La filosofía es tan amplia y a la vez tan diversa que es accesible a todos los gustos, deseos y necesidades. Es tan amable que te facilita pensar y conseguir lo que necesitas, construyendo tu particular filosofía de vida.
Muchas gracias a ti y al equipo de @ourpick por vuestro apoyo, Liotes ya forma parte de mis testigos. Hasta otra ocasión, en la que este maravilloso multiverso nos vuelva a reunir !HUG !LUV !LADY

Stoicism, ethics itself, above all things. Its principles shine in you in a diaphanous way and with great vitality, sparkling in your actions. Philosophy is so broad and yet so diverse that it is accessible to all tastes, desires and needs. It is so kind that it makes it easy for you to think and get what you need, building your own particular philosophy of life.
Thank you very much to you and the @ourpick team for your support, Liotes is already part of my witnesses. Until another time, when this wonderful multiverse will bring us together again.

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Agradecida equipo @hispapro por el apoyo brindado, apreciada la deferencia !HUG !LUV

Grateful @hispapro team for the support provided, appreciate the deference.

Dear @hispapro, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

What a beautiful read! It was a true joy to hear how these philosophers influenced your path, ultimately leading you to deeper understanding of yourself and the world. I liked this so much that I read it twice hehe

I posted the new prompt early, but this post 100% deserves some HBI- I will send some out from the community account to you shortly 🤗

It is an honor @grindan your kind words , I apologize for being late for the appointment, we must comply with the rules, it is what strengthens the healthy coexistence. I will keep it in mind for compliance. Grateful to you and this wonderful Community, for the consideration and deference, thank you very much for the gift, it is appreciated. I will soon join the new call for the week !HUG !LUV !LADY

Es un honor @grindan tus amables palabras, le pido disculpas por llegar tarde a la cita, hay que cumplir las normas, es lo que fortalece la sana convivencia. Lo tendré en cuenta para su cumplimiento. Agradecida contigo y con esta maravillosa Comunidad, por la consideración y deferencia, muchas gracias por el regalo, se agradece. Pronto me incorporaré a la nueva convocatoria de la semana.

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We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...

Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

It's a pleasure to participate in this community, thank you @thoughtfulposts team !LUV

Es un gusto participar en esta comunidad, gracias equipo @thoughtfulposts

Bravo!! Bravo!! You and I have been in constant contact. I have been helping... But for goodness sake; all anyone needs to do, is read your words, and read your credentials. So... let it be said, that your love and light, should never be questioned. I am so proud of you, and this post, that I could bounce to the moon. Thank you, dear soul. For such a heartfelt, truthful, and meaningful post.

Love and light...


@tipu curate

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Greetings dear Soul of Light, friend @wesphilbin. Turbulence in your unrest came unexpectedly making an appearance, like a cyclone lashing everything in its path. Kind souls emerged, radiant with light, to calm the storm and be with me in the tribulation. It would not have been possible to overcome it without the equanimous support of vitamin friends like you. Thank you, thank you for your presence, for all that you have done and do, but above all for trusting in what I am and in my actions. I will always keep in mind the phrase, "Be yourself". Definitely there is the center of balance, a brief but profound and kaleidoscopic affirmation, a perennial invitation to work inside, to spread outside. Health and wellness !HUG !LUV

Saludos querida Alma de Luz, amigo @wesphilbin. La turbulencia en su desasosiego llegó inesperadamente haciendo acto de presencia, como un ciclón azotando todo a su paso. Surgieron almas bondadosas, radiantes de luz, para calmar la tormenta y estar conmigo en la tribulación. No habría sido posible superarla sin el apoyo ecuánime de amigos vitamina como tú. Gracias, gracias por tu presencia, por todo lo que has hecho y haces, pero sobre todo por confiar en lo que soy y en mis acciones. Siempre tendré presente la frase: "Sé tú misma". Definitivamente ahí está el centro del equilibrio, una afirmación breve pero profunda y caleidoscópica, una invitación perenne a trabajar el interior, para difundir al exterior. Salud y bienestar.

@marilour, sorry!

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Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you very much @innerblocks team for the support, appreciated !LUV

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Hi @marilour enjoyed the reading thanks for sharing !HUG !LUV !LADY !LOTUS

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Hi @almajandra thank you very much for your visit and kind words, my gratitude !HUG !LUV !LADY

Hola @almajandra muchas gracias por tu visita y amables palabras, mi gratitud.

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Dear @almajandra, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

It was a wonderful raed, sister. The impact of philosophy in your personality are clearly visible by your writings 🤗♥️❤️

I was moved by the cave story. This happens to most of us, perhaps all of us that we are stuck in our realities. We can never understand what is outside unless we break our chains and step out to witness the outside world.

At times, it is some fear that let us locked in the chains. At other times these are our egos that stop is from breaking the chains.

The truth is that not all of us have enough strength to bear a reality other than the one we have perceived to be real. It is overwhelming to witness things that we never thought could be existing.

I once wrote a post for zapfic50. There were these words in it.
"Nothing exists for real;
No sound, no scene, no taste, no pain.
Everything is nothing but a perception.
This world is totally a deception."

Realities formed by our perceptions are often deceptive, aren't these? We get an attitude like nothing outside our understanding exist. Only the people with the heart of iron may dive into the see of realities.

The truth is that our perceptions are limited and so are our reality is specific. It is like when we are standing at the beach we feel like we can see the whole sea. We only acknowledge our limitedness when we dive in the sea and figure out that we know nothing. This acknowledgement of our limitedness and ignorance opens up the doors of greatness for us.

Greetings, sister @marilour

I was waiting for this discursive meeting, sister @amberkashif, it had not been possible before, however, I am happy to be here interacting.
I start excited, thanking you for your kind words, yes definitely philosophy transformed my concept of life and has taught me how valuable life is from the simplicity of the simple, in the little big things.
This passing is of challenges, staying in our comfort zone slows us down and shortens our perspective, we must free ourselves and assume, for us and ours. I was very fearful of changes, of what could come, because I was in limbo and I could not know it, most probably because I did not know it. However, it has been life situations, which without warning have catapulted me into the unexpected, showing me that this is really where living is forged.

"Nothing exists for real;
No sound, no scene, no taste, no pain.
Everything is nothing but a perception.
This world is totally a deception."

Words of philosophical depth, I fully agree. That is why the absolute truth is an illusion, each one of us handles his truth, from his doing, from his perceptive feeling (which can be wrong), that is why going through certain topics becomes endless dissertations because we are a constant transformation and will be conditioned to what I experience.
Thank you for these wise words that come from your thoughts, it has been a pleasure, sis !HUG !LUV !LADY

Estaba en espera este encuentro discursivo, hermana @amberkashif, no había sido posible antes, no obstante estoy feliz de estar aquí interactuando.
Inicio emocionada, agradeciendo tus amables palabras, si definitivamente la filosofía transformó mi concepto de vida y me ha enseñado lo valiosa que es la vida desde la sencillez de lo simple, en las pequeñas grandes cosas.
Este transcurrir es de retos, quedarnos en nuestra zona de confort, nos enlentece y nos acorta perspectiva, debemos liberarnos y asumir, por nosotros y los nuestros. Yo era muy temerosa a los cambios, a lo que podría venir, porque estaba en el limbo y no lo podía saber, muy probablemente haya sido por el hecho de desconocerlo. No obstante, han sido las situaciones de vida, que sin previo aviso me han catapultado a lo inesperado, demostrándome que es ahí realmente donde se forja el vivir.

"Nada existe de verdad;
ningún sonido, ninguna escena, ningún sabor, ningún dolor.
Todo no es más que una percepción.
Este mundo es un completo engaño"

Palabras de profundidad filosófica, coincido plenamente. Es por ello, que la verdad absoluta es una quimera, cada uno de nosotros maneja su verdad, desde su hacer, desde su sentir perceptivo (que puede ser errado), por eso transitar por ciertas temáticas se vuelven disertaciones inacabables, porque así somos una constante transformación y estará condicionado a lo que yo experimente.
Gracias por estas sabias palabras, que brotan de tus pensamientos, ha sido un gusto hermana. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.

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Dear @amberkashif, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

showing me that this is really where living is forged.

Though stepping into the path of unexpected is arduous full of fears but as we start our joyrney we are often startled by the exploration of what was unknown to us. It is thrilling, isn't it.

It has always been a great pleasure to interact with you, sister. !LUV.

@marilour, I have seen you have an account on Dreemport but you never made any progress there.
Was it difficulty in navigating that stopped you or some other issue? I am here to assist if there is any problem
We would love to see an author like you among us. ❤️

Thank you very much for these exquisite words sister @amberkashif.
Regarding your question, Yes, I am having difficulty familiarizing myself with how to participate in the Dremport platform. I would be honored to be an active part of it, but I don't understand how to do it properly. If you could please provide me with some guidance or a document to read it would be a great help. I tried to understand the videos, but it was not possible. Thank you for your support, sis !HUG !LADY

Dear @amberkashif, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

Here is the link to Dreemport Discord

Or you can dm me on my discord account. My account is amberkashif#9081

Will be waiting to hear from you.

Thank you very much sis for the help, I will process it with interest and contact you in case of eventuality. Happy day !LUV

I will be delighted to help you out. 😊

Thank you very much dear @amberkashif, for your support and for all you do, I sincerely appreciate it. I must free myself a bit from outside work, to devote myself to this which stimulates my interest and gratifies me. I will be ready to ask for your help, no doubt about it, but I must be responsible and familiarize myself first. I think that with attention and the required time, I will be able to make progress !HUG !LUV !LADY

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