Blood is Thicker Than Water: Fact or Fiction?

in #hive-1092888 hours ago
Blood they say is thicker than water and I totally agree with that. Family is very important in our lives as humans and thinking about it, our family is actually our first identity. No one chooses the family they are born into and so we must learn to accept our family and love them for who they are the same way they do for us.

Once you’re born into this world, the first thing you’re identified by is your family. I’ve walked into places and I’ve been asked which family I’m from. Sometimes your family name alone gets you into rooms you never thought you’d find yourself in. Aside this, there’s also actually nothing that can change the fact that your family is your family aside you disowning them.

In all my years of living, I’ve picked up valuable lessons from so many people and experiences and if there’s one thing I can bet my life on, it’s the fact that family oriented individuals see the bigger picture as compared to those who grew up in dysfunctional families. I’ve been in situations where not even my friends came in to help but my family was there with me through thick and thin.

I always say that , no matter how wrong you go, your family will never reject you. They will talk, yes. But for them to reject you is not a possibility. This realization gave me a different view all together about family. At some point in my life I found myself not really making time for my family but when I realized this, I started to put more effort when in came to my family. There’s so much my family has done for me and there’s no day I would receive a call from anyone in my family who needs help and not show up for them.

But , in as much as blood is thicker than water, there’s always an exception. In as much as family is very important in our lives, sometimes some family members tend to cross the line. There’s actually a limit to the things that I can tolerate but some things are just unacceptable no matter who you are. If a family member of mine crosses the line I’d most definitely take a step back but when it’s too much we’d just have to go our separate paths but they doesn’t mean you’re no more my family member.

Sometimes we have take drastic measures in some situations because some individuals might use the fact that they are family to trample all over you which is not right. Maybe other people will overlook it but personally, I don’t think I will. Blood is thicker than water, but sometimes that blood might not be compatible with yours. Respect your family, be there for them and be intentional about them. But, know when to put yourself first.

all images belong to me.


No matter how bad we treat our family, they will always accept us back in time of trouble, the blood bond is beyond what we can imagine. why do we feel so hurt when we see our family in pain...

Family is All. The bond we share together are stronger.

I always respect my family and I never do anything to hurt them too