Mi Diario: 30 junio 2024 // My Diary: June 30 2024

in #hive-1092883 months ago

Hola, querido hiver.

En lo personal, conforme avanzaba la semana hemos mejorado de la gripe/Covid que tenemos. Los cambios han sido inapreciables de un día para otro, pero considerando la situación que te contaba hace siete días el proceso de recuperación es evidente. Vamos más despacio de lo que nos gustaría y de lo que suelen tardar estos episodios, pero saldremos de esta, jeje.

La gripe ha provocado que perdiera mi racha de días seguidos haciendo meditación. En realidad he meditado más que nunca porque algunos días he permanecido horas enteras sin hacer nada más que descansar. En esos momentos la mente divaga aunque no quieras, haciendo una suerte de revisión de cómo está todo en tu vida. Y, aunque no las apuntes, saca sus conclusiones.

Tampoco he fallado en las reflexiones del Diario para estoicos. Solo perdí el día que peor estuve y lo recuperé en la siguiente jornada. El atontamiento de cabeza que tenía (y todavía mantengo) dificultaba la recepción de los mensajes y su conexión posterior con mis propias ideas, pero debo felicitarme por haberme mantenido en la brecha. Son esos minutos diarios para mí, invirtiendo en mi bienestar.

La cita de hoy viene de la mano de Marco Aurelio. Se resume en que “el obstáculo es el camino”, de nosotros depende que lo asimilemos y practiquemos. Es como conducir por una autopista, más segura pero aburrida y sin paisaje con el que entretenerse, o hacerlo por una carretera de montaña, sinuosa y empinada pero con vistas a los lados y algún que otro repecho donde parar y admirar el panorama.

La vida no es fácil. Da igual que tengas dinero, o salud, o personas queridas cercanas. Que coincidan las tres cosas simultáneamente es casi imposible. Si es tu caso, ¡felicidades! Si, como a la mayoría, te cojea una, dos o las tres patas, nos queda hacer equilibrios y tratar de compensar lo que nos falta con lo que ya tenemos. Buscar la forma de sentirnos felices aquí y ahora, pues es todo lo que tenemos.

Cada obstáculo de nuestro camino es una oportunidad para aprender, para demostrarnos que somos valiosos y capaces. ¿Que puedes equivocarte? ¡Pues claro! Recuerda cómo reaccionas ante el error ajeno, ¿acaso no mereces la misma consideración? Un error es una lección que la vida nos regala. Equivócate mucho, haz cosas, aprende y mejora.

Hasta la próxima publicación. Mientras tanto, ¡cuídate!

Herramientas: Cámara iPhone 13 Pro, editor de fotos Mac.
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©️Copyright 2024 Paloma Peña Pérez. Todos los derechos reservados.

Hi, dear hiver.

Personally, as the week has progressed, we have improved from the flu/Covid we have. The changes have been negligible from one day to the next, but considering the situation that I told you about seven days ago the recovery process is evident. We're going slower than we'd like and slower than these episodes usually take, but we'll get through this, hehe.

The flu has caused me to lose my streak of consecutive days of meditation. Actually I have meditated more than ever because some days I have spent hours at a time doing nothing but resting. In those moments the mind wanders even if you don't want it to, doing a sort of review of how everything is going in your life. And, even if you don't write them down, it draws its conclusions.

I haven't missed any of the reflections in the Diary for Stoics either. I only lost the day I was at my worst and I made up for it the next day. The dullness in my head that I had (and still have) made it difficult to receive the messages and then connect them to my own ideas, but I must congratulate myself for having kept up the pace. It's those minutes a day for me, investing in my wellbeing.

Today's quote comes from Marcus Aurelius. It boils down to "the obstacle is the road", it is up to us to assimilate it and practice it. It is like driving on a motorway, safer but boring and with no scenery to entertain you, or driving on a mountain road, winding and steep but with views on either side and the occasional steep hill to stop and admire the view.

Life is not easy. It doesn't matter if you have money, or health, or people close to you. It is almost impossible to have all three at the same time. If this is your case, congratulations! If, like most of us, one, two or all three legs are limping, we have to balance and try to compensate for what we lack with what we already have. Find a way to feel happy here and now, for this is all we have.

Every obstacle in our path is an opportunity to learn, to prove to ourselves that we are valuable and capable. That you can make mistakes? Of course! Remember how you react to someone else's mistake, don't you deserve the same consideration? A mistake is a lesson that life teaches us. Make a lot of mistakes, do things, learn and improve.

See you next time. In the meantime, take care!

Tools: iPhone 13 Pro camera, Mac photo editor.
Translated with DeepL
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©️Copyright 2024 Paloma Peña Pérez. All rights reserved.

Posted using Ecency Love


My dear, when there is health we have it all. As for money, it comes and goes. I hope you get better, that you take good care of yourself, the tasks will come out in due time. Cheers! 🥰❤️

Absolutely agree, health is the first priority always. We are getting better. Slower than we would like but we are not in a hurry, the important thing is to recover well. Thank you, dear! ❤️🤗

Hola paloma, me alegro por la mejoría. Un abrazo muy grande.

Muchas gracias, vamos despacio pero con buena letra. Abrazo de regreso. 😘



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Paloma, me alegro de que estén mejor de esa gripe/covid. Gracias por tus reflexiones.

Sí, vamos saliendo del bache poco a poco. ¡Cuídate mucho!

Sorry about the flu and it's a good thing to know that you are doing great.
Life is what we make of it, our circumstances notwithstanding, lemon or lemonade?

I am very sorry that the condition persists, although it is good to know that you are a little better dear friend @palomap3
I wish with all my heart that you regain health soon.

We are better than Sunday! My husband will restart his job tomorrow and I will have peace and calm at home. 😂 Thanks for the good wishes, dear friend. 🤗

I am so happy that you are getting better my friend, and I hope the flue will gone for good soon.
That is a wise words that you have, and yes Life is hard, and not everything that we wants we could have, we just need to make it balanced so that we could have an happier life.

Dear @palomap3, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ekavieka.

There is saying here: “We were happy and didn’t know it”. Happiness is inside us, we just have to look properly. ☺️🤗❤️

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Life is not easy. Wise words here.

Sending you an Ecency curation vote.

Yes, life is hard sometimes but it’s beautiful and deserves to be celebrated while we are aboard. 😊

Thank you for the visit, my dear! ❤️🤗

Hola Paloma espero que te recuperes pronto ya ahora en el verano debes cuidarte de los aires cálidos. Recibe mis afectos. !LUV

Hay mucho Covid circulando por aquí, lo peor ha pasado pero la recuperación es muy lenta. Seguiremos practicando la virtud de la paciencia. 😅 Un abrazo, que por aquí no contagia. 🤗

Good to hear that you are getting better and out of the flu!!! Interestingly, I bumped into a similar saying to yours, at least it reminded me of it... Making mistakes is similar as having obstacles on the road, and one F1 driver said something like... I'm learning a lot when I win, but when I lose, I learn double!

With obstacles is similar... As they are bigger, we grow more when we make it through them! They make us stronger!

The flu is taking her time, slower than we would like but recovering.

Yes, what makes us better and wiser is solving the problems that come to meet us. The experience we accumulate helps us to face increasingly complex and difficult obstacles. When we limit ourselves to the easy and effortless, any small inconvenience will seem like a mountain to us. I know that neither you nor I are of this. 🤣🤣

When we limit ourselves to the easy and effortless, any small inconvenience will seem like a mountain to us. I know that neither you nor I are of this. 🤣🤣

Well, I do sometimes overreact to some stupid, small things... Create an elephant from the ant... lol... For example, my stressing about giving a speech in Hamburg, or doing these HHHLive shows... Believe it or not, I'm still nervous and stressed before doing it... 😂 ANd there are ZERO reasons to do that... 🙂

Yes, you can get nervous and stressed, in fact it’s said that adrenaline can be addictive. But you solve the situations very well!! It is not incompatible. 😊


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Thank you for the support, dear. ❤️

Hello dear @palomap3 catching up on the news, I was unaware that you were ill along with your family. Glad everything went as expected. Health and well-being !LUV

Hola querida @palomap3 poniéndome al día de las noticias, desconocía que estuvieses enferma junto a tu familia. Me alegro que todo haya fluido dentro de lo esperado. Salud y bienestar.

Hemos pasado un par de semanas regular, pero sí ya estamos casi recuperados. Mi marido ha podido volver al trabajo y yo he retomado toda mi actividad habitual. Hay mucho Covid por aquí ahora y por los síntomas creemos que es lo que nos ha cogido. ¡Cuídate mucho!

We have spent a couple of regular weeks, but we are almost recovered. My husband has been able to return to work and I have resumed all my usual activity. There is a lot of Covid around here now and because of the symptoms we believe that it is what has caught us. Take good care of yourself!

It is very positive that you have overcome it. I have had Covid four times and the symptoms are usually associated with the circulating strain as long as there is no immunosuppression and underlying disease in the sufferer. From my experience, only in the first time I had considerable complications, nowadays overcome, in the remaining suffered, the process of restoration of health was fast, less symptomatic and without sequelae. Thank you for your good wishes, as well as for your health and well-being !LADY

Es muy positivo que lo hayan superado. He padecido cuatro veces el Covid y los síntomas por lo general están asociados a la cepa circulante siempre y cuando no haya inmunosupresión y enfermedad de base en quien lo padece. De mi experiencia, solo en la primera vez tuve complicaciones considerables hoy día superadas, en las restantes padecidas, el proceso de restauración de la salud fue veloz, menos sintomáticas y sin secuelas. Agradecida por los buenos deseos, así mismo para ustedes, salud y bienestar

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