in #hive-1092883 years ago


I remember watching movies or reading books or hearing someone talk about an event that somehow culminated in an experience that the person barely escaped from...a near death experience.

People somehow shuddered on hearing the trajectory of the event especially if the victim is a decent enough story teller. I never did though. I never shuddered. I only listened. It always seemed foreign to me...something eerily close but just a little out of reach. You know that forgetful feeling you get about something horrible happening to somebody that you barely know? Yeah...that’s how I felt when I heard of near death experiences. It has never happened to me and so I didn't care much.

Well, mine happened. I wouldn’t call it a near death experience but instead the successful seduction of life. My reason? Well it seemed easier to give up but somehow I didn’t...I dared not.

So I had a meeting to attend and against my better judgement I decided to drive down because I was late and had already twice been stood up by earlier scheduled flights. Sighs I was in a hurry to meet up with some potential investors who needed my physical presence for preliminary paperwork.

I had to get to my destination in 2 days. I could do it...the money was super worth the risk of traveling endlessly on a road I had never been on. I loaded the car with food and various “essential” and began a journey that I was confident would pay off.

All I remembered was the car swerving and the panic with which I held the wheels that somehow were in my hands but raging violently out of my grasps.


I woke up in the hospital to my mother's smile. The woman who looked like an angel began sobbing and then smiling again. She kissed my forehead and told me everything was now ok.

My mother said the last 5 days had been hell. She had flown in upon receiving the call and that my siblings had similarly scrambled to the city where the hospital I was taken was located.

I don't remember anything and the more I try to remember how I got here, the more I can’t. I don't feel afraid but I do feel a little lost. My sister has been handling a little bit of my affairs like replying people on Hive and talking to my work friends and other things. She has just been amazing. She knows how much I talk about my blog.

They allowed me use my phone this morning, so I'll catch up on all I missed out on. Hopefully soon I'll be out of here.

PS: The potential investors felt I stood them up and I lost them but I'm not sad that I did. I'm sticking with the positives for now.

Hi guys. Hi @theterminal


Your friends in TheTerminal are saddened to hear about this. We are so glad you are okay and on the mend now. You are in our thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery! 💜

Thanks guys.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening


Good luck, m'man! Get better and stay healthy! Money will come around when it's time; awesome that you've prioritised.

Holy shit. I just discovered about your accident on Discord. Passing by to wish you a speedy recovery. I had a terrible accident exactly one year ago; believe me, in no time it'll be all good.

Sorry about yours. I'm gradually returning

@piratethanos I hadn't heard from you in a while and so I came to see if you had been posting and seen this. I hope you're okay and I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. This must of been such a frightening experiance, but I'm glad you have loved ones around you who are looking after you. Get well soon.



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For heaven's sake!! I am glad the hospital let you use your phone, to let us know what happened... and that you are recovering. Also... thank you to @squids for letting us know, as well as @thekittygirl for mentioning via general chat in The Terminal. So thankful you let us know what happened... but please rest and recover!! Plenty of time to share with us later... focus on getting better!!


!LUV !hivebits @tipu curate

I thank you so much. To be honest I've been quite restless without my phone. My sister said she had replied a couple of messages and it made me even more eager to get a hold of it.

I thank you so much for your show of love. For @thekittygirl and @squids for mentioning it. I haven't even been able to access discord cos of the hospital WiFi. I know it won't be long now. Thanks so much

@wesphilbin(1/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

What a frightening experience! 😱 I am glad to hear you are okay and healing now. What a wonderful sister you have! Give her a hug from us, please! KUDOS to you for staying positive through this, and we look forward to your return when you are feeling better! Please keep us updated as you can. 💗

@thekittygirl 🌹. Thanks for continuously being amazing. It is important to have a family that are concerned about one's well-being. I can never take you guys for granted. Thanks.

Oh dear lord! I am so sorry this happened, and if the investors couldn't see the reality of this and give you a break, then they didn't need to be in your life, in my opinion.
@piratethanos you stay positive, heal up and be oh so thankful for your loving and supportive family, both of the flesh and blood and your family here as well.
We love you. Always.



Even while dealing with your own issues... you reach out to offer support. That... is what we need more of!


Thanks @wesphilbin, it is my firm belief that one of the main, if not THE purpose in our lives is to help everyone else.
Anyone anywhere we can, we should help.
Now I must confess I have problems finding that balance; how much can I help without cutting my own feet out from under me etc... but I still try
Love you Bro

This is amazing. What has been going on with you? I'm quite curious. If we could all adopt this way of life, then the earth would be a utopia

@wesphilbin(3/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

I've got a family here. Thanks @theterminal and @jerrytsuseer. Seeing all this today has got my spirit elated. I think the incident has given me a new perspective. I want to do a lot differently.

Oh nooo. That’s terrible , your mother and family must have been so worried thank hof you feel better , get well soon and stay safe

This is sludlung, follow this account please, its my new one :).

I already replied to the new account too

Thanks so much. My mom's face was a little disheartening though, but I guess it must have been worse for her. Thanks so much

That's a mother's love, my friend.

I pray and wish for your speedy recovery from this.
Take Care.

Holy moley, I'm glad you're okay. How did you lose control of the wheels? You never explained, unless you were just implying you accidently lost traction, but i dunno. Thanks for the post, it makes me feel very fortunate to wake up alive, healthy and safe in bed, with our friends @theterminal two clicks away.


Thank you for the shout-out!! Appreciate your letting us know!


@wesphilbin(2/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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I don't quite remember how it happened. One minute I was driving and the next the car was swerving. I think I might have slept.

For the moment it's best to just relax and worry about recuperating, there is a distinct possibility that you will remember certain points as you go along here now, but the best you can do is to let it come to you naturally.
We are all super grateful you survived this, and are now able to update us. What is your sister's username on Hive? It is awesome to have someone who looks out for you like that.
Hope you are out of there soon and recuperate quickly.
It's a pain having to be a pincushion @piratethanos, hope the holes close quickly hahahaha!

"pincushion", I smiled at this. Thanks for that.

She isn't on sister. I'll show her the love and maybe she'd believe in the project and it's people. I still can't believe people halfway across the world would care so much about my health and recovery. I am truly blessed to have you all.