"Others can stop you temporarily, but you are the only one who can do it permanently"
Those words were gotten from John C. Maxwell's book: The Winning Attitude.
He went further to give an instance of an Elephant while still young and weak tied by a heavy chain to an immovable iron stake.
The elephant realizes that no matter how hard he tries, he just cannot break the chain or move the stake.
Even when the Elephant became large and strong he continued to believe that he cannot move as long as he sees the stake beside him.
This can be likened to some of us who get restricted in our actions, thought by a self-imposed limitation.
We often believe that we cannot excel and reach our potential. We get limited by a mindset of "It's never been done before", " I'll never try that again".
Yes, naysayers may say "No one has ever succeeded in this" or "You are not going to make it" or "You are not smart enough". Here is what you should do: turn a deaf ear to their words.
Remember: Others can stop you temporarily, but it's you and you alone that can do it permanently.
Happy New Month.