Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #24

in #hive-1092887 days ago

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

STREETS & THOUGHTS - MONOMAD - B&W photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (09 Pics) by @jlinaresp

Hello monochromatic Hive friends! ... Today we had one of those ‘uncomfortably bright’ sunny mornings in my town... Not really my favourite mornings to take photos, as all those harsh lights and extreme shadows, make it difficult to manage the exposure and usually tend to disturb the visual context in the photos... But: "Against anything you have to face it and try to come out on top"!

Wagon Life, Plus Banana's by @trucklife-family

This weekend, I have been looking after my friends place. Her and her family took a short break and they needed someone to look after their animals, dogs, cats, guinea pigs and chickens. They have such a beautiful property. They have turned the land into an oasis and anytime I am there, I always feel completely relaxed, like my shoulders just drop. That beautiful wagon above, which was built by her partner, was where me and my girls slept

Mi Diario: 8 septiembre 2024 // My Diary: September 8 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. Ya se nota por las tardes que los días se acortan. El otoño se aproxima. La temperatura se torna más agradable y por las noches ya no molesta para descansar. Incluso he tenido que taparme con la colcha en más de una ocasión, con el gustito que eso da aunque por las mañanas me dé una pereza enorme levantarme de la cama

10K HP Milestone Complete! 9 Things I learned from this journey by @pravesh0

Hello and welcome back to my blog! I have been on Hive for almost three years and just crossed the milestone of reaching 10,000 HP. I never thought I would get 10K HP this quickly because this is entirely earned from author rewards. I think when I came to the blockchain in late 2021, HIVE prices were at all time highs, crossing even 3 dollars and making HP was tough but over the years prices have gone down and it helped me achieve this feat. But to say that it was entirely due because of the prices going down would be an injustice to this awesome community

Looking Back: Reflections by @brosonleo

Life has a way of messing with you and then giving you the finger. Things happen that you never planned for and you just cope with them and try to make the best out of them. Well, when I saw the prompt, my mind immediately went back to all I have experienced to get to where I am today. Mostly, all that I have had to go through were self inflicted. Sure, some people dealt me a hand or two, but in the end, I made the decisions


It’s almost impossible to interact with people on a daily basis and not get into an argument with them. People can be unpredictable even to themselves, so having an argument when we interact is something that gets harder to avoid the more we have more knowledge of the people we interact with. The fact that we all came from different backgrounds and experiences often affects the way we think and act depending on the situations we are presented with. Recently, I had a misunderstanding with a friend and the more I tried or he tried making things better, it seemed like it was only making matters worst but then he kept saying he doesn’t wants to argue with me. Well, I had thought the same way some few days back but then I got to realize that there is no relationship that arguments won’t arise except of course there is no interaction

Hindsight and Ownership by @coinjoe

This past weekend must have been one to remind me to reach out and reconnect with friends and family in the present and not put it off. In that vein, we were asked what does "Hindsight is 20/20" mean to us. I will attempt to answer that in this post with my feable writing skills and brain fogged mind. Supposedly the saying "Hindsight is 20/20" is meant to mean something about clarity and understanding we gain from past events, good or bad. However usually it is related to something bad happening or a not so good outcome


funny, I didn’t choose to do this on September 11th. Honestly, to me September 11 will always just be my sister’s birthday…yes I said Happy Birthday to her ;) These lyrics have been crumpling up in my backpack since I printed and prepped them like a month ago…today was just the day so finally got the chance to try playing it, pure chance…but because it seems to potentially apply, I’m tagging the vets I know on here, and repping Hawk Troop 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Division, 3rd Brigade Combat Team myself. Also, this song has been posted in the Acoustic Lounge community. It’s a free range, no rules/anything goes music club, post any music any time, whether practice or performance or even questions/help requests etc. Shit, if you wanna sell your Fender Bassman or your Line 6 pedal board post it, no one’s gonna say shit…unless you get a nibble that is ;) @wesphilbin @coinjoe Uploaded using 3Speak Mobile App ▶️

Looking at yesterday in the present remoteness || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt # 11 [ENG-ESP] by @marilour

Looking at yesterday in the present remoteness For this reflective week, the ThoughtfulDailyPost team invites us to discern and decipher what surrounds the retrospective perspective in our journey. To scrutinize my past is sometimes to delve into the understanding of the sensitivity of the living, to spruce up and spice up the search for meaning in this existence. It is an invitation to look with epistemic and axiological depth, to undress the conscience and awaken the questions in the gathering. It is in these discursive approaches that I reveal that my life is much more than a simple and banal cycle, in which some stages of life are fulfilled. Precisely, for this occasion we are incited to the dissertation, with a significant phrase: “Hindsight is 20/20”

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #11 by @drhakam

Hey. This phrase has a lot to do in my life. I used to think that my decision about everything is final and that I have everything planned out. It felt like a carving made on the stone. But, life , as I have learned it, is very fluid

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


Thanks so much for the feature and the support xx

Wow, there arte a lot of good posts here. So happy to be included with them. Thank you!

Thank you so much 😊