Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #10

in #hive-10928818 days ago

Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone!

Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!

Cyrillic Bodoni Rough.jpg

Photo provided by @grindan

We're back with another writing prompt, and the rules to participate are simple:

  • ✌️ Share your take in Thoughtful Daily Post Community
  • ✌️ Follow the Community Guidelines
  • ✌️ Have fun! (Unless you don't want to 👀)
  • ✌️ Include a link to your post on this prompt so we don't miss you!

Although there is no formal prize for this prompt, we do want to take the time to appreciate high quality posts. To celebrate the authors in our community, a random selection of HBI/SBI will be gifted to those who present exceptional responses!

Confused on what SBI/HBI is exactly? You can read all about it here!


Wow! There were a LOT of great posts on this prompt! Several new folks as well! Now... I can't do this every time. But... thank you all, for your posts on Prompt #9

- @marilour - @mercmarg - @saimgopang34 - @ijebest @repayme4568 - @beauty197 - @drhakam - @faunobrujoobrujo - @olujay - @cypher09 - @sirenahippie - @yessi08


Snapshot from thoughtfulposts wallet


Alright, without further ado...

Weekly Prompt

"Pay It Forward"... This is something that we see every day. Whether on Social Media, or in our home towns, when folks are paying for the food order, for those behind them. I am curious; in what ways do you strive to "Pay It Forward"? Share with us, how you attempted to create this thoughtfulness and positive energy this week.


We look forward to seeing what our weekly prompt inspires in the community this week! Happy writing, and thoughtful on! 😎


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨

¡@thoughtfulposts! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch

Interesting topics every week, I hope to continue participating!

Greetings and Blessings 🙏

Hello there! I certainly hope you do try to share your thoughts on this week's prompt. I appreciate you coming back, and leaving me such a nice reply. I really appreciate that!
¡Hola! Espero que intentes compartir tus pensamientos sobre el tema de esta semana. Agradezco que regreses y me dejes una respuesta tan agradable. ¡Realmente lo aprecio!



¡@yessi08! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @wesphilbin.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch

Waohooo, this is awesome, thank you for the mention, it's a pleasure to me.

Excellent evening this Friday

Greetings to all

Wow! I am so happy I stumbled upon this community. It feels good to read posts about kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness that impacts people's lives, gives meaning to what humanity must and should be and that is to SPREAD LOVE TO ALL MEN.
one of these days I will also share some thoughtful good deeds.❤️😇

Late Friday evening, in my world. I am glad you happened to stumble upon us as well!

"It feels good to read posts about kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness that impacts people's lives, gives meaning to what humanity must and should be and that is to SPREAD LOVE TO ALL MEN."

Beautifully said... almost like a page out of my Thoughtful Daily Post Encyclopedia. Here's a graphic, that was lovingly done for the community... take a peek!


Look forward to seeing your words!


Oh wow! I love these golden words on your graphic Wes. The world needs positivity more than ever now.
Yeap, I will definitely share them to you.

It's now 2:34pm, Saturday on my side we just finished our lunches.😍☺️

Good mor-night to you!🤗😍

Hello! Thanks for the gift, I really appreciate it. Look, this is my entry for this week.

A hug and a great week to everyone


When we show concerned to people, it can make a good difference in their life, this was my own way of paying forward to a friend who lose money in betting and was left with nothing.

Here is my entry:

You didn't really have to... but I love the way you set this up. Quick meaningful description to get those "thoughtful" juices flowing LOL. Very nice, my friend...


Greetings @thoughtfulposts team, thank you very much for the gift, congratulations to all the gratified. Interesting and important discursive proposal for this week, finances are vital in our living. Activating reflections from now on. Health and well-being !LUV !LOTUS

Saludos equipo @thoughtfulposts muchas gracias por el obsequio, felicitaciones a todos los gratificados, enhorabuena. Interesante e importante propuesta discursiva para esta semana, las finanzas son vitales en nuestro vivir. Activando las reflexiones. Salud y bienestar.

¡@marilour! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @wesphilbin.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch

@thoughtfulposts, @marilour(3/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Finances are indeed, vital to our living. Even more so if we go beyond our means... so long as the person we are trying to help... gets help. So many different paths we could take here. As always... appreciate your wonderful comment, as well as interacting with all the other folks that interact within the community. Thank you, dear soul...

Las finanzas son, en efecto, vitales para nuestra vida. Más aún si nos excedemos en nuestros medios... siempre y cuando la persona a la que estamos tratando de ayudar... reciba ayuda. Hay tantos caminos diferentes que podríamos tomar aquí. Como siempre... agradezco tu maravilloso comentario, así como la interacción con todas las demás personas que interactúan dentro de la comunidad. Gracias, alma querida...




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@marilour, @wesphilbin(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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Yes, dear friend. This week there is a lot of opportunity for dissertation on finance, especially in the “Pay It Forward” variant. Grateful for your kind words, it is always very pleasing to interact with fellow participants, they are an open window of reflections and learning. Health and wellbeing !LUV

Sí, querido amigo. Esta semana hay mucha oportunidad para la disertación sobre las finanzas, en especial en la variante "Pagar por adelantado". Agradecida por tus amables palabras, siempre es muy grato interactuar con los compañeros participantes, son una ventana abierta de reflexiones y de aprendizajes. Salud y bienestar.

@wesphilbin, @marilour(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Welcome to all of you who have made your first entry.

Good luck everyone. Hoping to see some amazing posts 😀

Thank you for the reward, I'm grateful. It's an honour to me.