It's over 16 hours into 2021. How has been the experience for you? Are you like me who just sit, watch movies but there's that part that keeps drawing your attention to your goals.
Or this kind of persona who is still on vacation, suspends all strategic plans and initiatives just to have a decent rest of mind and peace, gather enough mental strength for the journey ahead.
Well, both kinds of approach to life isn't wrong at all. The important thing is both still have goals to meet.
The decision to start working towards my 2022 goals this early is all tied towards my 2021 goal performance. My prioritised goals were all successful but just for 3 other goals that were not 50% achieved, owing to the fact that I am just adapting to my new work life. (I didn't impress my boss so well on my primary deliverable).
How do you go about setting goal? From experience and reflection, I could say most goals that I got achieved were goals that brings this kind of joy and happiness I can't describe. They were a result of lessons from past failures and consistent hardwork. They were literally a MUST for me. It gives me this sense of 'I can do anything I set my mind to do'.
I keep track of their progress by making jottings of what went wrong about the fail approach and baby steps and what better ways I could tweak them. I would literally stay up at night to work on them and share with colleagues for ideas and input. I allow them fill my thoughts and ponder much on them. I wasn't just too careful not to allow them affect my work performance.
Did I procrastinate?
Honestly, there are times I just feel overwhelmed and just breakdown. Times I don't even find time to work on them because I have an impromptu goal to hit. Something unplanned comes up. All these are normal, humans are not robots.
How did I come out of it?
I noticed I have unconsciously learnt to do a self-review every night before I sleep off, then a total week review of my performance. This is where i draw strength. I also use LinkedIn quite often (any user can attest to how people's post on LinkedIn will knock senses back to you). I also have pictures of my most prioritised goal as my wallpaper just to keep my drive. Find what works for you.
However you going to go about your goals this year, let them thrill you. Have a plan to stay consistent and beat procrastination. Have fun becoming a goal getter this year.
Thanks for reading.
2nd image is my lockscreen