Very nice theme to motivate us to write this week: "The art of loving what I am". Thanks @talentos. Without a doubt, it will be very beautiful to share in the Today's Talent Meeting. I invite you to be present and be filled with "good vibes".
Nobody gives what they don't have. Who does not know love, cannot love. So let's start by loving ourselves, but in our totality, in the "holos". That implies knowing ourselves, recognizing ourselves and accepting ourselves.
No one is perfect, but we all have the desire for perfection, therefore we can improve our totality, progressively developing faculties that may be dormant or underdeveloped.
My imperfections are in me, they are part of my being and my being. I must love myself with them, if I hate them, I hate myself. Self-love should give me strength to improve what I think I should change, I should seek in myself the strategies to change what I can change, to lovingly accept what I cannot change
the inside of a flower, our inner world harbors an exquisite richness, but it has to be found. Observing, reflecting and meditating are experiences that will allow us to get closer to the wonderful being that each of us is, regardless of the number of defects we may have, we will always be a wonderful human being, worthy of loving and being loved.
I love that wonderful human being that I am, of whom I discover a little more every day, whom I support in his doubts and forgive his mistakes; because I am a wonderful imperfect human being and instead of feeling guilty about it, I accept myself as I know myself.
I say as I know myself, because one of my limitations is the inability to fully know myself; but with perseverance and the aforementioned strategies of observation, reflection and meditation will allow me to progressively achieve a greater knowledge of myself.
To the extent that you can understand me more, love me more, support me more, forgive me more; I will be able to understand, love, support and forgive others. To the extent that I understand and accept my weaknesses, I will be able to understand the imperfections of others, accept their mistakes and avoid being inflexible, judging them by their behavior.
It is incredible how from love for oneself, we come to love towards others. Something very distant from egotistical attitudes, for which love for the ego exalts its position above others and distorts love for oneself, distancing it from sharing with the other that is fundamental for the integral human being.
It is advisable to look in the mirror and help raise self-esteem, telling us how good we look, how the new look favors us or imagining a flattering change.
It is equally advisable to express our pride in an achievement, especially if we have made a great effort, and look at ourselves in the mirror, with eyes shining with the enthusiasm of triumph. It's good to feel like this and enjoy it. And record in our minds that image of ours in the face of success, to remember it and invigorate ourselves in less successful moments and thus re-energize our self-esteem.
◘Ésta es mi publicación para "Encuentro de Talentos". Es una publicación 100% original. ◘Las imágenes tienen sus fuentes al pie. Los separadores de párrafos son de mi propiedad. ◘ Utilicé el traductor de Google.
◘This is my post for "Talent Match". It is a 100% original publication. ◘The images have their sources at the bottom. Paragraph separators are my property. ◘ I used Google translate.