12 hábitos comunes de las personas infelices. // 12 common habits of unhappy people.

in #hive-1100113 years ago

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Las personas infelices son aquellas que no están contentas con su vida, con lo que tienen y con ellas mismas. No encuentran la felicidad en ninguna de las facetas de su vida y por eso se encuentran continuamente insatisfechas.

Algunos expertos en la materia consideran que existen tres tipos de personas infelices: las que no saben cómo ser felices, las que saben cómo ser felices pero no lo son, y las que son felices pero no quieren serlo.

No saben cómo ser felices.

Son muchas las personas que pasan por la vida sin encontrar la felicidad. No saben cómo buscarla ni qué hacer para obtenerla. Lo único que les queda es resignarse a no ser nunca felices.

Saben cómo ser felices pero no lo son.

Hay otras personas a las que les cuesta mucho más ser felices. Saben perfectamente qué hacer para lograrlo, pero sus miedos, inseguridades y temores les impiden estar contentas. Se conforman con vivir una vida «normal» sin darse cuenta de que podrían estar mucho mejor si lograran vencer esos obstáculos.

Son felices pero no quieren serlo.

Por último, están las personas que son felices, pero aun así tienen momentos en los que piensan en el pasado o en el futuro con preocupación y ansiedad. Son personas a las que les gustaría ser más felices, pero hay algo en ellas mismas – una sensación de culpa, inseguridad o miedo –que les impide estar realmente contentas.

Como sabemos no hay una sola causa que conduzca a la infelicidad, sin embargo, existen ciertos hábitos comunes de las personas infelices. La clave para la felicidad está en reconocer estos hábitos y cambiarlos. A continuación ahondaremos más en los hábitos más comunes de las personas infelices:

  1. Se comparan con otras personas: Las personas infelices tienden a compararse continuamente con otras personas, sea en el trabajo, la escuela, las redes sociales o en cualquier otro contexto. Esta tendencia las lleva a creer que son inferiores a otros y que no son lo suficientemente buenas en nada. La comparación constante solo genera ansiedad, inseguridad y sentimientos de frustración.

  2. No aceptan los retos: Las personas infelices tienden a rehuir los retos y las situaciones que implican esfuerzo. Prefieren quedarse en su zona de confort, donde todo es fácil y sin complicaciones. Sin embargo, cuando se mantiene esta actitud durante mucho tiempo, se termina por experimentar una vida aburrida y sin emociones.

  3. Se enfocan en los problemas: Los problemas son parte de la vida, pero las personas infelices tienden a centrarse solo en ellos y a darles mucha importancia. Esto les hace ver las cosas de manera negativa y les impide disfrutar de momentos felices. En lugar de centrarse en los problemas, es mejor intentar buscar soluciones para ellos.

  4. Buscan la perfección: Las personas infelices tienden a buscar la perfección en todo lo que hacen, lo cual es imposible. Esto genera un gran estrés y frustración, ya que nunca están satisfechos con lo que hacen. En vez de esforzarse por ser perfectos, es mejor intentar ser creativos e innovadores.

  5. Se culpan a sí mismas: Las personas infelices tienden a culparse a sí mismas por todo lo malo que les pasa. Esto les lleva a sentirse culpables y angustiadas la mayor parte del tiempo. En lugar de pensar negativamente acerca de sí mismos, es mejor tratar de ser positivos y reconocer sus logros.

  6. Se focalizan mucho en el pasado o en el futuro: las personas infelices tienden a rumiar todos sus fracasos y equivocaciones, y pasan demasiado tiempo revisando lo que hicieron mal. En lugar de enfocarse en el presente y en lo que pueden mejorar, se quedan anclados en el pasado, lo que les impide avanzar. Pensar demasiado en el futuro puede llevar a la ansiedad y al estrés, mientras que pensar demasiado en el pasado puede llevar a la tristeza y al arrepentimiento. Es mejor vivir el presente plenamente sin preocuparse por el futuro ni por el pasado.

  7. Son negativos: el pensamiento negativo es una de las principales causas de la infelicidad. Las personas infelices tienen una tendencia a magnificar todos los problemas, y ven el mundo a través de una lente negativa. Esto les impide ser felices y vivir plenamente.

  8. Se centran en los defectos de los demás: las personas infelices tienden a observar todos los defectos en los demás, lo que les causa rabia, ira e incluso odio. Según ellos, nadie es perfecto, por lo que es inútil intentar ser amable o comprensivo con los demás.

  9. Toman las cosas personalmente: las personas infelices tienden a tomar todas las críticas como un ataque personal, lo que les causa mucha ansiedad y daños emocionales. No saben lidiar con la frustración y la decepción, por lo que se aferran a cualquier cosa que les haga sentir bien.

  10. Creen que la felicidad es un derecho: Las personas infelices creen que la felicidad es un derecho, y si no están felices, entonces algo va mal. Pensar así conduce a la frustración y a la sensación de fracaso cuando las cosas no salen como se espera. La clave para la felicidad no está en buscarla fuera de nosotros mismos, sino en cultivar nuestros propios dones y talentos.

  11. Buscan felicidad en situaciones externas: Las personas infelices buscan una fuente constante de alegría y placer en sus vidas, lo cual conduce a una búsqueda constante de estímulos externos. Esto resulta en una mayor probabilidad de experimentar el dolor emocional cuando las cosas no salen como se esperaban. En lugar de buscar la felicidad en situaciones externas, es mejor buscarla dentro de nosotros mismos.

  12. Tienen pensamientos negativos sobre sí mismos: Las personas infelices tienden a ser críticas consigo mismas, lo cual lleva a un sentimiento continuo de inseguridad e inferioridad. Esto hace que sea más difícil sentirse satisfechos consigo mismos y disfrutar de las cosas buenas de la vida. Es importante cultivar pensamientos positivos sobre nosotros mismos y aprender a aceptarnos tal como somos.

Es importante identificar todos esos hábitos para tener un ejercicio de introspección y revisar lo que estamos haciendo mal. Mientras más nos hacemos conscientes de estas conductas nocivas más fácil puede que hagamos un cambio de mentalidad para mejorarnos como personas.image.png
Unhappy people are those who are not happy with their life, with what they have and with themselves. They do not find happiness in any of the facets of their life and that is why they are continuously dissatisfied.

Some experts in the field consider that there are three types of unhappy people: those who do not know how to be happy, those who know how to be happy but are not, and those who are happy but do not want to be.

They do not know how to be happy.

There are many people who go through life without finding happiness. They do not know how to look for it or what to do to obtain it. The only thing left for them is to resign themselves to never being happy.

They know how to be happy but they are not.

There are other people who find it much harder to be happy. They know perfectly well what to do to achieve it, but their fears, insecurities and fears prevent them from being happy. They are content to live a "normal" life without realizing that they could be much better off if they could overcome these obstacles.

They are happy but don't want to be.

Finally, there are people who are happy, but still have moments when they think about the past or the future with worry and anxiety. These are people who would like to be happier, but there is something in themselves - a sense of guilt, insecurity or fear - that prevents them from being truly content.

As we know there is no single cause that leads to unhappiness, however, there are certain common habits of unhappy people. The key to happiness lies in recognizing these habits and changing them. Below we will delve more deeply into the most common habits of unhappy people:

  1. They compare themselves to other people: unhappy people tend to continually compare themselves to other people, whether at work, school, social networks or in any other context. This tendency leads them to believe that they are inferior to others and that they are not good enough at anything. Constant comparison only generates anxiety, insecurity and feelings of frustration.

  2. They do not accept challenges: Unhappy people tend to shy away from challenges and situations that involve effort. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone, where everything is easy and uncomplicated. However, when this attitude is maintained for a long time, they end up experiencing a dull and emotionless life.

  3. They focus on problems: Problems are part of life, but unhappy people tend to focus only on them and give them a lot of importance. This makes them see things negatively and prevents them from enjoying happy moments. Instead of focusing on problems, it is better to try to find solutions to them.

  4. They seek perfection: Unhappy people tend to seek perfection in everything they do, which is impossible. This generates great stress and frustration, as they are never satisfied with what they do. Instead of striving for perfection, it is better to try to be creative and innovative.

  5. They blame themselves: Unhappy people tend to blame themselves for everything bad that happens to them. This leads them to feel guilty and distressed most of the time. Instead of thinking negatively about themselves, it is better to try to be positive and acknowledge their accomplishments.

  6. They focus too much on the past or the future: Unhappy people tend to ruminate on all their failures and mistakes, and spend too much time reviewing what they did wrong. Instead of focusing on the present and what they can improve, they get stuck in the past, which prevents them from moving forward. Thinking too much about the future can lead to anxiety and stress, while thinking too much about the past can lead to sadness and regret. It is better to live in the present fully without worrying about the future or the past.

  7. They are negative: negative thinking is one of the main causes of unhappiness. Unhappy people have a tendency to magnify all problems, and see the world through a negative lens. This prevents them from being happy and living fully.

  8. They focus on the faults of others: unhappy people tend to observe all the flaws in others, which causes them anger, rage and even hatred. According to them, no one is perfect, so it is useless to try to be kind or sympathetic to others.

  9. They take things personally: unhappy people tend to take all criticism as a personal attack, which causes them a lot of anxiety and emotional damage. They do not know how to deal with frustration and disappointment, so they cling to anything that makes them feel good.

  10. They believe that happiness is a right: Unhappy people believe that happiness is a right, and if they are not happy, then something is wrong. Thinking this way leads to frustration and a sense of failure when things don't go as expected. The key to happiness is not in seeking it outside ourselves, but in cultivating our own gifts and talents.

  11. They seek happiness in external situations: Unhappy people look for a constant source of joy and pleasure in their lives, which leads to a constant search for external stimuli. This results in a greater likelihood of experiencing emotional pain when things don't go as expected. Instead of looking for happiness in external situations, it is better to look for it within ourselves.

  12. They have negative thoughts about themselves: Unhappy people tend to be critical of themselves, which leads to a continuous feeling of insecurity and inferiority. This makes it more difficult to feel satisfied with themselves and enjoy the good things in life. It is important to cultivate positive thoughts about ourselves and learn to accept ourselves as we are.

It is important to identify all these habits in order to have an exercise of introspection and review what we are doing wrong. The more we become aware of these harmful behaviors the easier it may be for us to make a change in our mentality to improve ourselves as people.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Imagen hecha por @fclore22


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The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism