[ESP/ENG] La pérdida desde el extranjero/ The loss from abroad

in #hive-1103722 years ago



Hace casi 4 años atrás dejé mi país Venezuela, hace casi 4 años estoy en una ciudad costera de Colombia; quizá el primer pensamiento sea que entre Colombia y Venezuela no hay mucha distancia, pero para los que vivimos acá son casi 3 días de viaje en autobús. Empiezo diciendo esto porque hace un año tuve una pérdida familiar, un tío falleció, yo era muy apegada a él y esa noticia fue como hielo en mi cabeza. Hace unos pocos días tambien falleció mi abuelo, en ese momento yo estaba en mi trabajo y literalmente me sentí desfallecer. Sentí que me faltaba el aire, mi cuerpo temblaba y mi mente no procesaba nada. No es fácil programar un viaje de un momento a otro, mi trabajo no me lo permite, así sea por circunstancias especiales, es muy complicado solicitar un permiso; y mucho más aún cuando está la incógnita de cuándo regresarás.

La pérdida desde el extranjero se vive de una manera diferente, estás sola o solo, lidiando con todos los pensamientos que vienen a tu mente, el dolor se hace más fuerte porque no hay nadie a tu alrededor que te entienda por completo, pueden compadecerse de ti, pero nunca sentirán lo que tú sientes. Hacer una llamada a tu familia y verlos todos reunidos y apoyados entre sí, hace más difícil mirar a tu alrededor y encontrarte sólo.

Es en esos momentos cuando necesitas un abrazo de tu familia, cuando necesitas sentir el calorcito que aportan tus padres. También es en esos momentos cuando empiezas a dudar de ti, de tus proyectos; piensas si estás haciendo lo correcto al sacrificar el tiempo con tu familia por estar trabajando en otro lugar.

Yo soy muy insegura, y cada vez que me dicen que alguien de mi familia está enfermo, se forman cientos y cientos de pensamientos negativos que me afectan en más de un sentido.

La verdad es que me encontraba valorando opciones para regresar a Venezuela y poder estar con mi familia al mismo tiempo que me dedico a cumplir mis sueños, pero todos mis conocidos (hasta mis padres y hermanas) me dicen que irme allá sería perder todo por lo que he trabajado acá. Son palabras que me hacen quedar entre la espada y la pared, vivo entre las ganas de irme y la necesidad de quedarme; siempre permanezco pensando en que pasaría si pierdo otro de mis familiares estando en el exterior ¿Seré capaz de lidiar con el dolor nuevamente? ¿Seré capaz de soltar el sentimiento de culpa por no compartir más tiempo con mis seres queridos?

Estoy totalmente consciente de que esas dudas son totalmente creadas por mi inseguridad y que si caigo en ellas afectarán mi camino a la meta que quiero llegar, intento deshacerme de ellas, pero aún ciertos pensamientos están en mi mente.

Se que si llego a perder otro ser querido estando en el extranjero, va a doler, dolerá mucho, pero tendré la capacidad de superarlo. Sin embargo, es algo a lo que no me quiero enfrentar de nuevo.



Almost 4 years ago I left my country Venezuela, almost 4 years ago I am in a coastal city in Colombia; maybe the first thought is that between Colombia and Venezuela there is not much distance, but for those of us who live here it is almost a 3 days bus ride. I start saying this because a year ago I had a family loss, an uncle passed away, I was very close to him and that news was like ice in my head. A few days ago my grandfather also passed away, at that time I was at work and I literally felt faint. I felt short of breath, my body was shaking and my mind was not processing anything. It is not easy to schedule a trip from one moment to the next, my job does not allow me to do so, even if it is for special circumstances, it is very complicated to request a leave, and even more so when there is the unknown of when you will return.

The loss from abroad is lived in a different way, you are alone, dealing with all the thoughts that come to your mind, the pain is stronger because there is no one around you who understands you completely, they can sympathize with you, but they will never feel what you feel. Making a call to your family and seeing them all gathered and supporting each other, makes it harder to look around and find yourself alone.

It's at those times when you need a hug from your family, when you need to feel the warmth that your parents bring. It is also in those moments when you start to doubt yourself, your projects; you think if you are doing the right thing by sacrificing time with your family to be working somewhere else.

I am very insecure, and every time I am told that someone in my family is sick, hundreds and hundreds of negative thoughts form that affect me in more ways than one.

The truth is that I was considering options to return to Venezuela and be with my family at the same time that I dedicate myself to fulfill my dreams, but everyone I know (even my parents and sisters) tell me that going there would mean losing everything I have worked for here. These are words that put me between a rock and a hard place, I live between the desire to leave and the need to stay; I always keep thinking about what would happen if I lose another of my family members while I am abroad, will I be able to deal with the pain again, will I be able to let go of the feeling of guilt for not sharing more time with my loved ones, will I be able to let go of the guilt for not sharing more time with my loved ones?

I am fully aware that these doubts are totally created by my insecurity and that if I fall into them they will affect my way to the goal I want to reach, I try to get rid of them, but still certain thoughts are in my mind.

I know that if I ever lose another loved one while abroad, it will hurt, it will hurt a lot, but I will have the ability to overcome it. However, it's something I don't want to face again.


Gracias por leer.

Thank you for reading

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I feel you, I also live 3 days of driving from my family. When my grandma died and I couldn't go to her funeral I felt guilty too, but in the end, my parents gave me tranquillity. As your parents also do to you. But you can't cut your dreams off and all the work you have done until now. Life is not easy, the losses hurt of course, but we learn to adapt ourselves to situations :))

You are right, my parents from a distance have given me many words of support, my dad even with his pain for the loss was able to help me in the best way. I understand that in the same way everything is part of growing up. Thank you very much for your words, I wish you much success always.

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