La Belleza de la Tranquilidad: Cómo el Estrés Afecta Nuestra Apariencia y Bienestar/ The Beauty of Tranquility: How Stress Affects Our Appearance and Well-Being [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1103725 months ago



En la vida moderna, especialmente como mujeres, nos encontramos constantemente equilibrando múltiples roles y responsabilidades. Desde nuestras carreras hasta nuestras familias, pasando por nuestras relaciones personales, parece que siempre hay algo que demanda nuestra atención. En medio de este torbellino de actividades, es fácil perder de vista lo que realmente importa: nuestra paz interior y nuestra salud mental.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

In modern life, especially as women, we find ourselves constantly balancing multiple roles and responsibilities. From our careers to our families to our personal relationships, there always seems to be something demanding our attention. In the midst of this whirlwind of activities, it's easy to lose sight of what really matters: our inner peace and mental health.



A menudo olvidamos que nuestro estado emocional y mental tiene un impacto directo en nuestra apariencia. Cuando estamos experimentando altos niveles de estrés, como el aumento de cortisol en nuestro organismo, no solo nos sentimos abrumadas, sino que también podemos ver y sentir los efectos en nuestra piel, en nuestros ojos y, en general, en nuestra presencia. En contraste, esos días en los que logramos estar relajadas y disfrutando del momento, se reflejan inmediatamente en nuestro rostro y en nuestra energía vital.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

We often forget that our emotional and mental state has a direct impact on our appearance. When we are experiencing high levels of stress, such as increased cortisol in our bodies, we not only feel overwhelmed, but we can also see and feel the effects on our skin, our eyes and, in general, our presence. In contrast, those days when we manage to be relaxed and enjoy the moment are immediately reflected in our face and in our vital energy.



El cortisol es conocido como la hormona del estrés y, en niveles elevados, puede desencadenar una serie de efectos negativos. Estos pueden variar desde problemas de sueño y dificultad para concentrarse hasta la aparición de brotes de acné o un envejecimiento prematuro. En esos momentos de alta tensión, nuestra piel puede volverse opaca, nuestras ojeras pueden acentuarse y, en general, nuestra belleza se ve opacada por el cansancio emocional que llevamos dentro.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and, at elevated levels, can trigger a number of negative effects. These can range from sleep problems and difficulty concentrating to the appearance of acne breakouts or premature aging. In these moments of high stress, our skin can become dull, our dark circles under our eyes can become more pronounced and, in general, our beauty is dulled by the emotional fatigue we carry within us.



Es por eso que me resulta esencial encontrar tiempo para mí misma, para desconectar y simplemente ser. La vida está llena de pequeñas maravillas que, cuando estamos distraídas o preocupadas, pasan desapercibidas. Desde un paseo por el parque, disfrutar de una taza de café o un helado (en mi caso, es mejor el segundo), hasta simplemente sentarse en casa con un buen libro. Cada una de estas actividades me ayuda a reconectar conmigo misma, a calmar mi mente y a disminuir mis niveles de cortisol.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

That's why I find it essential to find time for myself, to disconnect and just be. Life is full of little wonders that, when we are distracted or preoccupied, go unnoticed. From a walk in the park, enjoying a cup of coffee or ice cream (in my case, the latter is better), to simply sitting at home with a good book. Each of these activities helps me reconnect with myself, calm my mind and lower my cortisol levels.



He pasado por varias etapas, y tenido que permitirme incluso, cambiar mi forma de pensar para darle el debido descanso a mi cuerpo. Antes, no podía sentarme o tomar una siesta en la tarde sin sentirme culpable e inutil, ahora, es algo que puedo hacer y que aunque algunas veces quiere aparecer este pensamiento lo combato. Este pensamiento de que no debemos perder el tiempo, que debemos aprovecharlo y siempre estar aprendiendo algo nuevo puede resulttar demasiado para nosotras a largo plazo. Estl debe ser regulado.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

I have gone through several stages, and even had to allow myself to change my way of thinking in order to give my body a proper rest. Before, I could not sit down or take a nap in the afternoon without feeling guilty and useless, now, it is something I can do and although sometimes this thought wants to appear I fight it. This thought that we should not waste time, that we should take advantage of it and always be learning something new can be too much for us in the long run. This must be regulated.



En mi experiencia, hay días en los que el simple acto de estar tranquila me transforma completamente. Me miro al espejo y veo a una mujer radiante, cuya luz interior brilla con más fuerza que nunca. Mi piel tiene un resplandor saludable, mis ojos parecen más claros y sonrientes, y mi alma se siente ligera. Estos son los momentos que atesoro, porque son una recordatorio poderoso de que la verdadera belleza emana de la paz interna.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

In my experience, there are days when the simple act of being still completely transforms me. I look in the mirror and see a radiant woman whose inner light shines brighter than ever. My skin has a healthy glow, my eyes appear clearer and smiling, and my soul feels light. These are the moments I treasure, because they are a powerful reminder that true beauty emanates from inner peace.



Desafiar el sobrepensar y la carga emocional que a menudo llevamos puede ser complicado. Hay días en los que las listas de tareas parecen interminables y el “qué habrá que hacer después” corre por nuestra mente como un mantra incesante. Sin embargo, es esencial practicar la atención plena, el mindfulness, y encontrar momentos de calma en medio del caos. Dedicar diez minutos al día a meditar, practicar la respiración profunda o simplemente disfrutar de un momento de quietud puede tener un impacto profundo en nuestro bienestar emocional.
Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.

Challenging the overthinking and emotional baggage we often carry can be tricky. There are days when to-do lists seem endless and "what's next" runs through our minds like an incessant mantra. However, it is essential to practice mindfulness and find moments of calm in the midst of the chaos. Spending ten minutes a day meditating, practicing deep breathing or simply enjoying a moment of stillness can have a profound impact on our emotional well-being.


Además, puedo asegurarte que no solo se trata de nuestro aspecto físico. Cuando nos sentimos tranquilas y plenas, nuestras relaciones también florecen. Interactuamos desde un lugar de amor y compasión, no desde la ansiedad o el estrés. Esto crea un efecto dominó positivo que se irradia hacia quienes nos rodean y, a su vez, nos regresa como una energía renovada.


Besides, I can assure you that it's not just about our physical appearance. When we feel calm and fulfilled, our relationships flourish as well. We interact out of love and compassion, not anxiety or stress. This creates a positive ripple effect that radiates to those around us and, in turn, comes back to us in the form of renewed energy.


En conclusión, como mujeres, es fundamental recordar la importancia de cuidar no solo de nuestro cuerpo, sino también de nuestra mente y espíritu. Dediquemos tiempo a las actividades que nos llenan de felicidad y nos aportan tranquilidad. Apretemos el “pausa” en nuestro frenético día a día y dejemos que esos momentos de calma y alegría se reflejen en nuestro rostro. Cuando estamos en paz, brillamos; y ese es el regalo más hermoso que podemos darnos a nosotras mismas. Días como hoy son el reflejo de ese esfuerzo consciente por vivir plenamente y en armonía.

In conclusion, as women, it is essential to remember the importance of taking care not only of our body, but also of our mind and spirit. Let's dedicate time to the activities that fill us with happiness and bring us peace of mind. Let's press "pause" on our frenetic day-to-day lives and let those moments of calm and joy reflect on our faces. When we are at peace, we shine; and that is the most beautiful gift we can give ourselves. Days like today are a reflection of that conscious effort to live fully and harmoniously.


A veces nos concentramos tanto en cumplir todos los roles y tareas que necesitamos en nuestro día a día que olvidamos nuestro propio bienestar , es bueno darse cuenta y darnos un poco de tiempo para uno mismo .

Eso es súper cierto!