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Más allá de mi edad tarde o temprano el momento debía llegar, en el marco de todo el alboroto y toda la publicidad que hacen sobre el mes rosa y la importancia de la prevención del cáncer de mamá, llegó mi hora de acudir al MASTOLOGO.
Excelente y bonito día para todos gracias comunidad bonita por la oportunidad de poder expresar mis experiencias por acá con todos ustedes, una vez más aproveche y ubique algo excelente una clínica privada que esta realizando jornadas gratuitas si lees bien GRATUITA de CONSULTA DE MASTOLOGIA, por supuesto el dinero no me sobra ni me cae del cielo así que me planifique, delege mis obligaciones matutinas y sacrifique unas de mis horas de sueño para salir desde las 8am rumbo a la clínica llamada SAN LUCAS, ubicada en Maracaibo a tener mi consulta y evaluación mamaria sin mayor nervio o complicación aparente, en el lugar atienden por orden de llegada y me tocó el número 26 llegando desde temprano y la jornada culmina a mitad del día bastante corta realmente.
No puedo negar que estaba un poco incrédula de que la consulta fuera gratuita por lo q pregunté varias veces a la recepcionista y me volví como loca tomando fotos del lugar para tener material suficiente al momento de subir este post para todos ustedes.Llegó mi turno y entre los nervios a millón debí quitarme la ropa en toda el área superior y el frío de quirófano entre a mis venas y erizo mi piel en segundos.
Me sentí sola y les confieso que sentí muchas ganas de llorar, tengo una tristeza o nostalgia acumulada que me pesa mucho y no he podido soltarla creo que no soy tan fuerte como quisiera o como mi mamá e hijos me necesitan
El doctor comenzó a palparme de lado izquierdo primeramente todo en orden afortunadamente e incluso me felicitó pues tengo mi piel muy bien cuidada. Yo sonreí y le respondí "es que todavía me baño todos los días" es una experiencia o frase que invente en el momento para romper un poco el hielo y sentirme un poco más cómoda y confianza con el médico pues al igual que yo es de Maracaibo. Me examinó y lamentablemente no le gusto una pequeña protuberancia que observo en mi seno derecho realizo una serie de preguntas de rutina y me ordeno un ecomamario de Forma inmediata, el cual NO ES GRATUITO y según lo q arroje ese resultado realizar una biopsia y extraer eso que noto a través de una cirugía menor.
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Mi conclusión
la prevención es clave en todo sentido.
Eso que tanto leemos, vemos y escuchamos es cierto TÓCATE es tu cuerpo, tu templo, Dios te hizo perfecta y así puedes mantenerte solo debes organizar bien tu vida y tu tiempo.
No debemos esperar a estar graves para buscar ayuda profesional, Olvidemos el pudor con nuestro médico, es el profesional y el que sabe sobre la materia no proporcionar toda la información o reservarnos algunas cosas es un error y puede retrasar nuestro diagnóstico o las acciones a tomar.
Tu Salud es una inversión que mereces y debes valorar ahora más que nunca, estamos en un mundo y somos parte de una era tecnológica maravillosa, la ciencia avanza cada día más allá de lo podemos imaginar y suponer, respetemos y permitamos que los expertos realizen su trabajo para mejorar y ayudar en nuestro proceso como siempre digo no somos los primeros ni los únicos, indagemos, leamos y vivamos nuestras experiencias lo mejor posible. .
Gracias por leerme un honor poder compartir mi experiencia con todos ustedes, les seguiré informando.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi misma con mi teléfono Samsung galaxy A02S.
Traducción echa con DeepL.
Footer hecho en canva www.canva.com
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Sooner or later, regardless of my age, the time had to come, and with all the hype and publicity about pink month and the importance of breast cancer prevention, it was time for me to go to the MASTOLOGIST.
Excellent and nice day for all of you, thank you beautiful community for the opportunity to express my experiences here with all of you, once again I took advantage and located something excellent a private clinic that is making free days if you read that right FREE of CONSULTATION OF MASTOLOGY, of course the money does not spare me or falls from heaven so I plan myself, delegate my morning obligations and sacrifice some of my sleep hours to leave from 8am heading to the clinic called SAN LUCAS, located in Maracaibo to have my consultation and breast evaluation without further nerve or apparent complication, in the place they serve on a first come first served basis and I was number 26 arriving early and the day ends in the middle of the day really quite short.
I can not deny that I was a little incredulous that the consultation was free so I asked several times to the receptionist and I went crazy taking pictures of the place to have enough material at the time of uploading this post for all of you. My turn came and between the million nerves I had to take off my clothes in the entire upper area and the cold of the operating room into my veins and bristled my skin in seconds.
I felt alone and I confess that I felt like crying, I have an accumulated sadness or nostalgia that weighs me down and I have not been able to let it go, I think I am not as strong as I would like or as my mother and children need me.
The doctor began to palpate me on my left side, first of all everything was in order, fortunately, and he even congratulated me because my skin was very well cared for. I smiled and answered "it's because I still bathe every day" is an experience or phrase that I invented at the time to break the ice a little and feel a little more comfortable and confident with the doctor because, like me, he is from Maracaibo. He examined me and unfortunately he did not like a small lump that he observed in my right breast, he asked me a series of routine questions and ordered me an immediate ecomammary, which is not free, and depending on the result, he performed a biopsy and extracted what I noticed through minor surgery.
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My conclusion
prevention is key in every way.
What we read, see and hear so much is true. Take care of yourself, it is your body, your temple, God made you perfect and you can keep it that way, you just have to organize your life and your time well.
We should not wait to be serious to seek professional help, Forget the modesty with our doctor, is the professional and the one who knows about the matter not to provide all the information or reserve some things is a mistake and can delay our diagnosis or actions to take.
Your health is an investment that you deserve and you should value now more than ever, we are in a world and we are part of a wonderful technological era, science advances every day beyond what we can imagine and assume, let's respect and allow the experts to do their work to improve and help in our process as I always say we are not the first or the only ones, let's investigate, read and live our experiences as best as possible ... .
Thank you for reading me an honor to be able to share my experience with all of you, I will keep you informed.
All photos were taken by myself with my Samsung galaxy A02S phone.
Translation made with DeepL.
Footer made in canva www.canva.com
Sooner or later, regardless of my age, the time had to come, and with all the hype and publicity about pink month and the importance of breast cancer prevention, it was time for me to go to the MASTOLOGIST.
Excellent and nice day for all of you, thank you beautiful community for the opportunity to express my experiences here with all of you, once again I took advantage and located something excellent a private clinic that is making free days if you read that right FREE of CONSULTATION OF MASTOLOGY, of course the money does not spare me or falls from heaven so I plan myself, delegate my morning obligations and sacrifice some of my sleep hours to leave from 8am heading to the clinic called SAN LUCAS, located in Maracaibo to have my consultation and breast evaluation without further nerve or apparent complication, in the place they serve on a first come first served basis and I was number 26 arriving early and the day ends in the middle of the day really quite short.
I can not deny that I was a little incredulous that the consultation was free so I asked several times to the receptionist and I went crazy taking pictures of the place to have enough material at the time of uploading this post for all of you. My turn came and between the million nerves I had to take off my clothes in the entire upper area and the cold of the operating room into my veins and bristled my skin in seconds.
I felt alone and I confess that I felt like crying, I have an accumulated sadness or nostalgia that weighs me down and I have not been able to let it go, I think I am not as strong as I would like or as my mother and children need me.
The doctor began to palpate me on my left side, first of all everything was in order, fortunately, and he even congratulated me because my skin was very well cared for. I smiled and answered "it's because I still bathe every day" is an experience or phrase that I invented at the time to break the ice a little and feel a little more comfortable and confident with the doctor because, like me, he is from Maracaibo. He examined me and unfortunately he did not like a small lump that he observed in my right breast, he asked me a series of routine questions and ordered me an immediate ecomammary, which is not free, and depending on the result, he performed a biopsy and extracted what I noticed through minor surgery.
My conclusion
prevention is key in every way.
What we read, see and hear so much is true. Take care of yourself, it is your body, your temple, God made you perfect and you can keep it that way, you just have to organize your life and your time well.
We should not wait to be serious to seek professional help, Forget the modesty with our doctor, is the professional and the one who knows about the matter not to provide all the information or reserve some things is a mistake and can delay our diagnosis or actions to take.
Your health is an investment that you deserve and you should value now more than ever, we are in a world and we are part of a wonderful technological era, science advances every day beyond what we can imagine and assume, let's respect and allow the experts to do their work to improve and help in our process as I always say we are not the first or the only ones, let's investigate, read and live our experiences as best as possible ....
Thank you for reading me an honor to be able to share my experience with all of you, I will keep you informed.
All photos were taken by myself with my Samsung galaxy A02S phone.
Translation made with DeepL.
Footer made in canva www.canva.com