Have a great day everyone!
Sometimes when I pick up a pencil, the question comes to mind - why am I doing this?
Yes tough question I want to make forty cents in the Hive maybe I'll get lucky and make a dollar lol.
No manual labor cannot be valued so low, especially since it is a long and painstaking work.
One day when my collection of drawings is large enough I will find an opportunity to get what I wanted, but for now at this stage I can mint a small number of unique digital impressions or NFTs, the circulation of which is so low that if it was a postage stamp its value would have exceeded hundreds of thousands of dollars.
NVTs are no less unique than postage stamps and cannot be minted a second time.
30 copies of NFTs, reproductions of my "Morning Fishing" drawing, appeared on palnet.io.
The price of one NFT is 200,000 PAL coins, or $17 today, which is very cheap.
Here is the link to the NFT:
Well, and perhaps I should confirm that this is exactly manual work without the help of digital technologies.
I worked with pencils of varying degrees of hardness with a graphite core.
If you are interested in purchasing the original drawing please contact me.
Well now it's time to show off my new acquisition which I made to support other NFT authors and replenish my own collection.
I bought the entire NFTs run created by: @holovision.
Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.
Author @barski.