in #hive-11060last year

Many single parents in the world today didn’t plan on being a single parent, it happened due to different challenges, it could have been a divorce between the couple, or even death, while some weren’t even married before they had a baby, due to some issues they both fell out of love.
Single parenting isn’t anyone’s desire but if it eventually happens then you’ve got to live it with till an alternative arrives.


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Single parenting has so many impacts positively and negatively on both the parent and the child emotionally, physically, financially and other wise.
As a single parent, your love and attention is undivided towards your child because it is just reserved for them. You have the right to make any decisions towards them with lesser arguements coming from your spouse if you were married, there is no constant disagreement between you and any one in the house that would affect the children. A closer relationship between the parent and the children is certain when you become friends with your child, he or she gets to tell you everything little that goes on in their life, your child becomes independent and they are able to do things on their own because sometimes a single parent is always busy with work.


Having a spouse that helps in the finacial bills of a child is not easy, not to talk of being a single parent, all expenses are on you, from the house rent to school fees, feeding, medical bills and other stuffs. One of the disadvantages towards the child is having a low self esteem, most of the children with a single parent are constantly bullied and abused about having a single parent. Most times both the children and the parent are unable to spend quality time together due to work and travelling.
Although being a single parent has the ability to make all the decisions but it also becomes challenging because there is no helping hand, the work becomes too much for the parent, because you have to work for two and double your hustling day by day just to cater for the children and also for yourself.

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One of the risk of being a single parent is how you constantly have to remind and reassure your child or children of how you love them, because even at the end, some of the children still craves the love of the other parents because they have been bullied about it. People who don’t really know your story of how you became a single parent constantly throw shades at you for being one and whereas you are even better off than them who have spouses.
Most single parents usually have bottled up emotions and anger towards their child, because they feel like the child is dragging them back from having other relationships or restricting them from going about their daily lives.


Like I wrote earlier, nobody desires to be single parent but such is life, being a single parent means that you should be able to accept the responsibilities and move on, the parent should be able to communicate with the children, and should be committed to his or her children and also have a positive open mind towards the relationship with the children.



Nevertheless, it is not easy to be a single parents. No one prays for it but once it happens, accept it and live!

Exactly dear, thanks for stopping by

The responsibility is always much more on an individual than on both the partners. Being a single parent has a negative impact a lot more than a positive impact and this affects children a lot as they are made to face all kinds of abusive scenarios which makes them feel unloved and lonely.

Yes dear, more reason why we should able to make good decisions on time before bringing In another human


Thank you @hive-naija, this means a lot!