Blood & War

in #hive-110604 months ago

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Sci-fi, Fantasy, Romance, Crime, Mystery/Thriller, Horror, Comedy, Action, Young Adult, Documentary… given my personality, what am I likely to choose? Romance! If anyone knows me, they will say, “She’s rom-com person”. Which is not a lie. I love rom-coms. It is my preferred genre when it comes to fiction both written and filmed. I just love to laugh and get lost in a world of bedazzled and enamored heroes. However, what goes on in my head is very different.

I am a rom-com person. For the life of me, I cannot watch any horror film with both eyes open. I would never sign up to live my life in a horror film or one that looks like it. As a young girl who leans more towards the dark side of everything because she is naïve and thinks the world functions like some kind of wheel, I tend to get excited by… not normal things. I have had my bursts of anger and my fits of rage, and the mind is a dangerous place and it feeds on the Intel you give it. Sometimes, I fear that one day I would just explode and go kaboom on people. This has already happened by the way.

Psychological Thrillers is another favourite. Mostly the books. I have watched a few movies and animes based on mind games alone, it is thrilling. Then we have my habit of falling into daydreams where it is raining blood and rolling heads. I do not even know if I can stand the sight of blood. I watch crime documentaries when I am bored and shudder at chilling stories of animalistic behaviours. So why does the concept of anarchy appeal so much to me?

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

I mostly get lost in this state when I read or hear the news. Always triggered when reminded of the uselessness of our government. I just want to see their heads roll especially the fat cows. Anyway, I cannot make this happen. I can only imagine it and in my head, I am always doing the slitting. Funny how I can easily imagine cutting someone’s head off but cannot stand to see an open wound. Talk about a conflicting personality. I do not even know what I want…lol

Nevertheless, the main point is… I would live on the part of fiction where the powerful thrive. The boss in the shadows, the dumb one who is always underestimated, the puppeteer mistaken for the puppet. A road of twists and turns - burns and triumphs. I have imagined being an undercover spy surrounded by cold, calculating people and two scenarios always play in my head at the end… their death or mine.

I write fiction because I imagine myself daily as different characters. The only time I am sane enough to comprehend that this is reality is when I am working or playing. Every other time, I am living in the make believe world inside my head. Reminds me of Sub-Urbans’ line in his famous song, Cradles, “Tape my eyes open to force reality”. In essence, in reality, I am a rom-com girl but inside my head, it is all blood and war.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Sometimes, I wish I can create that world of my own in reality other than just recreating different stuff in my head. Even though it's temporary, I find comfort in that little time I spend daydreaming.

Reality is harsh but coping is just inevitable... Thanks for participating in the Hive-naija weekly prompt.

It’s my pleasure Georgie. And yes, we always look for an escape

Rom com and action especially spy centric is me.

Ah well it takes allsort, where is the cake .. Happy birthday Deraa.

Awww. Thank you Eddie. Cake is digested

Any left ... I want something sweet preferably darker

I’ll just give you a human body part…

That's the answer 😁

Cannibal!!! 👀👀👀


haha had to delete a gif I was going to send 🤣

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