Absolutely Nothing To Lose.

in #hive-110604 months ago

If anyone asks me my thoughts on technology, I will give my usual response,

"Technology is good. It has helped the world advance. However, there are things technology stole from us that we may never get to recover."

While growing up, I think the only technology I understood so well was the television because I and my siblings and parents will sit before the television most evenings watching our favourite channel.

I think I remember the pressing iron, the electric kettle, and what again? Maybe the small button phone we used to play music when we were bored.

As a kid, whenever I returned from school and complete my assignments, the next place I'll be is outside, playing 'hide and seek', 'suwe', 'catch and do' and some other funny games that kept us happy.

Our world was literally a free one. I'm imagining myself in that kind of world again but, I doubt if it will ever happen.

Right now, I can remember wishing to see a childhood friend of mine. We were so close and I really wanted us to meet again, after a long time as since we became adults, we changed environments.

After we met, I was expecting our talks to be like the old times. Maybe, we walk together, holding our hands in the streets, or climb the tree in our compound, or even sing loudly while painting our faces in a funny way.

But, she was so lost in the world of her phone. Whenever I tried initiating a conversation, she wouldn't reply. It wasn't a good moment for me and I felt like I had just wasted my time calling her.

I guess that's one of the things technology has done. These days especially since connecting to the people in the other parts of the world has been made easier, our phones now seem like a best friend to us. Most times when we feel sad, or weak, we find it hard to talk to a human who is able to understand us. Instead, we try to silence those feelings through endless scrolling on the internet.

Now, everybody wants to work online. So, who will make beans cake for us? Haha. Just kidding. There are still many profitable things we can do to earn a living even offline and even, connect with people.

I am not saying I don't love technology. I mean, who doesn't? But, then, I think there should be a break from time to time.

For me, if I should suddenly experience a sudden blackout and can't use technology like I am now, I don't think I have anything to lose.

There's an adage that says, "When a door closes, another one opens."

So, with that, I already have ideas to run with, just in any case.

First, I will look for a way to earn a living. You know, sustenance is really important.

So, for someone who has always had interest in agriculture, I will focus on farming my own food and sell the excess produce at local markets. That way, I earn more money. The Igbo woman in me will not stop loving money. 😂

Another thing I'll love to do is to take part in outdoor activities. I think this introvertism started when I became an adult. Because, the little me loved outings a lot. I think I have become so dependent on technology that I see little or no reasons to hang out. I mean, I can always watch movies on my phone, why should I go to a cinema? I can always chat with friends, what's the need of hanging out with them again? Is it not just to talk? I guess my mind has been wired that way.

So, I'll make sure to take part in outdoor activities. I want to do hikings, I want to ride bicycles. I want to go to a lake and catch fishes. I want to see the beauty of nature.

Just like my mom would gather my siblings and I every evenings and tell us stories, I want to gather children, turn on the lantern and set it in their middle, while they listen to my stories that would either make them scared, cry, or laugh. I honestly want to do this!

I used to have a lot of notebooks for writing. But right now, I just write directly on my phone. Oh, how I miss the smell of books!

I will get a lot of notebooks and write my whole day, inhaling the smell of the new books and drawing more inspiration.

Also, I will love to attend community meetings, organize gatherings where we can come together to pray, sing, dance or even share our knowledges with each other.

To contribute to this, I will also learn a new skill like making of footwears because I made footwears as a kid. Adding that to my skill will help a lot.

So, you see, I have nothing to lose because I will utilize the opportunity so well.

Thank you for reading.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The Igbo lady in you makes me laugh 😅, hehe
But you can still do most of those things you listed with or without technology, we just need to learn how to balance things and give our phones a break now and then.


Yes, balance. I need to work on that aspect.

Thank you for stopping by.

The fact that you said you’ll focus on ways to earn money got me thinking… then why don’t you venture into agriculture now?
Add it to what you’re doing? Or I missed the part where you’re already doing it?

I guess I didn't add that. I'm doing it but I didn't take it as a full time work. I might do that later, but I don't think it's possible for now.


Seriously technology has come and taken our friendship from us, no communication between families or friends anymore, everyone is focused on phone

I love the fact that you mentioned ways to leverage in absence of technology and babe, you ain't alone I dey your back like sch back


We need some time out. Thank you for stopping by.

You remind me a lot of childhood and life was indeed beautiful then. We can't condemn technology because we thought it took a lot of things away from us meanwhile humans are the ones who choose to completely ignore the old way.

You have got lots of plan Incase technology suddenly disappear but I strongly believe that nothing should stop you from doing all you have mentioned even with technology around.

Thank you. 😀😀