Should Couples Have a Joint Account? My Personal Experience

in #hive-110604 months ago


I have heard so many reasons as regards couples having a joint account and when I was asked if it's okay, my answer as of then was that it is a good thing when both partners agree together. While some persons may agree to this, others may disagree with their reasons, especially that it is dangerous in the sense that when things go wrong between them, one partner might quickly withdraw the money even more than what they have agreed on because each partner has access to the account. Why some people may only focus on the negative side of this, I would be using a life experience on this in the positive way.

Financial stability is one fundamental principle among individuals including couples who want the best for themselves and their homes. Some couples have embraced joint accounts till now and are doing better because of the foundation being laid right from the beginning. It is important to set boundaries when it comes to having something together especially when one does not know what lies ahead. Everyone does not want issues to arise but in some way, either intentional or not, issues arise and everyone should find ways around it to resolve the issue rather than allowing pride or anger to destroy things.

Some months ago, my sisters and I came up with an idea. As adults with growing responsibilities, we often faced unexpected bills and for things to be easier for us, we created a separate account with the name "Charity". This account is meant for those we wish to help either in the family or outsiders.

We decided to always deposit whatever amount every time we have it so that when responsibilities show up, it would be easier to remove from the charity account and not be subjected to the pressure of looking for ways to raise money at the last minute. This idea has been helping us settle bills in the family, and help people around us who needed help without inconveniencing ourselves. The whole thing here is how we were able to set the boundaries and make sure that every one of us is aware whenever money is to be removed and the reason should be stated.

This is also likened to couples who want to have a joint account. To me, I would say it is safe and in another way, dangerous because there is nothing that has its pros without its cons. So, let's share some:



Transparency: Just like us, we can know what is going on, how money is sent out and for what purpose. So is a joint account with couples. Financial transparency is strengthened by joint accounts. Both partners would be able to see where the money is going and for what purpose.

Simplified Finances: Do you know we were able to manage our family's expenses with a single account being created? It has become so easy that we don't have to feel stressed looking for ways to raise money because we were always committed to putting in money every time which is a proactive step, and removing money to settle bills becomes easier. So is it with couples having a joint account. Once they are intentional about the goal, then all other things are settled.

Building Trust: Mind you, if partners have trust issues, they should steer clear from opening a joint account. We trusted ourselves, and this is why we could open a charity account to achieve its purpose and so we don't get stressed in the end. Having a joint account between couples can foster trust especially when they can handle the account judiciously.

Emergency Access: This should be the sole purpose of opening a joint account. Emergency expenses will show and when couples have agreed to create such an account to settle this, it relieves them and does not put pressure on them when the unexpected shows up, and knowing that both of them have something on the ground makes it more easier and convenient.



Loss of individual control: This is something that needs to be addressed even before they venture into opening a joint account. Everyone is different and when it comes to money, one partner might indulge in a spending spree than the other and when both of them are not able to talk about it and find ways to control it, then it becomes hard to open an account together. Both partners have equal access which means one's habit of spending might affect the other.

Risk of Misuse: We have gotten to the real part. Issues will arise and misunderstandings will happen and when not solved amicably, it makes a relationship deteriorate and you know what that means? A partner could get angry and decide to withdraw everything without thinking of the other person.

Legal Complications: When divorce or separation finally happens, splitting a joint account can become legally complex. Having to sit down to weigh every option is important as it helps to have concrete solutions to unexpected occurrences. So, if both of them do not come to discuss this amongst themselves first, it becomes easy to overlook these possible factors thereby causing a big problem in the long run.

In conclusion, having a joint account by couples should be something to discuss, weigh the options and benefits, including the consequences it might bring and find ways to deal with it. A joint account is safe and at the same time dangerous depending on how well couples manage and communicate about it.

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Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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In the case of divorce, what's gonna happen? That's a big question to ask couples before they wed, I don't fancy the idea of having a joint account with my partner, except we have a single purpose why we need a joint account then we can try but it doesn't behave to be fully joined maybe just some percentage of our earning.

Yea. The issue of communication and agreement are important even before taking such step.

When it comes to joint account btw couples, it's something that needs adequate deliberation between the much they trust and understand themselves husband and I are doing something like that but I wouldn't calk it a join account because only me manages the account
More of what works for you and ur hubby
Nice analysis here

Yea. What work for both of you is what matters. Trust is indeed one important thing here. Thank you, mama.

My dear, this is why marriage for me is kind of stressful, hehe
Left for me, I would prefer the couple maintain their indivual accounts but share responsibilities. There may be more peace this way you know

Hmm. Marriage is good though and of course, there would be stress in it.
Well, what works for one won't work for another. Some people just like you would prefer individual accounts but shared responsibility.

Well, for me, the pros on having a joint account is far greater than the cons but I don't advise partners having trust issues to embark on such journey.


Exactly. If you can't trust each other, then don't try it to avoid future issues.

I see it very romantic to share everything with my partner including finances because money is one of the most important substance and if I don't trust my partner with it then what can I do.

I don't see any huge risk in joint account if my partner is trustworthy and we both have our personal accounts aside our joint account.

You see, what many people do not know is that in marriage, each partner must know everything and be carried along including finance because they are both in it for the long term. Having trust is one key important and when you both trust each other, then there wouldn't be any problem at all.

Everytime I see couples do this joint account thing, if often ends in tears for the women.

My take on the joint account thing is that since the women are incharge of the home, they should be made the only signatory to the account and like you rightly said, the account should be for expenses only! Not for savings.


Hahaha. Don't you think there would be problem more when the woman is the only signatory? Well, it all boils down to trust in each other. If they trust each other well, then there shouldn't be any issue.

😂 Before a man entrust such a task to his wife, she has proved beyond every reasonable doubt that she's mentally stable and a good manager. That is trust.

🤣🤣🤣 that's right oo. Women ehn, don't trust my gender 😂😂 but you can trust me 🙂


Reading your post I decided not to create a joint account 😅. Trust can be broken anytime. If everything remain ok then there is no issues having a separate account. I can give funding to grow another account of my partners but I won't give access to my own account. What will I take such kind of risk. And as I will funding her account also it can be used in emergency time also.
Negative side highlighted a lot because negative thing happened most of the time. It's better to stay alert.

Hahaha. Yea, I agree with you. Trust can be broken anytime since we all are humans and that is why I had to lay out both the pros and cons. But it all depends on both partners on how they have communicated and agreed on this before they start.

You can have separate accounts. You just have a join account where you both donate to. You are not giving her access to personal account.

So it doesn't hurt to partake in joint acct.

Yes, this is rightly said. Having joint account doesn't mean they should not have their separate account. The joint one is just to settle emergencies and to ease the stress for them. Thank you, Stars.

The complexities surrounding a joint account is very delicate. Trust is the most important factor in things like this. And if the couples are in agreement, strongly and without doubt, there would be no future problems.

Yes, that is very right. When both partners are in strong agreement, then there wouldn't be any problem whatsoever.

Nice write up! Joint account is good in marriage, but trust should not be breach from both partners!

Exactly 💯
Trust is consequential.

if trust and understanding are there between the couple, managing a joint account becomes very easy, also a clear boundary needs to be set between couples regarding such an account.

Such a nice approach to the question Princess 😊

You are very right. It's all a matter of communicating rightly and in agreement with each other. Thank you, ma.

With understanding, joint account is good. Both parties should show commitment to the guiding principles. Problems usually arise when one person is sacrificing for the family while the other is not. I have seen a case where a man is denying his people some financial assistance to see to the success of his nuclear family while the wife is a type that doesn't sacrifice to that extent. It will be a problem if such a couple open joint account.


Not addressing issues like that would hamper such account, so it is better for them to talk through it and agree in oneness before going on with it.

After all said and done, there is need for the couple to deliberate on the purpose of the joint account and the operations, and also be committed to the success of the venture.
The issue of misuse or even abuse of the account cannot even be overlooked, as sometimes views and opinions about what is or is not important may arise between the couples.

Very delicate topic I must say.

You are right. Both have to communicate deeply and strongly before embarking on such. We all are different and we have different opinions about money, so, it takes enough communication and finding ways to solve the issue.

Only true love accepts all things which includes joint account, yes it's beneficial but when there is any atom of selfishness on both parties understanding become a problem.


Yea. True love covers all. When there is love, trust will definitely be evident in them. But aside this, they shouldn't try embarking on such journey.

There is truly nothing that has advantages and doesn't come with its disadvantages. At the end of the day, one has to personally weigh both and decide what to do. You have written this and it's so detailed as well, well done!


Yea, it calls for both partners to weigh all possible options and benefits before going into such idea.

Yes, exactly.

Oh yes! It's safe and also dangerous. Reason why i would always say never lay your eggs on just one basket.
I believe marriage is meant for adults and adults are to take responsibility for there action. Going into having a joint account it's a free will option and i believe whatever comes out at the end shouldn't take you unaware since we're already aware of the danger and heartbreak that comes with it.
In otherwords, building trust with partner is good but wisdom is profitable to direct😌


Trust and wisdom...two important things to look into. When both partners have come together to agree and are aware of whatever may arise, then, they would be able to manage the situation together. In all, having trust is important.

I feel like the joint account should only be done for your kid. You save for the kid and he/she is the only one that can access the account at a particular age, if not naa, we were both saving fine before meeting each other and we’re both humans so anything can go wrong as you said


Yea, for kids and other people who might need help, you know. Joint account is created to make things easier and when both partners have a goal to achieve, it becomes less difficult for them when they need finance to solve the issue.

Before couples can have a joint account they should discuss it between themselves, and also trust and communication matters If couples want to open joint accounts

You are right. Thank you