in #hive-110602 months ago

Hello great people of hive, I am very glad to share my experiences in this great community, it was indeed a great lesson for me and I hope you all could equally learn from my experience as well.

Failure as we all know is an inevitable part of life, many at times we do not fail because we were not good enough most times we fail because we need to learn and grow. Failures are stepping stones to growth, it is a powerful teacher that can help us grow and learn in many ways and anyone who has not fail before lacks a tangible experience.


As a university student I have experienced my fair share of ups and downs, something happened to me recently and that was actually a failure that I’ve got to learn from.

Being a fresher in a university, my first semester helped me to truly understand that university is nothing compared to my secondary school, you know back then in secondary school we strived to come up first in class it was more of a competition, getting to the university I was yet to have a test of how my first semester examination would look like but I hoped for the best anyway.

I had always been confident in my academic abilities to excel in my studies, chemistry was one of my best subjects in secondary school and so I did not put in more time and energy to study chemistry, going through the course outline there were basically things I had learnt from my secondary school and so I relented effort because I felt it was just a work over for me.

I procrastinated reading till it was a night to the exams, I flipped through the pages of my textbooks and note books and I realized I had a whole lot to cover up. I started cramming thinking that I could cram a marathon material in one night in preparation for exams the next day, I crammed to the best of what I could but I knew deep down that I was not fully prepared for the exams I made up my mind to face the outcome .

The following morning, we all sat anticipating the question paper, the script were shared by our lecturer, I took a look at the script I was sure of answering fifty percent of the questions which were all calculations.

I started answering the ones I knew but I was not time conscious enough, I barely even answered the ones I knew. It was not up to an hour, the next thing I heard the lecturer echoing from behind “five minutes to go” my heart skipped, I was so nervous I could not coordinate anymore I just shaded randomly I did not even get to finish when we were ordered to drop our pen and leave the hall. It was then that it dawned on me that university is not like secondary school, it is not a place for immature minds.


Tears rolled down my eyes, I was lost in thought, I had no option but to go the next hall for the next exams, the thought of my chemistry exams kept surfacing in my mind and I felt so down it really had an adverse effect on the next exams I was about to write. After that day I sworn in my life never to procrastinate my studies for anything.

I anticipated the result for a long time and it finally came out, I got an E grade, though I did not have an F but it really reduced my CGPA.

As I reflected back on that I realized my mistakes, I learned that procrastination and last minute cramming are not effective strategies for success.


I learned that it is important to break down large tasks into smaller tasks and to stay consistent in my efforts, it also taught me not to be overconfident because it was overconfidence that caused me to neglect studying that particular course, I assumed that I knew better but no it was a wrong assumption.

It taught me how to be time conscious and how to apply speed and maintain accuracy in an exams hall, I realized that success is not just about being intelligent and talented rather it is about being consistent in what you do and understanding the value of time.

Since then, I have learnt to be intentional with my time and to prioritize my studies, I have learnt that it is better to start studying early enough before exams “a stitch in time saves nine”.

I have learnt not to dwell so much in what has already happen but to move on because I remember that my sadness after that exams affected my next exams.

In all that had happen I have now learnt from it and I have realized that failure is an opportunity for growth rather than a reflection of my worth.

I hope this could equally serve as a lesson to everyone reading this.
Thank you for stopping by.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I guess this is the lesson all who leave into tertiary institutions must first learn. Now that you have learned, go ye and prosper

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That's a lot of lessons learned from your experience. Sometimes, we don't seat up until we have an encounter. This one shaped your perspectives for good