Democrat Voters Support Harsh, Tyrannical Measures Imposed on the Unvaccinated, But Majority of Americans Oppose the Mandavaxx March of Medical Tyranny, New Poll Finds

in #hive-1107863 years ago

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A recent survey of 1,016 likely voters by Rasmussen Reports conducted earlier this month revealed a disturbing, although maybe not all that surprising reality in this country - that a majority of democrats support increased oppression of the unvaccinated in the form of fines and lockdowns for those who don't get the experimental mRNA injections that are coincidentally failing miserably at 'stopping the spread' of the 'virus'. And although not the majority of Democrats polled, a good chunk of the Democratic voter base as well, if this survey is any indication, support some even more radical measures to punish both the noncompliant as well as those simply dissenting against the establishment narrative, measures so harsh that the only word for support of such propositions in what was once hailed as 'the land of free' is insanity, absolute insanity.

For example, of Democrats polled, nearly half (48%) said they are in support of a government policy that would "fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications." We're not talking mere censorship anymore, which was bad enough, but this is nearly half of Democratic voters supporting the fining or even jailing of those people who are simply challenging the establishment narrative, challenging the claims of Big Pharma executives and Dr. Fauci and the CDC, challenging their religious dogma. When one group of people in a society believes it has the right to fine and imprison those who disagree with their own political and religious ideologies, simply for their disagreement, for challenging the status quo, because they are ideological opponents and for voicing dissent against the 'scientific consensus' of the day, and those people are supporters of and supported by the party in power, it is a clear sign that the freedom of all who dissent, the freedom of all who do not support or identify with this party is hanging precariously by a thread, and despotic totalitarianism is likely right around the corner. The madness of these Democratic extremists, however, doesn't end there either.

At the same time, 45% of Democrat respondents said they would support the "temporary" forced quarantining of the unvaccinated in "designated facilities" (ie. internment camps, prisons, medical facilities), roughly the same number (47%) also supporting a government requirement for "unvaccinated citizens to use a smart phone app or wearable device that tracks unvaccinated people to ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing from others." Meanwhile a total of 71% of respondents oppose the quarantining of the unvaccinated and about two thirds oppose the government tracking of the unvaccinated and fining/jailing of those who question 'vaccine' efficacy, revealing that although a large number of Democrats may support such harsh, tyrannical apartheid measures to oppress the noncompliant and punish dissent, they are still a relatively small minority of total Americans.

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Still, that so many Americans who identify with the party in power advancing the globalist Orwellian Covid-1984 mandavaxx agenda support such extreme measures be used to punish their ideological opponents and the noncompliant who they clearly see as the 'enemy', is still disturbing considering we are talking about egregious violations of basic human rights. It gets worse, though, the human rights violations that many democrats support.

How far are Democrats willing to go in punishing the unvaccinated? Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s much more than twice the level of support in the rest of the electorate – seven percent (7%) of Republicans and 11% of unaffiliated voters – for such a policy.

Talk about insane! And yet all of these proposals are things that have to some extent already been seen. In at least one case last Fall, a judge stripped a mother of her child custody because she hadn't taken the jab. In New York City and a number of other cities around the country, digital papers are required to enter certain public facilities, and noncompliance is punishable with fine, in some provinces in Australia the unvaccinated are currently locked down in their homes and not permitted to leave for any reason but emergencies, Austria has implemented a nationwide 'vaccine' mandate punishing noncompliance with extravagant fines, and 'track and trace' apps are widely used around world, although not yet compulsory. Although all of these tyrannical proposal supported by a wide swath of Democratic voters are insane, they are not unrealistic; they are already be implemented in various places, in various ways and in different forms. That the implementation of such measures is what the ruling class intends to do if it can find a way to do so is as clear as day. The only question then, is will they be able to succeed in rolling out such a tyrannical set of measures, or even continue advancing their globalist technocratic agenda forward at all, in face of such widespread opposition and such a minority of staunch support among the voter base?

Not only were all of the above mentioned tyrannical measures opposed by the vast majority of American voters polled, but the entire mandavaxx agenda itself, the leader of the party advancing the globalist agenda, and the face of the empire, Fauci himself, are all falling out of favor by Americans, a clear sign that more Americans currently oppose the globalist march of tyranny than those who support it.

“After two excruciatingly long years, likely voters are beginning to question the federal government’s handling of the pandemic,” said Chris Talgo, senior editor and research fellow at The Heartland Institute, which commissioned this poll. “First and foremost, likely voters are beginning to sour on Dr. Anthony Fauci, who seems to have lost credibility after countless flip-flops.”

Talgo continued: “Moreover, almost half of likely voters oppose President Biden’s vaccine mandates, which seem less about stopping the spread of COVID-19 and more about increasing the power of the federal government. When asked about several other potential strategies, such as fining those who refuse to get vaccinated, the consensus among likely voters is that the federal government should do less, not more.”

We already know that support for Biden as President has been steadily dropping in all the polls for months, with the Vice President faring even worse. This survey further reveals that Anthony Fauci has similarly fallen out of favor with the majority of Americans, 48% viewing the crook unfavorably to the 45% who still view him favorably. And when it comes to Biden's nationwide 'vaccine' mandate, 40% of American voters polled strongly opposed it to just 33% who strongly favored it, the largest part of which was struck down by the Supreme Court.

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Although there are in many cases close to half or more of self-identified Democrats who strongly support the continued globalist assault on American freedom and the noncompliant, more Americans strongly oppose this March of Tyranny than those who support its continuation and intensification. We, the Resistance to this madness, are the majority. The establishment agenda cannot continue to be advanced forward without our acceptance of it. It is time we unite, and stand against this tyranny for the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and stop this march of tyranny in its tracks, and then push it back, and start taking back what has been stolen from us. We cannot afford to allow this greedy, power hungry establishment backed by only a minority of Americans to take away any more of our precious freedoms in the name of the very public health and safety that they relentlessly destroy with their insane, inhumane technocratic measures.

They have lost all of their momentum, their narrative is currently crumbling faster than it has at any point throughout the entire duration of this Plandemic, and consequently more and more people are waking up each day. I'm sure most are aware by now, as even the most dutiful rule followers are beginning to see, but it bears repeating - the narrative is CRUMBLING TO PIECES:

The Revolution is in full swing, and let us hope that with the insanity of the Covid Cult extremists and their genocidal hatred of the noncompliant, violence does not erupt from either side in this war, for it is not at its heart a physical war, but a war for the human mind, a war on human consciousness and once enough of us are free from the mental chains, the physical constructs of tyranny built up all around us will have no choice but to collapse without the support of the masses.


The numbers are way too high for everyone. It is insane that even 1% would be in favor of these tyrannical measures. So every 1 of 14 Republicans would take away someone else's children for not getting the vax.
We have a long way to go to restore a culture of freedom again.

I'm not really a fan of surveys involving 1000 people and then trying to make it representative of 340 million people. They would never call people in my community because they wouldn't get the numbers they are hoping for. They want people to believe there is widespread support for the government mandates but outside of parts of the country that I consider to be politically insane, I don't think it is really the case.