Victory for Freedom as Biden Worker Mandate Struck Down, but March of Tyranny Still Inching Forward

in #hive-1107863 years ago

Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 15-01-13 Supreme Court’s liberal justices slammed over vax mandate statements.png
Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 15-01-21 Supreme Court’s liberal justices slammed over vax mandate statements.png

As many had anticipated, the Supreme Court issued a split ruling on Biden's sweeping mandate package, blocking the OSHA worker mandate which would have affected some 80 million Americans, but giving the go ahead to the healthcare mandate requiring businesses who receive federal funding to mandate the shot for their workers. The decision came Thursday, a week following the hearing on the matter during which the nine justices heard arguments both for and against the mandates, where the three so-called liberal justices showed their true colors as adamant supporters of the establishment agenda in true clown world fashion, even going so far as to spout outright lies in their defense of the mandates they were supposed to be deciding the legality of, acting as its cheerleaders as opposed to unbiased judges.

These three were the only justices to dissent in the landmark 6-3 decision to block the general worker mandate, reasoning "that the agency [OSHA] exceeded its authority to regulate workplace safety."

"Although COVID-19 is a risk that occurs in many workplaces, it is not an occupational hazard in most," the majority wrote.

In other words, OSHA has no authority to implement 'public health' measures in the workplace, and the Biden Administration's attempt to circumvent Congress through executive edict in this indirect manner to avoid the clear constitutional implications such a blatant show of dictatorial federal overstep would amount to, utterly failed.

"This is no 'everyday exercise of federal power," the court's majority wrote. "It is instead a significant encroachment into the lives—and health—of vast number [sic] of employees. We expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance. There can be little doubt that OSHA's mandate qualifies as an exercise of such authority."

The Court found, as many advocates and supporters of individual health choice and personal freedom argued from the first day these mandates were announced, that the federal government has no authority to force unwanted medical interventions upon workers in the private sector, whether masks, weekly testing, or these experimental injections. Had just one more justice sided with the 4 dissenting 'conservative' judges standing for the freedom of American healthcare workers, that mandate would have been blocked as well, with a 5-4 ruling deciding to allow the Biden Administration to "require vaccination of health care workers at facilities that treat Medicare and Medicaid patients." According to the Administration, "over 10.4 million health care workers at 76,000 federally-funded facilities will now be covered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services vaccine mandate," while the remainder of the 100 million Americans targeted by the Biden mandate package remain free from federal mandate, a dismal failure for the Administration with nearly 90 million of 100 million targeted Americans protected from this dictatorial madness by the court ruling.

It is a major victory for freedom, a big win for the resistance to the global technocratic march of medical tyranny, though seemingly too little too late for many, whose employers preemptively began enforcing the rules before they ever went into effect. A number of other states have also implemented various tyrannical mandates of their own. At the same time, a number of states have also banned 'vaccine' employee mandates of any kind, leaving businesses in these states, such as Montana where I currently find myself, in a legal quandry - in violation of state law if they implement the federal CMS mandate and in violation of federal law if they don't. New court battles may develop out of such situations...

In the meantime, the 'vaccine'-pushers are not about to let a single loss in court stop them from pushing forward with the steady advancement of the tyrannical, technocratic Covid-1984 agenda. As the Chicago Sun Times puts it: "Concerned but not giving up, President Joe Biden is anxiously pushing ahead to prod people to get COVID-19 shots after the Supreme Court put a halt to the administration’s sweeping vaccinate-or-test plan for large employers."

They just won't give up, will they, intent as ever to force this experimental injection on every last American alive, no matter how ineffective against the 'virus' it currently is, no matter how many adverse reactions there are, and no matter if the vast majority of the unvaccinated are naturally immune and countless scientific studies demonstrate this natural protection to be far superior in every way imaginable to the 'protection' offered by these shots, the coercion campaign marches forward. And so,

the administration hopes states and companies will order their own vaccinate-or-test requirements. And if the presidential “bully pulpit” still counts for persuasion, Biden intends to use it.

Just as pressure from on high has been largely responsible for state, local and corporate mask mandates, Biden intends to continue his attempt to bully states and companies into enforcing his edicts, whether they are established as law or not, just as Trump effectively initiated a nationwide lockdown without a single federal rule, by pressuring the governors into compliance. The only difference now is that a number of states are resisting the Covid agenda where at first they all fell right into line. But despite widespread resistance from among a number of states, businesses, and now this court victory, we should not think we have yet won the war. We have won a battle, but the war rages on, and if we think this has stopped the agenda in its tracks, we are deluding ourselves.

Last November, Austria became the first western nation to announce a 'vaccine' mandate for all, and the government plans to fine holdouts up to 3,600 Euros every quarter or over 14,000 Euros a year for noncompliance. But they don't want to fine those who don't comply, they just hope the fines coerce them into compliance... "We do not want to punish people who are not vaccinated," the minister for constitutional affairs, Karoline Edtstadler, told a news conference with Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein in December. "We want to win them over and convince them to get vaccinated."

Then in New Brunswick, Canada, in December of last year, the Health Minister announced a new mandavaxx provision, making it "the first Canadian province to allow grocers to ban unvaccinated food shoppers." And already in the new year, Greece has mandated the injection for people 60 and up while Italy has mandated it for those 50 and up. Under Italy's rules, although unvaccinated workers who refused to comply wouldn't be fired, they would be stripped of their pay. And as we should all well know, workers who aren't paid, even if they are still allowed into grocery stores, run out of money to buy groceries with. Provinces in Australia have also issued sweeping mandates covering adult workers of all ages.

Screenshot 2022-01-15 at 08-59-39 TERMINATED Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations in Western Australia — Hive.png

The march of tyranny into Orwellian medical apartheid continues. If the madness isn't stopped, even if nobody is ever banned from buying groceries based on vaccination status, millions of workers who choose to reject this unwanted experimental medical intervention will be thrown out onto the streets to starve, for without pay, neither can rent be paid nor food be purchased. This is the direction this march of tyranny is heading, and although the US is not leading the charge, it is still moving in the same dystopian direction, and although the vaccine-pushers are running into resistance at all levels here, they continue to steadily but patiently turn up the pressure and tighten the noose around the necks of the non-compliant, and still millions continue to stand strong in resistance to this madness. Stand firm for freedom, and don't give the tyrants another inch, and together we can and we will win this fight for the freedom of humanity.

We've got a long battle ahead, but the tides are turning, and we are gaining ground, as their entire narrative is crumbling to pieces, and along with it the coercion campaign has lost nearly all of its momentum. The war for human consciousness rages on, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and as always We the People have all of the Power, and right now the millions of non-compliant Americans are making the job of those advancing this agenda a nightmare, and so long as we continue to do that, they can never succeed in their plans to enslave the planet. This is a real revolution, and it has only just begun.

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While this was a victory, it was disappointing to see that the mandate on medical workers still moved forward.

While WW3 is about to occur, America is to concerned about petty things like this. Going to be their downfall

Shit is getting heavy...move to a free country like new zealand ... lol!

Eugenics by death jab... never submit