Hello ladies and gentlemen of the beautiful SciFi Multiverse community. It's an honour to be part of this movement on hive.
My name is @mamab and I welcome you all specially to my blog. This is SciFi prompt week #1.
I will be writing on the topic "Weather: the controller". Weather basically entails the change in seasons over a period of time. I believe one of the greatest gifts God gave to mankind is the gift of weather. Weather differs from place to place, so I will like to center my discussion on Nigeria, the country I come from.
Nigeria has majorly rainy season characterised by rainfalls usually around April to October and dry season characterised by harmattan and dryness accompanied by heat usually around November to March. I am based in the middle belt of the country, specifically Plateau State at the moment.
During rainy season, a lot of activities are usually disrupted. For example, you can't hold any wedding reception or a celebration in an open air environment.
Going out without an umbrella in your bag is a risky journey, this is because sometimes as the weather is becoming cloudy the rain is pouring down within a short instance.
If you stay within a region where there is no tarred road, sorry for you because you will be frustrated on your way either going out or coming back home. It is worse when cars and tricycles pass, the people using legs can barely find where to put their feet.
However, during the rainfalls farmers are overjoyed seeing the relief they have to cultivate their fields and plant the seeds of their choice. The tarred roads are usually washed clean by the rains, the roofs of houses are also shinning, the grasses are greenish and flowers blossom.
Talking about about dry season, beginning from harmattan my environment will not be favourable to anyone who is used to heat. We use jackets and cold covers almost all the time except when taking our baths.
We use warm water to wash plates and once in a day to avoid putting hands constantly in the water. When hot food is served, you eat immediately because in the next 2 minutes it will be cold. Sometimes it is even better to go outside than to stay inside the house especially when the sun comes out.
Actually, we hardly experience heat here except for the last 2 years. We had some few weeks where we could sleep without using blankets 😊 and even drink water from the fridge 😁.
Due to my environment, it may be difficult for me to choose a favorite weather. This is because we use jackets from January to December 😄. But for the sake of answering the question from the week's prompt, I will choose dry season. At least the sun comes out and helps our clothes to dry. Changes in weather are actually beautiful and we are grateful to God for such miracles.
I have to stop here to plan for the next prompt 🤗. Hope to see you soon.
Thank you for reading through 🤝.