from PxHere
/ imagen editada con Canva/Image edited with CanvaCristian era una cría de elefante muy grande, su madre tuvo complicaciones durante su parto, afortunadamente como es costumbre en las manadas de estos paquidermos, todas las integrantes de la misma estuvieron atentas, apoyando durante la labor de la madre, quien era la matriarca de la manada, ya que al ser de cierta edad era probable que este bebé fuera su última cría, además de que estaban muy felices de ver como llegaba un nuevo integrante a la manada, los sonidos de la manada lo dejaban en claro.
Cristian was a very large elephant calf, his mother had complications during his birth, fortunately as usual in the herds of these pachyderms, all the members of the herd were attentive, supporting during the work of the mother, who was the matriarch of the herd, since being of a certain age it was likely that this baby was her last calf, plus they were very happy to see how a new member of the herd was arriving, the sounds of the herd made it clear.
This huge elephant calf, after being born, took a while to get up, but he made it, because his mother and the rest of the herd stimulated him and waited, so when Cristian managed to walk and his mommy recovered, they resumed their way, to get away from the place of birth, since the smell of blood attracts predators.
This little elephant, since his birth, showed signs of being very mischievous and curious, fortunately each of his sisters or aunts, watched him closely and took care of him, as it usually happens in herds of elephants, his mother as matriarch was the oldest and the one in charge of transmitting the teachings and guiding the group at every step, So she and her sisters, nieces and older daughters taught the younger ones how to drink water, the importance of taking mud baths to protect themselves from the sun, they enjoyed swimming and taught them how to eat, where to eat and everything they would need throughout their lives.
Pero Cristian, tenia una curiosidad muy viva, le encantaba explorar a su alrededor, afortunadamente su familia siempre estaba atenta, pero esa curiosidad metió a este bebé en problemas. Cristian vio en la sabana africana a un grupo de suricatas y quería saber que animalito curioso era ese, quería ver mas de cerca a estos pequeños y rápidos seres, esta curiosidad empujo a esta cría a alejarse de su madre y no se percató de que en las cercanías se encontraban unas hienas.
But Cristian had a lively curiosity, he loved to explore his surroundings, fortunately his family was always attentive, but that curiosity got this baby in trouble. Cristian saw in the African savannah a group of meerkats and wanted to know what curious animal it was, he wanted to see more closely these small and fast beings, this curiosity pushed this baby to move away from his mother and did not realize that nearby there were some hyenas.
Fortunately, elephants have excellent hearing and smell, so well, Cristian had not taken a few steps and the wind brought to the trunks of the herd and to his huge ears the smell and sound of the hyenas and warned that this little one was approaching danger, So with the typical elephant union they ran to get him away from danger and it was just in time because the hyenas, seeing the strong union of the herd, could only flee and get away from the place, because the strength of this group, their empathy, teamwork and bonds have allowed them to do this and more for generations.
Finalmente, estas líneas son mi participación en el Hispaliterario 7, aprovecho estas líneas finales para invitar a participar a mis amigos @germanandradeg y @susurrodmisterio, un abrazo grande y hasta una próxima publicación.
Finally, these lines are my participation in the Hispaliterario 7, I take advantage of these final lines to invite my friends @germanandradeg and @susurrodmisterio to participate, a big hug and until a next publication.