Doing more is doing less at once.

in #hive-1135232 years ago


It has been 20 days since the last content I posted. I am on another hiatus again, now much longer. I still engage and curate content from time to time, but not as much as before. As much as I want to, real-life errands take much of my energy and time. Work is so hectic. I still work from home, but I needed to visit the lab more frequently than in the past months. Catch up on the research that I am doing for my graduate studies. I end up physically and mentally exhausted every day for the entire week. Sometimes I questioned myself if trading of weekend leisure is worth it. My answer is always uncertain, but I am betting it on leaping fate. On top of that, I am still overcoming self-doubt and little burnout.

I love to write and draw. It is something that breaks my routine. While I do less of latter nowadays, I still write from time to time but can't finish and publish it. Writing, reading, and sharing content encourages me to see different perspectives towards topics that interest me. To sum it up, I enjoyed it. While my decision to not publish content was purely due to my hectic schedules and the inability to finish, I think it was the best thing to do than put content half-baked. It was the same thing with the research I was doing. I wasn't able to get a favorable result not until I put it on the sideline for a week, and, voila, things turned out a bit well.

Things start to sort out a little as things fall into the right places. I shared it before in my blog on self-doubt that ugly things happened. It resulted in doubting myself and the content I produced. Ugly circumstances went like dominoes on the trail. One comes after another. I can't keep up, and all the weight falls over. I chose to take some time to rest and recover. When we pushed ourselves too much to get as much done as possible to what time remains in our day, it became a vicious habit that we trade off sleep. I did that to cross off one more item on my to-do list. I trade my sleeping time and sleep only at most four hours a day, and It never helps. My allergies got worst. My lack of sleep extinguishes the grit to work on things that matter most. Instead of helping me, my body felt exhausted to do the simplest things.


Doing more is doing less at once.

Having control over the 24 hours I have each day allows me to be attentive to where I am spending my time. Naturally, we felt tempted to do more things to maximize our time. We judge productivity by the quantity of the task and chores accomplished. As a result, we failed to see the bigger picture that quality is better than quantity when we do things that matter most. The illusion of counting accomplishments and crossing out tasks from our to-do list influences us to take more and more at once. We can generate more value for whatever things we do in life when we do less at once and do it the best we can. It necessitates our devotion, consistency, and unwavering dedication.

When we try to accomplish too many things at once, we risk spreading ourselves too thin and never creating meaningful results. Over the past months, I was juggling work, graduate studies, and content creation. I managed my time well, but when the typhoon came, everything changed. My routine was disruptive. I had too many work backlogs. My research does not produce the result I wanted. I wrote content, but every time left unfinished. I was doing more and more things at once. The new routine slowly became toxic. Stress was too high, and I have countless times about burnout.

Trying to accomplish too much at once depletes us too fast. I am living testament to that. I was burning my candle at both ends or emptying my tank by puncturing many holes at once. It is toxic and will not be better. I felt drained far too quickly, without having accomplished good results. At the end of a very hectic routine, we become less productive. If we continue that, we end up burnout or loss the grit we have. Remember that we can only do too much at once. We better do less to have done more.


Life doesn't have a rewind but has a pause button.

Our lives become too hectic because of the pressure to earn and so that we can keep up with society's alarmingly rapid speed. We need to work more and do more at once to keep up, but we fail to see that it is not good. We felt exhausted, and productivity became an all-time low as if we were only there to do work for work's sake. I experienced it first hand. I took more than what I chew that I am now ripping the after-effects to date, grit slowly dying.

We need frequent pauses in our life. I hit the pause button every time I am about to burn out, but recently, I was unable to take a vacation. I tried to disrupt my vicious routine by going for a walk or enjoying a cup of coffee in a coffee shop. When we work for long hours, it is critical to have some break, and our body will thank us for that. We take pauses in our lives to promise ourselves to reflect on what matters most. Moving away for a bit is not quitting, but it is about self-reflection and what matters most when we move forward. It is a way to cleanse our thoughts from the toxicity of our routines. We start over with a fresh mindset towards our goals.

Life itself is unpredictable and is a journey. We can create as many plans as we like, but we may wind up going in a different route. Sometimes things don't fall into the right places. No one rushes us to sort out the messiness in our lives. If ugly things happen, then be it. Acceptance is the key, and it will drive us to move forward with a fresh take on life. Accept that life is uncertain and take a break when needed. With how hectic life can be, we should find time to take a break. I already talk much. To end this write-up, remember two things: doing more is doing less at once, and we need to allow ourselves to have a break.

All featured digital illustrations are created by the author.


Dear @juecoree, From my point of view, it sounds like you are going through extreme fatigue and stress to make your content perfect!
Now I think you should be a little more tolerant of yourself and allow yourself some rest!

I felt your content was always great!

Good to hear from you, @goldgrifin007. Yeah, I was on a lot of stress and fatigue lately due to a very hectic work schedule (not much on the content). Changes in my schedules has not been favorable especially I blindly took more work assignment than should since some workmate is unable to do it correctly.

Now I think you should be a little more tolerant of yourself and allow yourself some rest!

Yeah, I had been more tolerant to myself these past few days. I started to drop some workloads to alleviate the stress and pressure. I guess I need to say NO sometimes to work or activities when it doesn't bring good to my health and well-being.

I felt your content was always great!

I appreciate your words. Thank you!

Enjoy some !PIZZA then...


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First of all, I am really impressed with your artwork. Pauses and also rest are needed, I too was like you where I tried to fit in so many things into my plate. But eventually burning out. Now, I learn a bit more better balancing things out in my life. Hope you can find the balance you needed!

First of all, I am really impressed with your artwork.

Thank you!

I too was like you where I tried to fit in so many things into my plate. But eventually burning out...Hope you can find the balance you needed!

I think I overestimated myself to how much I can chew at once. I was just blindly accepting workload that eventually I burn out. I trying to find balance by delegating and dropping some workloads. Hopefully, better days are comming.

Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

I think I overestimated myself to how much I can chew at once. I was just blindly accepting workload that eventually I burn out.

This is also pretty relatable on my end the past few weeks. I had a month-long hiatus prior my last two articles as I was just busy with catching up with work and school, and especially last week where I had to prepare for a teaching demo. Take care of yourself @juecoree

It's okay to pause for a while and recharge the body-mind-spirit. !LUV !PIZZA

Yeah, it is. We need to pause for awhile to have all the energy needed for the coming days. Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

Thanks, man. 😁


Like a corner of heaven

Hello, beautiful artwork, continue choosing to do things that give joy. I can relate to burnout and the pressure to earn a living. It reaches a point of mental exhaustion that would be quite difficult to bounce from.

When I was working the 9-5 online, I found myself pulling weeds from the lawn just to manage the dread hours leading up to logging in at work online. I am glad that's now over. The experience made me question my existence.

I know someone who had to go through therapy to get over an extreme burnout that made her fearful of even being in front of the laptop. Sometimes we need a pause or lightening up the load just to save our sanity. I don't blog as often as I wanted to but Hive is a great escape from it all.

Hello, beautiful artwork, continue choosing to do things that give joy...

Thank you! I appreciate it.

When I was working the 9-5 online, I found myself pulling weeds from the lawn just to manage the dread hours leading up to logging in at work online. I am glad that's now over. The experience made me question my existence.

I can relate to it. While you pull weeds from your lawn, I end up binge watching funny clips online or play with pets. At some point, I did question my existence, especially when self-doubt and anxiety kicks in.

I know someone who had to go through therapy to get over an extreme burnout that made her fearful of even being in front of the laptop. Sometimes we need a pause or lightening up the load just to save our sanity.

My self-awareness has been on point so that I could not end up like someone you knew While the support from my family, it made it manageable. I do agree that we need to pause to keep our sanity. At the end of the day, work is work and there are more to life than work.

I don't blog as often as I wanted to but Hive is a great escape from it all.

I am on the same situation. I don't blog as often now than I used to be. Also, I am thankful for Hive. It is an outlet to dump my thoughts. Hive is indeed a great escape.

Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

Thanks for the pizza hehe very timely since I haven't had lunch yet 😁 It seems you're making good progress with the work-life balance. Thank goodness for family. Take care and enjoy the rest of the day.

I really love what you wrote and I can relate to it, I really agree that we need pauses in life. We don't want to kill ourselves early because of trying to accomplish many things at once.

I've noticed that with some of my patients who I'm treating, I usually ask them regarding their stress levels and how much sleep do they get per day. I noticed that most of them are stressed out and lack sleep. Because of that they become more irritable and they suffer from so much pain which is a really sad sight to see. We also need to sleep for our body to heal. I usually advice them to take care of themselves.

I hope that youll be able to get your work life balance. Thanks for sharing this with us. Take care always!

A lot of us have, in one way or another, experience it at one point in our lives. Sometimes we are too enthusiastic and over passionate to the things we want to accomplish, but end up burning out.

I usually ask them regarding their stress levels and how much sleep do they get per day.

Stress and sleep go hand in hand. When everything is upside-down, I experienced a lot of stress and eventually have hard time to sleep. As a result, my allergies has been so persistent. At the end of the day, health is still wealth. We better take care of it.

I hope that youll be able to get your work life balance.

Actually, I am going there. I already drop some workloads to find a balance. The culprit was the work additional work assignment that should not be mine. I hope the coming days become better.

Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

A lot of us have, in one way or another, experience it at one point in our lives. Sometimes we are too enthusiastic and over passionate to the things we want to accomplish, but end up burning out.

I really agree with what you said here. And I've been learning that sometimes we also have to find time to rest so that we won't burn out.

At the end of the day, health is still wealth. We better take care of it.

That's really true. That's what I also tell my patients. Because if we don't take care of it most of the wealth that we accumulate could just end up in the hospital or for treatment.

Actually, I am going there. I already drop some workloads to find a balance. The culprit was the work additional work assignment that should not be mine. I hope the coming days become better.

I'm actually that you are moving towards that already. It kinda sucks that we tend to do so much and all the work will just pile up driving us nuts wherein we end up neglecting our life. I hope that it will become better for you. Have a great weekend!

May you also enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

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