Good morning, creative DBuzzers!
We're back again with our Saturday roundup, shining the spotlight on 5 phenomenal posts from last week and tipping the authors with some liquid HIVE! Let's dive in.
Kicking things off, we loved @iyanpol12's peaceful autumnal park photo, with trees in lush greens and fall yellows – a landscape that soothes the soul during a leisurely stroll.
Then wowed us with their selfies around the Philippines, playfully posing with majestic clouds and city scenes behind them. We felt like we got to explore through your eyes (*lens?)!
Shifting gears, @jenayna's sunrise snapshot of distant mountains from a forest flowed with morning motivation. Now, that's the sunrise view we need with our coffee to start the day inspired.
@kristheljairah blew us away next with their ultra-impressive charcoal rendering of a portrait, and she is passionate about chess too. Your artistic skills are incredible! Hoping you dominate in chess and art alike.
And finally, @nebski surprised us with early holiday spirit – some Christmas trees already on store displays! Maybe a little soon for decking halls, but we appreciate the timely reminder not to sleep on holiday prep.
Thanks again to all of you talented creators for these photography gems, drawings, and eclectic perspectives. Your passion and artistry make our weekends brighter!
You all inspire us daily with such phenomenal posts – we wish we could highlight every single one! Please know that our weekly roundup is just a small curated glimpse at the creativity thriving in this community.
With so many extraordinary perspectives being shared, it's impossible to feature everything deservedly. But that won't stop us from trying our best! The goal is to showcase a sample of the diverse buzzes we come across and enjoy.
So if you haven't been featured yet, don't be discouraged. Keep doing your thing – get outside, find beauty, capture moments, and bond with loved ones. Your stories and talents are making a difference, even if not called out directly.
Document your life and interests here to spread joy wider than you realize. And who knows, maybe it will be your turn next week in the Saturday Spotlight! Either way, we notice and appreciate YOU. Never stop buzzing!
Keep up the buzzworthy content! We look forward to next week's roundup.
#154 (starting 10/02/2023)
#154 (starting 10/02/2023)
Congratulations to all of you – your content and imagery inspire us to post more. Keep being amazing!
- What do you think about the way this program is going?
- How can we improve it?
Want to sponsor a week of rewards?
You seem like a cool kid. Would you like to sponsor a week's worth of DBuzz rewards? If so, contact us on Discord ( and let us know.
In exchange for being a sponsor, we would thank you on each reward post, i.e. "This reward is brought to you by X", and thank you on our weekly summary.
How do you earn an On-The-Spot Reward?
- Quite simple! Post quality content on DBuzz. :D
Looking for inspiration?
You can also jump in on the 30-day buzzing challenges.
Start today and see where it takes you. ;)
- 30-Day Challenge Level I : Go LV 1
- 30-Day Challenge Level II : Go LV 2
- 30-Day challenge Level III : Go LV 3
- 30-Day challenge Level IV : Go LV 4
- 30-Day challenge Level V : Go LV5
What did you discover this week that you liked? Let us know in the comments section below!
And as always, keep on buzzing!
Thanks! As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. DBuzz is a platform for you, for the community.
- The DBuzz
DBuzz is...
A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.
Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.