The breed of catfish CLARIAS And HEREROBRANCHUS.

in #hive-1143082 months ago

Catfish business is said to be one of the most lucrative businesses in agriculture, though agriculture in general is profitable if you practise it right. There was a time when I was in school and a friend of mine walked up to me for discussion. He asked us to start up a small poultry farm. I politely declined despite the fact that it's been one of my long time dreams to achieve. He was after some set of students doing it successfully and wanted us to gamble into it.

After some time he started fish farming. He got fishes and also tried to raise them, when he tried but at some point he finally got to realize his fish were having high mortality. He sought help and got none. He finally had to take to a hard decision of not getting into fish farming or anything agriculture related because of his experience.

Meanwhile, the fact about it was that it's either you pay for knowledge or you pay for ignorance. When you pay some amount to learn about a thing it would be easier to skip and avoid huge mistakes. And you will also have a direction. But when you choose to pay for ignorance, then you have little or no knowledge about what you are about doing, then gamble into it. At the end you might finally realize that you have lost even multiple folds of the amount you should have used to seek knowledge and not trials and error.

Today I am having you guys take a look at my catfish, we have different breeds of catfish. The most common being the Clarias species. And they happen to be some other species too.

The Clarias species are known for the good seeds i.e they can produce as many eggs. So as for the Heterobranchus species they are way stronger than the clarias species. So this is what brought about the breeding of these two species together to form strong and healthy fries with a good number of production.

They are called catfish Hybrids. You can only know the difference between the three species if you are knowledgeable. If you aren’t then there is no magic to it.

I hope you enjoy watching

Images are mine