Lack of rainfall on my farm

in #hive-114308last year


Farming and rainfall have to go hand in hand in other to have a successful farming season,in as much as rainfall is needed by farmers to boost what they've planted,the rain has to come at the right time and the right amount.


Rainfall is definitely and uncontrolled activities and we farmers rely more on nature to do us a favor year in year out,the beauty about this is the yearly repetition of it's activities that allows us to time our farming work according to each time and seasons.



What about times when there is an irregularity in rainfall activity for a farming year then farmers have to adjust to this change where farmers result to mechanized farming to cope with the change so that the activity on the farm wouldn't be affected by the rain.

What if mechanized farming couldn't help like in a case where there are no water source that could be channeled into the farmer,then farmers who can afford it can result to Wells or bore hole water to keep up with activities.



For this part of my farm there has been a short absence of rainfall, there are no natural water source like rivers other streams that I can channel from and I cannot afford a well or a bore hole water so am just holding on a bit with the hope that things will change soon and if not so I have to come up with a plan quickly


Rice in particular rely heavily on natural weather conditions through rainfall. Without water supply, no need to plant rice because it'll not germinate. Bore holes, tap, and more water supply can be of help to a dried rice farm.