Un sueño en New York - Relato Risingstar [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1151206 days ago

Raj llegó a New York con la promesa de convertirse en una estrella musical, pero al poco tiempo, terminó en trabajando como mesero en uno de los tantos restaurantes de la quinta avenida. El sueño americano no eran tan maravilloso como muchos decían, pero al menos Raj podía ganar unos cuantos dólares al mes. Había abandonado la India para convertirse en el remplazo del finado Frank Sinatra. Sin embargo, su suerte lo llevó a recibir propinas y, en ocasiones, insultos. En poco tiempo, aquel joven se olvidó de su sueño musical para concentrarse en cómo no perder la cordura cuando algún cliente le dijera:

"Vete de mi país, imbécil".

![English Version]
Raj arrived in New York with the promise of becoming a musical star, but before long, he ended up working as a waiter in one of the many restaurants on Fifth Avenue. The American dream was not as wonderful as many said it was, but at least Raj could earn a few dollars a month. He had left India to become the replacement for the late Frank Sinatra. However, his luck led him to receive tips and, on occasion, insults. Before long, that young man forgot about his musical dream to concentrate on how not to lose his sanity when some customer would say to him:

“Get out of my country, asshole.”


Raj nunca concibió que, en un restaurante de tanto lujo y glamur, y comida cara, tendría la oportunidad de ver a un cliente que pidiera su comida en pijamas. Todos los días, a la misma hora, Harold ocupaba la misma mesa y el mismo asiento, con el cabello desaliñado y un par de pantuflas en los pies. Raj Siempre lo veía con curiosidad, no solo por su poco común forma de ir a almorzar, pues además aquel hombre tenía la costumbre de revisar papeles y lanzar maldiciones para sí mismo.

Cuando Raj le llevaba la comida, él apenas si levantaba la mirada. Se notaba, según Raj, que Harold era un hombre al que apenas le alcanzaba el tiempo, y de cierta forma, era cierto. Harold era todo menos una persona que pudiera dedicarse a algo distinto que los papeleos derivados de los contratos musicales que, por mala suerte, terminaban en fracasos y demandas.

![English Version]
Raj never conceived that, in a restaurant of such luxury and glamour, and expensive food, he would have the opportunity to see a customer ordering his meal in his pajamas. Every day, at the same time, Harold occupied the same table and the same seat, with disheveled hair and a pair of slippers on his feet. Raj always watched him with curiosity, not only because of his unusual way of going to lunch, but also because the man had a habit of going through papers and cursing to himself.

When Raj brought him his food, he barely looked up. It was noticeable, according to Raj, that Harold was a man who barely had enough time, and in a way, it was true. Harold was anything but a person who could devote himself to anything other than the paperwork involved in music contracts that, as bad luck would have it, ended in failures and lawsuits.


En una ocasión, Raj llevó el almuerzo a la mesa donde habitualmente se sentaba Harold y, sacando su lado entrometido, le preguntó por qué usaba pijamas cuando ya era mediodía. Por primera vez en su vida, Harold sintió que su trabajo y el fracaso devenido lo habían convertido en una especie de primate sin conciencia. Se miró a sí mismo, desaliñado, repleto de papeles y órdenes judiciales. Por primera vez, además, no almorzó, sino que se quedó mirando fijamente a Raj para terminar de pisar tierra. Lo invitó a sentarse, y allí le dijo su nombre.

"Ya que has notado que siempre llegó pijama, tendrás que escuchar por qué las uso". Dijo Harold a Raj aquel mediodía.

![English Version]
On one occasion, Raj brought lunch to the table where Harold usually sat and, bringing out his nosy side, asked him why he was wearing pajamas when it was already noon. For the first time in his life, Harold felt that his job and the failure it had become had turned him into a kind of primate without a conscience. He looked down at himself, disheveled, cluttered with papers and court orders. For the first time, moreover, he did not eat lunch, but stared at Raj to finish stepping on the ground. He invited him to sit down, and there he told him his name.

“Since you've noticed that he always came in pajamas, you'll have to hear why I wear them.” Harold said to Raj that noon.


Allí se desahogó como nunca antes lo había hecho. Habló de sus dos matrimonios fallidos y las sucesivas manutenciones a sus exesposas. Comentó los fracasos de su disquera y de cómo cometió el error de convertir en cantantes a drogadictos. Confesó que sus deudas se multiplicaban como las familias en los barrios del Bronx, y para colmo, el motor de su furgoneta se había fundido.

"He recibido más golpes que una piñata" Aludió con una risa.

Raj supo en ese instante que aquel hombre de pijamas era una especie de señal del universo. Aprovechando la conexión inmediata con Harold, también se desahogó y habló sobre su fracaso como inmigrante. Le dijo que de sus quince hermanos él fue el único que estudió, y que creía que las vacas debían estar en la parrilla y no en monumentos para dioses. Añadió su pasión por la música y su estrepitosa realidad de mesonero. Para intentar persuadir a Harold, Raj comentó que deseaba ser un músico famoso, pero que solo le faltaba conocer a alguien que oyera su talento.

![English Version]
There he unburdened himself as he had never done before. He talked about his two failed marriages and the successive alimony payments to his ex-wives. He commented on the failures of his record label and how he made the mistake of turning drug addicts into singers. He confessed that his debts were multiplying like families in the neighborhoods of the Bronx, and to top it all off, the engine of his van had blown.

“I've taken more hits than a piñata” He alluded with a laugh.

Raj knew in that instant that the man in pajamas was some kind of sign from the universe. Taking advantage of the immediate connection with Harold, he also vented and talked about his failure as an immigrant. He told him that of his fifteen siblings he was the only one who studied, and that he believed that cows should be on the barbecue and not in monuments to gods. He added his passion for music and his shocking reality as an innkeeper. In an attempt to persuade Harold, Raj commented that he wanted to be a famous musician, but only needed to meet someone who would listen to his talent.


Como Harold ya no podía perder más nada, le dio una oportunidad a Raj. Lo citó en su disquera, y allí Raj entonó "New York, New York" de Frank Sinatra. El chico tenía talento, pero le faltaba pulirlo. Todas las noches, ya casi a media noche, Raj visitaba la disquera de Harold para modular su voz. Al principio fue difícil, pero con el tiempo consiguió su primera presentación. Su ingreso a la disquera marcó una época dorada para Harold, y desde luego, para el propio Hindú.

Fue así como Raj pasó de ser un mesonero al que le decían:"Vete de mi país, imbécil" a toda una estrella de la música. Después de todo, lo que está destinado para ti llega, a veces, de las formas más inesperadas...


Créditos Adicionales

La historia creada está inspirada en las cartas de Priya & Susie en Risingstar. Puedes participar en el concurso leyendo la información Aquí.
Miniatura creada en Canva

Fuente de imágenes: Pexels 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

![English Version]
Since Harold couldn't lose anything, he gave Raj a chance. He invited him to his record label, and there Raj sang Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York." The kid had talent, but he needed to polish it. Every night, almost at midnight, Raj would visit Harold's record label to modulate his voice. It was difficult at first, but eventually he got his first gig. His entry into the label marked a golden age for Harold, and of course, for Hindú himself.

This is how Raj went from being a waiter who was told: "Get out of my country, you idiot" to a music star. After all, what is meant for you sometimes comes in the most unexpected ways...


Additional Credits

The story created is inspired by the letters of Priya & Susie in Risingstar. You can participate in the contest by reading the information Here.
Thumbnail created in Canva

Image source: Pexels 1 - 2 - 3 - 4