El Sueño de Colin - Historia [ESP - ENG]📖✨

in #hive-1151204 months ago

✧Imagen de fondo sacada de Pixabay✧

Hola ✨gente linda✨ de Hive🍯 NFTGame🎮 Latino, deseo se encuentren bien y estén teniendo un bonito día🌷🌦️🌬️. El día de hoy les contaré la historia📖 de Colin según mi imaginación para participar en el ✨concurso de Risingstar✨ , recuerden que ustedes también pueden participar así que anímense🎉. ¡Sin más que decir, comencemos!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

✧Background image taken from Pixabay⁠✧

Hello ✨cute people✨ of Hive🍯 NFTGame🎮 Latino, I wish you are well and having a nice day🌷🌦️🌬️. Today I will tell you the story📖 of Colin according to my imagination to participate in the ✨contest of Risingstar✨. , remember that you can also participate so be encouraged🎉 With nothing more to say, let's get started!(◍-ᴗ-◍)✧*。


Colin era un joven que soñaba siempre con tocar el contrabajo, veía muchos videos acerca de eso, se sentía casi preparado para tener aunque sea la mas mínima oportunidad de poder tocarlo, ya que sabia que nunca iba a poder tener su propio instrumento, pero había algo que lo detenía para poder alcanzar su sueño y era su madre quien le decia que dejara ese sueño que no le daría frutos o que simplemente no lo podria tocar bien. La madre de Colin quería que él se enfocará en la carrera de abogado que ella siempre soñó tener, pero que no pudo conseguir por quedar embarazada a temprana edad, por otro lado Colin, se sentía culpable porque su madre no pudo cumplir su sueño y era su deber hacerlo por ella, cosa que no era cierto.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Colin was a young man who always dreamed of playing the double bass, he watched many videos about it, he felt almost ready to have even the slightest chance to play it, since he knew he would never be able to have his own instrument, but there was something that stopped him from achieving his dream and it was his mother who told him to give up that dream that would not pay off or that he simply could not play it well. Colin's mother wanted him to focus on the career as a lawyer that she always dreamed of having, but could not get because she got pregnant at a young age, on the other hand Colin, felt guilty because his mother could not fulfill her dream and it was his duty to do it for her, which was not true.

Un día mientras Colin veia sus clases con algunos abogados, los cuales eran profesores, que se habían reunido en un restaurante de prestigio para despedir a un colega que emigraba a otro país por una mejora laboral, él pudo observar como había una banda en el lugar que tocaba música elegante, pero sobre todo destacaba el contrabajo, sin lugar a dudas quedó maravillado por lo que a partir de allí no pudo prestar atención a su clase. Colin sabía que esta era una oportunidad que tenía que aprovechar y apenas terminaron las clases Colin insistió a la banda para que lo dejarán usar el contrabajo hasta que por fin lo dejaron...

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

One day while Colin was watching his classes with some lawyers, who were professors, who had gathered in a prestigious restaurant to say goodbye to a colleague who was emigrating to another country for a better job, he could observe how there was a band in the place that played elegant music, but above all the double bass stood out, without a doubt he was amazed so from then on he could not pay attention to his class. Colin knew that this was an opportunity that he had to take advantage of and as soon as the classes were over Colin insisted to the band to let him use the double bass until finally they let him...


Al llegar a casa se veía más feliz que nunca y su madre quería saber que era lo que le pasaba, pero el nunca le contó lo que realmente pasaba. A Colin le fue tan bien aquella vez con el contrabajo que todas las tardes volvía al restaurante para tocar alguna pieza de música elegante, lo hacía como si durante toda su vida hubiera tocado, tenía un don inigualable. Un día su madre sospecho de esto ya que Colin siempre llegaba tarde más de lo habitual luego de terminar sus clases, por lo que un día lo siguió luego de salir de clases, hasta que lo descubrió.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

When he got home he looked happier than ever and his mother wanted to know what was wrong with him, but he never told her what was really going on. Colin did so well that time with the double bass that every evening he came back to the restaurant to play some elegant piece of music, he did it as if he had been playing all his life, he had an unequalled gift. One day his mother became suspicious of this because Colin was always later than usual after finishing his lessons, so one day she followed him after leaving school, until she discovered him.

Colin formaba parte de esta banda musical, era demasiado feliz con tan solo tocar, aún mejor había encontrado trabajo en el lugar como parte de la banda y por esa razon siempre llegaba tarde a casa. Cuando la madre vio esto, lágrimas salieron de sus ojos ya que nunca había visto a su hijo tan feliz como en ese momento, se había dado cuenta que había reprimido tanto a su propio hijo por un sueño egoísta que ella tenía... A partir de allí las cosas para Colin mejoraron en todos los sentidos, pudo seguir sus clases aún más relajado ya que su madre ya no lo presionaba como antes y al mismo tiempo asistía a su trabajo como parte de la banda.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Colin was part of this musical band, he was too happy just playing, even better he had found a job on the spot as part of the band and for that reason he was always late coming home. When the mother saw this, tears came to her eyes as she had never seen her son as happy as he was at that moment, she realized that she had repressed her own son so much for a selfish dream she had.... From there on things for Colin improved in every way, he was able to follow his classes even more relaxed as his mother was no longer pressuring him as before and at the same time he was attending his work as part of the band.


Algunos cuentan que Colin se volvió un gran artista musical, otros dicen que solo era reconocido en el restaurante de prestigio, nadie sabe con certeza, pero la verdad es que yo me he convertido en alguien reconocido a nivel nacional y aún más importante, mi madre me ha reconocido como el mejor artista que toca el contrabajo como talento natural.

Colin; "Si tienes un sueño no lo dejes ir, supera todos los obstáculos"

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Some say that Colin became a great musical artist, others say that he was only recognized in the prestigious restaurant, no one knows for sure, but the truth is that I have become nationally recognized and more importantly, my mother has recognized me as the best artist who plays the double bass as a natural talent.

Colin; "If you have a dream, don't let it go, overcome all obstacles".

53 Colin.png


Y bueno gente esto ha sido todo por el post del día de hoy, espero les haya gustado tanto como a mí🩷🌷✨. Aunque no tenía idea💭 de que historia podía hacer para este personaje creo que al final me ha salido mejor de lo que esperaba😸. ¿Ustedes que opinan? ¡Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí, nos vemos en una próxima ocasión!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ📖

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

And well people this has been all for today's post, I hope you liked it as much as I did🩷🌷✨. Although I had no idea💭 what story I could do for this character I think in the end it turned out better than I expected😸 What do you guys think? Thanks for making it this far, see you next time!(。・ω・。)ノ📖



Gran historia, gracias por compartirla con nosotros.

Gracias por pasarse por aquí!😸