I did not know there was any other type of thinking. I am always questioning, analysing and trying to workout the fore and against in very situation. I have started to come to the conclusion that just about everything has a positive, if you can understand where the idea or proposal is coming from. It is just more a case of whether that situation is right for me.
I was for ever thinking and even over thinking at work trying to get the best out come but there comes a point where you can only really work with the information that you have a any given time.
I would get pretty upset if work colleagues had not thought through anything of the task we were trying to complete.
Mobile phone cameras helped a lot with my critical thinking not only could I look things up and access information but just taking a simple photo was very handy if I did not have time to think everything through properly.
Reminds me of a story my son told me of a job he was on. They had just finish a lot of maintenance and repairs one a huge mining conveyer belt system. The line just would not start going into error. Luckily my son had a photo of the motor wiring in question from the shutdown the year before and they could quickly compare and find in error. Nothing like a good bit of critical thinking under pressure.
I suppose I use a lot of critical thinking in relationships with other people as well, definitely helps if those around you are not upset or mad with you. Using my brain this way probably did take a fair bit of time and life experience over the years. I remember when I was younger I used to do and say way more dumb things.