The Inevitability of Death; Discussed or Ignored

in #hive-1170843 months ago

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog.


Death is one of the most difficult discussions that I find rare for people to discuss about. But the truth is; no matter how scary it might be talking about it, the fact remains, either discussed or not, comfortable or not, death is one one factor of life that is inevitable.

No body likes death, because it only creates pains, vacuum in the heart of people, so nobody want to ever have anything associated with it, but we have to take it as rest to life's struggles.

Death is part of our overall life experience. We may be able to delay death, even brush with death but the fact is eventually we all will die. Death or dying are scary! We are afraid of all the emotions…the sadness, the regrets, the losses, the missed opportunities. We fear the depth of our own grief. We feel guilt and shame over the past. We regret unresolved conflicts and damaged relationships. We fear our own mortality. We fear the unknown that is death itself.

Talking about death or dying can be one of the most difficult conversations to have – especially with our loved ones. It is okay to feel scared about approaching the topic, whether you are voicing your own thoughts and feelings about death or asking a loved one to open up about how they feel, death is inevitable. So, it is easy to avoid…especially when we are younger…and death seems so far away. Death, however, can come at any age and at any time.

Different people have various reasons why they don’t like to talk about death.
To some, it may be the fear of their own mortality or a fear of the unknown. Others may find it too depressing or unsettling to think about, others also may not want to think about it because it bubbles up sadness or regrets. While others may even believe that talking about death will somehow make it more likely to happen, but whatever may be our reasons, I have the understanding that as far as morality is concern dead is inevitable and no one knows when it will come,

I believe as awful as the topic might be discussing it has its own way of bringing to our subconscious mind that we are just strangers in the world that one day we will leave the world, and we will go with nothing, another thing is that it helps us recognize and realize that we are operating on limited time, and what ever we do we should know that death will oneday knock on our doors and we won't bargain with it rather we will just obey. Another thing is talking about death could help us establish an advanced care directive to avoid crisis when it eventually happens.

Although it's understandable that death can be a difficult and uncomfortable topic to be discussed, we need to remember that talking about death does not mean we are giving up on life. It simply means that we are being practical and proactive about our own lives and the lives of those we care about.

To me, talking about the aspect of death is being open and honest, we can help alleviate some of the fear and uncertainty surrounding death and help our loved ones prepare for the future, making the most of the time we have or planning for the future, also recognizing that death is inevitable. It's not how we started matter, but it's how we end and the impact we have been able to make.

Death comes with fear, because nobody wants to die, so I believe that talking about death will help us prepare the future and plant seed that we would be remembered of when we are no longer on earth. So avoiding the topic wouldn't do any good nor prevent it from happening.

Thank you for stopping by to read 🌹




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Loved these 2 things:

we are just strangers in the world that one day we will leave the world, and we will go with nothing

I think sometimes we forget about this and we focus so much in the things we have or don't have, and not in the experience of life itself.

It's not how we started matter, but it's how we end and the impact we have been able to make.

Uff this one was so good. We all come in the same way, the only difference is what we do during our lifetime and the impact it has in the people around us.

Thank you for stopping to read, and thank you for this amazing comment