Life is full of ups and downs. There are times we find ourselves stuck in situations that seem so overwhelming and tiring that we don't know what to do or where to start from. I think that's part of what makes us human.
There was this time while I was still at the university I applied for scholarships. It's all about encouraging the girl child education that they were going to choose one girl per state.
So I put in a lot of effort to, while applying, write beautiful and meaningful reasons why I should be chosen for the scholarship in my state.
Lucky for me, I got an email after several weeks of the application that I got the scholarship. On the mail was a date, time, and venue of where the check would be issued to us. They were going to hold a seminar first, where they had invited a lot of female dignitaries to talk about the importance and role of female education in society and the world at large.
I was so happy not only because I was going to get money but because I was going to meet great and new people, and I knew I was going to learn something new from that meeting.
My joy was almost cut short when the evening before the deal, our class rep posted on our class WhatsApp group that the text we were to have a week from that day has been brought backward to the date of my seminar.
I was caught between my test and money. I didn't know what to do because it was specifically stated that we must attend the meeting in person.
I didn't want to miss the money because I really needed it, and I didn't want to miss the test. After much contemplation, I wrote to the email address that was used to tell me I was offered the scholarship, and I also called the phone number that was at the bottom of the mail.
After explaining everything to the lady that picked my call, she asked for my details and said I could send someone to represent me.
I immediately pleaded with my cousin, who agreed to represent me.
This taught me that a closed mouth is a closed destiny.
No matter the situation we find ourselves in, there's always a way out. All I need to do is reach out to people and talk to someone; they might just have the answers to whatever you may be going through.