Not Introverts
Many people prefer to be alone, which they are mistaken as introverts. They may prefer or enjoy the peace without the people who may be nosy on every events of someone's life. It doesn't mean they don't have friends. They have friends, maybe few, but real people who contributes to their peaceful life, and always there whenever help is needed.
It's cold this morning that I have to use the thick and warm blanket. It's sunny though but I'm fine with it to neutralize the temperature. Last night, we had rain showers again hence it's cold.
Gloom and Rains
It's not yet summer season despite the temperature rising especially during noon until mid-afternoon. Weather is actually odd because I can't remember it's raining this same month in the past. It's gloomy, and it's common during cold season. But it's been raining during evening for consecutive nights. Mornings used to be gloomy like in the pictures shown.