Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Hello friends Assalamu Alaikum how are you all I hope you are all well and healthy by the infinite mercy of Allah and with your prayers Alhamdulillah I am also very well and healthy
Friends, today's photography is the flower block of cucumber cucumber plant.
I hope you will like seeing the pictures. Cucumber is one of our very useful and effective things. We all know that cucumber is very nice to eat. Cucumber is better to eat raw. Eating cucumber is good for the body.
Most of the people who are a bit heavy eat a little more cucumber. If you have fat in your body, eat raw cucumber.
Cucumber is always good to eat and in wedding ceremony salad is made with cucumber and cucumber along with onion and green chillies are served to people on the occasion.
A few days ago, I shared with you some pictures of the flowers of the cucumber plant. In a few days, there were many very large cucumbers. Cucumber plants do not need much space to plant cucumber plants. Cucumber plants can be planted in a small space.
I have come to share these pictures with you from expatriate Malaysia. Indonesian expatriates in Malaysia have mostly planted cucumber trees and curry trees. I am sharing some parts of those trees with you.
Friends Cucumber tree is mostly cultivated in our Bangladesh Cucumber is a part of our business in Bangladesh many businessmen are doing cucumber business they have made a lot of profit and mostly in our village area Cucumber trees are planted Cucumber is very nice to eat.
Friends until today we will talk about another new photography till then you all stay well and healthy always pray for me in the court of Allah thank you all
Thanks for visiting my blog
My picture captions:
Camera usedf/2.2 1/25 iso340 3.43mm
Mobile ModelRedmi 9, Xiaomi
Photographer@Md bayezid