The number of rounds in fairy-chess for 30-40 minutes per day
due to the fact that hive-lі-chessers don't fucking play, the results of the voting on the start of the tours are cancelled. The new will be of a formal nature, more to remove the decision taken for a month, and to make an amendment to the desired one.
As you remember, in the škingdoms, decisions are made not by the piece, but by the collective mind on the ratings, and are balanced by the drakoniad.
Now the tours will not go by train, but as equidistantly as possible, so that it is more convenient from all sides of the globe.
если вы не собираетесь играть - голосуйте за лошадь | if you are not going to play - vote for the horse |
.. tours of 30-40min per day
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- I can't move a horse
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