Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una canción que tiene tras sí una interesante historia:
Hace algunas décadas, un futbolista profesional sufrió un accidente que le obligó guardar cama durante un tiempo prolongado y, mientras luchaba con sus dolencias, luchaba también con sus pensamientos y emociones para no dejarse atrapar por la depresión, la tristeza, la nostalgia. El dictamen médico fue que ya no podría jugar más al fútbol.
Hello community. I publish this post very late at night, I hope I still have time to participate. It has been difficult for me to publish my video in 3Speak, since it did not load.
Today I want to share with you a song that has an interesting story behind it:
A few decades ago, a professional footballer suffered an accident that forced him to stay in bed for a long time and, while he fought with his ailments, he also fought with his thoughts and emotions to not let himself be trapped by depression, sadness, nostalgia. The medical opinion was that he could no longer play football.
Este deporte había sido su pasión desde su niñez, así que verse obligado a dejarlo, era un golpe muy rudo para él. La tristeza era mucha y una enfermera que notaba su nostalgia le regaló una guitarra para que se entrevista. A su comentario de que no sabía tocarla, la respuesta de ella fue que aprovechará que tenía tiempo libre de sobra y se dedicará a aprender. Eso hizo el ya ex-futbolista. Y no sólo aprendió a tocarla sino que compuso una canción - la que traigo hoy para ustedes: "La vida sigue igual".
Unos amigos la escucharon, les gustó tanto que se dieron a la tarea de convencerlo para que participará en un festival. Lo ganó y está fue su catapulta a la fama.
Soccer had been his passion since his childhood, so being forced to leave it was a very rude blow for him. The sadness was great and a nurse who noticed his nostalgia gave him a guitar so he could interview. To his comment that she didn't know how to play it, her response was that she would take advantage of the fact that she had plenty of free time and dedicate herself to learning. That's what the former footballer did. And not only did he learn to play it but he composed a song - the one I bring to you today: "Life remains the same."
Some friends heard it, they liked it so much that they took on the task of convincing him to participate in a festival. He won it and this was his catapult to fame
El festival era el de Benidorm del año 1968 y el ex-futbolista era Julio Iglesias.
Esta historia tiene muchas lecturas... una de ellas es cuando nos fijamos en el obsequio de la enfermera... como un gesto amable puede cambiar una vida. También pensar que a veces perdemos todo de algo y eso no significa que estemos perdidos sino simplemente marca el momento para comenzar de nuevo.
También vemos la importancia del apoyo de los amigos.
Es una linda historia, de la vida real, que espero recuerden todas las veces que escuchen esta canción.
The festival was in Benidorm in 1968 and the ex-footballer was Julio Iglesias.
This story has many readings... one of them is when we look at the nurse's gift... how a kind gesture can change a life. Also thinking that sometimes we lose everything about something and that does not mean that we are lost but simply marks the moment to start again.
We also see the importance of the support of friends.
It's a nice story, from real life, that I hope you remember every time you listen to this song.
###### Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, ver las fotos y leer mi post. Espero que este mes esté llena de cosas buenas para ti y tu familia. Dios te bendiga.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog, seeing my pics and reading my post. I hope this month is filled with good things for you and your family. God bless you.
Your visit to my blog is very important to me, I hope you liked my photography work and leave with the intention of returning..
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