in #hive-1200262 years ago

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Hello everyone, how are you all doing?
For a starter, this is community music zone, a community for music lovers where rich tunes can be listened to.
Community music zones keeps putting in efforts to highlight musical talents and it's a good thing to do.
This has helped many artistes shine, improve their consistency rate and also brought out some qualities in them.
We have also come a long way in this music festival known as "Hive music Festival".
This is week 22 of this Festival and I as a proud member of the community will be coming in with a musical piece as an entry.
Many of you know that music is my best friend. I so much love music, cherish and adore her.
I honour and place value on music and I'm sure she's sure gonna honour me someday in which I'm sure is near.

I was able to finally record this afternoon after looking for a quieter place to record which I couldn't get.
The youths in the house where I say are noisy sets of people, they play loud music and they don't care whether it affects the neighbors or not.
I have told my relative that I'm currently with to lodge complain to the community head about their act, but it proved abortive. Ever since, I had to keep mute since it's not my apartment and also with the fact that I came visiting.
I came across Mac roc session with a lady called Constance. This musical sessions that I came across sounded so great and I decided to give it a try.
The song I gave a try is titled Electricity, an African tune done by Davido, a popular Nigerian artiste and Pheelz who is also a Nigerian artiste.

I'll also like to chip in something in this write up.
I'd love to appreciate all of my followers, friends, well wishers, my motivators, my secret fans and my known fans for how far you guys have brought me.
When I looked back at how far I've come ever since I became consistent on hive late last year, I'm always grateful for the gift of men that I have around.
Today, I was announced the winner of the singing aspect in the last cycle of the hive music festival. As far as I'm concerned, I dedicate this achievement to you all, you all have been Amazing supportive.
I particularly appreciate @starstrings01, @hopestylist for their special contributions towards who I currently am on hive today.
These people have always been there for me materially, in terms of advice and so on.
I'm so grateful.

I particularly appreciate my friend from afar, @yisusth, he has always been there too!.
Thanks to you all for stopping by!

@musiczone, @edwardstobia, thanks for the prizes, I'm really grateful!



Hola a todos, ¿cómo están todos?
Para empezar, esta es la zona de música comunitaria, una comunidad para amantes de la música donde se pueden escuchar melodías ricas.
Las zonas de música de la comunidad siguen esforzándose por resaltar los talentos musicales y es bueno hacerlo.
Esto ha ayudado a muchos artistas a brillar, mejorar su tasa de consistencia y también ha sacado a relucir algunas cualidades en ellos.
También hemos recorrido un largo camino en este festival de música conocido como "Hive music Festival".
Esta es la semana 22 de este Festival y yo, como miembro orgulloso de la comunidad, vendré con una pieza musical como entrada.
Muchos de ustedes saben que la música es mi mejor amiga. Amo tanto la música, la aprecio y la adoro.
Honro y valoro la música y estoy seguro de que ella me honrará algún día que estoy seguro está cerca.

Finalmente pude grabar esta tarde después de buscar un lugar más tranquilo para grabar que no pude conseguir.
Los jóvenes en la casa donde digo son gente ruidosa, ponen música alta y no les importa si afecta a los vecinos o no.
Le dije a mi pariente que actualmente estoy para presentar una queja al jefe de la comunidad sobre su acto, pero resultó abortivo. Desde entonces, tuve que guardar silencio ya que no es mi departamento y también por el hecho de que vine de visita.
Me encontré con una sesión de Mac roc con una dama llamada Constance. Estas sesiones musicales con las que me encontré sonaban tan bien que decidí intentarlo.
La canción que probé se titula Electricity, una melodía africana compuesta por Davido, un popular artista nigeriano y Pheelz, que también es un artista nigeriano.

También me gustaría aportar algo en este escrito.
Me encantaría agradecer a todos mis seguidores, amigos, simpatizantes, mis motivadores, mis fans secretos y mis fans conocidos por lo lejos que me han traído.
Cuando recuerdo lo lejos que he llegado desde que me volví constante en Hive a fines del año pasado, siempre estoy agradecida por el regalo de los hombres que tengo a mi alrededor.
Hoy, me dieron a conocer al ganador del aspecto de canto en el último ciclo del festival de música de la colmena. En lo que a mí respecta, les dedico este logro a todos ustedes, todos ustedes han sido un apoyo increíble.
Aprecio particularmente a @starstrings01, @hopestylist por sus contribuciones especiales hacia quién soy actualmente en la colmena hoy.
Estas personas siempre han estado allí materialmente para mí, en términos de consejos, etc.
Estoy muy agradecido.
Agradezco especialmente a mi amigo de lejos, @yisusth, ¡él siempre ha estado ahí también!.
¡Gracias a todos por visitarnos!

@musiczone, @edwardstobia, gracias por los premios, ¡estoy muy agradecido!


▶️ 3Speak


Me !, u got the vibes and the guitar too, as in your voice nobi for here oh, I still be learner
Ehe, I wanted to ask, if I want to participate must I use an instrument to accompany me or can I use just I instrumentals

For the question you asked, I'll suggest you read the pinned post in the community.
That will guide you better!

Thanks sir

We want to congratulate you on the wonderful job you have done at the Hive Music Festival and for being the winner of the previous cycle. Also for the wonderful and electrifying interpretation that you share with us today. We are excited to hear from you. The road is not over, we continue making music and supporting other participants. Thank you for the wonderful support we received from you.

Queremos felicitarte por el maravilloso trabajo que has hecho en el Hive Music Festival y por ser el ganador del ciclo anterior. También por la maravillosa y electrizante interpretación que nos compartes hoy. Nos emociona escucharte. El camino no ha concluido, seguimos haciendo música y apoyando a otros participantes. Gracias por el maravilloso apoyo que recibimos de tu parte.


I'm so honored to be announced the winner of the previous cycle, this is a great achievement for me as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks for always having me, it's a privilege!

Since early, I was waiting for the time to finish my work and sit down to listen to you, my dear son. I congratulate you on the nuances and embellishments that you add to the song. That seems enchanting and grand to me. I'm glad you mentioned it, keep going, we'll be here to support you in your goals as a musician.


Oh papa!
Such a caring sweet and amazing papa that Hive has given me.
Thanks very much for your support care and encouragement.
Thanks one more!...
You have a message i your dm on telegram and discord.

@obaro, @yisusth(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@yisusth(2/5) tipped @obaro (x1)

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Guy guy GUy...wait na. Omo @obaro this is another amazing round starting and you're already beginning with quick smoothy entry and sweet melody.

This your voice is super great💪. One may almost not able to distinguish between your voice and a lady's.

You're blessed brother. Keep it up


Thanks for these words of encouragement man, I really appreciate it.

You're welcome bro @obaro

We're in this together


My dear friend, I am very happy for you, you really deserved this award, because you are constant and also your talent is undeniable, I have always enjoyed your presentations and your voice seems to me unique in hive so I really feel very excited why you won this cycle.

Thanks a lot, I'm really grateful to have likes of you around me.
I'm grateful for the fact that you believed in me, Thanks for the constant support.
You are amazing!

Anytime I listened to you sing, I feel and see the true beauty and melody of music. Like everything about you is already music hehehe.. I want to be like you some day sir.. thanks for sharing this with us🥰🥰🥰❤️🤞

Thanks for the word of encouragement man, I feel so honored and blessed to have you around for real.

Thank you too sir, it's such a privilege to come around your post sir..

You always surprise with your entries, very good performance. Successes at the Festival.

I also wish you success in every of your endeavors.

Nice electricity voice! thanks for sharing! 🤘🎸

I'm glad you felt the current flow.


Always killing us with your beautiful beautiful voice...

Nice one dear..

Thank you for the short intro about this community...

It was helpful and I hope to join you here soon..

You alway do great dear..

Keep singing for us ❤️😘

Greetings my friend! Blessings!

That's right, the community has made each Hiver even more passionate about music, bringing out the best in each one of them!

One of the most unpleasant things that can happen to us is to live in a place where there is always noise, even worse if we need to record, I hope the situation improves!

Congratulations for that well deserved place in the last edition! Today with this cover that you have brought us we can see once again what you are made of! You are wonderful and you know it! Your voice and your ability to play the guitar make you a unique Hiver!

God bless you!

Thanks for these beautiful words of encouragement.
You know it also that you are one unique hiver that I cherish and enjoy listening to.
Thanks for always motivating me!