Life without dentists? Brush with soap, heal cavities & regrow teeth

in #hive-1200782 years ago


My teeth are not in a good state but the more I learn about dentists the less I want to visit one. The last time I went was around six months ago and I asked him to remove the four root canals he gave me, leaving nothing but empty spaces where the teeth once were. He refused however, explaining it was illegal in France to remove a tooth without some kind of plan in place to replace it. This he say is to keep us safe because without all our teeth we cannot chew our food properly and health problems will follow. Laws to keep us safe hey. Where have I heard that one before?

So, if a person in this country has a tooth which needs removing for whatever reason, they must agree to one of the following three options: A root canal with a fake tooth placed on top. An implant (titanium screw into the bone) with fake tooth placed on top. Or dentures. People tend to go for the root canal because it is the least invasive surgery and you get to keep the root of your original tooth.

Worth noting at this point there is no other health procedure in the world which recommends killing a functional part of your body (because it is infected), leaving the remnants where they are, then building over the top without first letting the infected wound heal. Recent research suggests that every single root canal ever performed is infected to a certain degree as a direct consequence of this crazy procedure. Once the nerve is removed however, people don't feel the pain any more, so they just go on with their daily lives without any idea they even have an infection.

I mentioned my concern about the above information to my dentist friend (who speaks English) and let's just say our relationship started to go downhill quickly from that moment onward. In his rage however he did acknowledge that root canals do in fact come with a high probability of problems in the future. Around half the people he treats come back with infections and need their root canals replaced. Great stats I told him!

"Don't remember you mentioning that prior to performing four root canals on me? The other half of your customers who never complained about further infections are probably dead!"

Yep, I think you can imagine how it went from here. He kicked me out and told me I was banned for life. Which as it turns out was the best thing he could have done for me.


1 - Seek and ye shall find
2 - Brushing with soap
3 - Using censorship to your advantage
4 - How to repair & regrow teeth
5 - Can we grow a third set of teeth?
6 - Hyperdontia
7 - Daily Herbal Calcium Formula Tea
8 - Brush twice a day
9 - Using ultrasound to regrow teeth
10 - Daily mantra/affirmations
11 - Fasting
12 - Root canals
13 - Great resource
14 - Conclusion

Seek and ye shall find

Aside from the deliciously exciting possibility of being able to regrow my dentist damaged teeth I am mostly motivated at the moment by a declining ability to chew my food without pain, so this last week I have been digging into the subject in the way to which I have become accustomed. Inevitably, google makes it harder and harder to get to the truth while YouTube just blatantly deletes accounts and disables comments under videos to keep us from from it, but if one is clever about this they can actually use it as a scale of sorts to convert censorship into an indicator of authenticity.

I am going to list for you in one moment the full results of what I have found, but before I get to that I want first to look at one particular subject and the way in which you can measure its censorship on YouTube as part of your research.

Brushing with soap

Yes you heard that right. I have already started brushing my teeth with a natural bar of soap and it's not as bad as you think!


I learned about this technique from a great holistic dental website and did a double take at first. Can this really be right? Sounds horrible! I recall it was a punishment at my school to wash our mouths out with soapy water if we swore, so naturally this is something we learned to associate with a negative feeling. By design I wonder? Because in reality, the best thing you can do for your teeth is to wash them with soapy water. You see most toothpaste contains glycerin (even the 'good for you' ones) which sticks to our teeth the entire day, ultimately creating more problems than it solves and natural soap is in fact the best product you can use to clean your teeth. Which kinda makes sense when you think about it. Soap cleans stuff.

Once your teeth are actually clean (likely for the first time in your life) they will have the ability to begin repairing themselves again.

So my suggestion is to give this a try!

If you want to get directly to the meat & bones of this post, skip the following chapter.

Using censorship to your advantage

Keen to see if there were other people in the world doing this I turned first to decentralised video platforms where I found nothing except one decent conversation on the subject. Alas, such platforms are all still very young, so I turned to our old friend YouTube where I expected to find a lot more. But instead what I found was just a handful of videos (no more than ten) most of which had been made eight years ago. Come on YouTube, are you expecting me to believe not a single person has made an educational video about brushing their teeth with soap in the last five years? So, that will be red flag number one.

The ten videos which remained were mostly made up of young people brushing their teeth with soap as a dare of some kind or just because they ran out of toothpaste and thought it would be funny. In other words, YouTube is trying to give us the impression only idiots and a very limited number of hippies do this. Red flag number two. The reality on a platform as developed as YouTube is that there should be 100s of videos on every subject you can imagine!

I could find just two ladies (both of whom had amazing looking teeth) with dedicated educational soap brushing films. However, despite getting the basics right both these ladies also gave incorrect information in their films which is the reason I believe they had been permitted to stay.

One of them suggested using a bar of Dove soap for brushing (industrial soap is not the same as natural soap!) while the other lady recommended brushing with classic toothpaste after brushing with soap, which takes us back to the glycerin problem. So yes, there were staggeringly few people with the right info and even they were confused in some way and basically offering bad info as a result. Fed flag number three.

The older comments under both these films were generally speaking very positive, suggesting an awareness of this method and basically confirming its effectiveness. However, the comments switch to an endless flood of negativity around six years ago. Screenshot for you here.

Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 14.47.05.png

One can only speculate but I would say these are either bot accounts or paid trolls. Because let's face it, if you find a video under which all you can see are negative comments you are less likely to believe the authenticity of the content. So, red flag number four is the endless flow of weird and slightly out of place negative comments which arrived suddenly. Bit like YouTube pressed pressed the bot/troll button on a certain day.

To recap, here are the four main areas to consider when researching on YouTube:

1 - How many videos have been made on the subject and over what period of time? Unless it is a massively niche subject this number should be in the 100s as a minimum. And with the rising interest in alternative health there should be more videos over time, rather than less.
2 - Can you feel the authenticity of the people presenting the films? Are they selling anything? Do they have anything to lose by being wrong?
3 - In the videos where sound information appears to be given, is there other contradictory information which could confuse or lead the viewer in the wrong direction? This one is especially relevant when heavy censorship is suspected and there are only a few videos available to see.
4 - What do the comments say? Is there evidence of bot/troll accounts? Did the tone of the comments change suddenly? If the comments have been switched off, check to see if the presenter confirms this action was not done by them with words such as "please post your questions under my video".

With these four indicators, kindly provided by YouTube, I can say now with certainty the subject of brushing our teeth with soap is being heavily censored and therefore comes with a high probability of being good for us.

And with that said, let's get to the details.

How to repair & regrow teeth

The following list of activities is recommended by this website which, having looked at many, strikes me as the closest thing to clear simple truth you are going to find out there. The website was created by Mayim Vega who now runs a holistic healing practice known as the Arukah Method.

I have talked to thousands of people about their teeth, many of whom have perfect teeth. In all those cases of perfect teeth, the practice of rinsing while eating has been the reason, and not fluoride. I am convinced that perfect teeth have little or nothing to do with genetics. The best way to have perfect teeth besides staying away from greedy or incompetent dentists is to pursue the following behaviors:

  1. Rinse acids off the teeth during eating & after (water is ideal for this purpose but coffee or other drinks with PH 5 or above also work).

  2. Brush the teeth daily with bar soap (natural soap only).

  3. Take calcium pills with vitamin D daily (you could also eat a decent quantity of kale, tofu & nuts in your diet while making sure to get daily sunshine).

  4. Take monosodium phosphate daily (if you wish you can make this at home from household products).

  5. Take freshly made sodium ascorbate daily for gum connections to the teeth (this is vitamin C powder mixed with sodium bicarbonate).

  6. Dispense with the worry that bacteria harm teeth: THEY CANNOT.

  7. Dispense with the worry that sugar destroys teeth. I find sugar has little or nothing to do with cavities.

  8. Avoid all fluoride products. They destroy teeth, unravel enzymes and cause 113 ailments.

So there's your main list of things to adjust in your life if you intend for your teeth to heel naturally. I will add a few more things to this list in a moment but first let's look at an important question.

Can we grow a third set of teeth?

This appears to be a much asked question online and with good reason. I think humans can feel the truth instinctively. Back in the days before the internet (and the censorship which comes with it) we were discovering ancient skeletons all the time with another set of teeth behind the ones we are accustomed to seeing as adults. Wish I could find images for you but google appears to have deleted them!

As children it's no big deal growing a new set of teeth. Esteban lost his first front tooth just a few days ago.


Looking once more to YouTube for evidence of adults who've had success growing new teeth, I found that much like the soap brushing subject there was very little remaining after an evident purge of information. What was left either didn't feel sincere or gave very little in the way of evidence.

A lady by the name of Roxanne stands alone as the only YouTube person who is working towards finding the answer to these tooth related questions. I recommend following her channel to see how she gets on.

If indeed YouTube permit her to stay...


Having more teeth than normal is a condition known as hyperdontia, or supernumerary teeth. Children usually have 20 teeth, and by adulthood the normal number of teeth is 32, but up to 3% of people have extra teeth growing somewhere in their mouths. source

So what is it this 3% of people (which is a HUGE number by the way) are doing different to the rest of us? I can only guess at the answer but hyperdontia tells us with certainty humans can and do grow extra teeth all the time.

This man in Canada holds the current record for the most teeth with 41 in total.

image.png Guinness world records

I would be curious to know what is the diet of these people with extra teeth because it seems to me this is the most important aspect here.

It might also be related to tea drinking and if you are keen to kick-start the re-growth process I recommend looking at the following herbal calcium formula:

Daily Herbal Calcium Formula Tea

6 parts horsetail grass
4 parts comfrey root (not leaves)
3 parts oat straw
1 part lobelia

You have to buy and mix the herbs yourself. They do not use comfrey root in any packages because the FDA has warned against it. If you haven’t realized it yet, I don’t trust the FDA. The things they approve are usually toxic. The things they ban are usually powerful for healing. NOTE: a “part” is a measurement of volume, not weight. So if you are using cups for measurement, use 6 cups of horsetail, 4 cups comfrey root, etc. source

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 18.09.44.png

The holistic doctor who prescribes this tea mentions in this interview how many of her patients will later experience their fillings being pushed out of their teeth as they begin to regrow. Can you imagine that? The crap your dentist put in there just gets pushed out. Happy days!

Brush twice a day

In addition to the soap brushing I will also be brushing with a home made toothpaste designed to aid the whole process. Many thanks to @jin-out for providing the recipe.

  • raw virgin coco oil
  • reverse osmosis water just to give it a little liquidity (distilled or filtered is acceptable)
  • neem powder
  • borax
  • baking soda
  • turmeric (have added this one to whiten the teeth)

In the mornings I will brush with the above paste.

Before bed with the soap.

Using ultrasound to regrow teeth

It is possible through the use of a LIPUS machine (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound) to stimulate a specific area of the mouth with focused ultrasound and dramatically speed up repair/regrowth time.

The machine was invented ten years ago by Tarek El-Baily, a Canadian dentist.

With 20mins a day of focused ultrasound new teeth start to grow in a month.

This makes sense to me and rings true with a guy on YouTube who said he was able to regrow his tooth by rubbing his tongue in the hole consistently for six months.

Having regrown my receding hair using a similar technique (massage & stimulation of the scalp) I see no reason why this shouldn't work. Consistent stimulation of an area causes enhanced blood flow, which in turn causes growth of whatever happens to be in that area.

The problem people tend to have trying to regrow teeth into long existing holes is the gap which will naturally close over time, so this needs to be opened first using separate techniques. Roxanne is using a technique called mewing (stretching the jaw) and seems to be having success with it.

Daily mantra/affirmations

Affirmations are extremely important because the mind is intimately connected to the body. My hair growth affirmations on YouTube remain to be one of my most popular films under which I receive messages of gratitude on a weekly basis, because they really do work!

I tried to find a tooth repairing/growing mantra but there was only one and it isn't great.

So perhaps I will have to make another.


At the outset of any great adventure such as this I recommend a 10 day fast. Ideally a dry fast but water fast is acceptable. If you can't do ten days, five is acceptable. But don't forget, our results are always proportionate to our efforts!

Worth noting here that fasting has a reputation for being bad for our teeth while the opposite is actually true. Some research confirming this for you here in which Dr Shelton states "There is no truth in the notion that fasting injures the teeth."

Root canals

On the subject of root canals specifically I found an excellent documentary here.

The bottom line is don't get a root canal!

Interestingly it was released on Netflix but then removed when the dental industry threw their toys out of the pram over it.

Great resource

A website I found which is an amazing resource well worth checking out:


There are tons of people doing this in tons of different ways but here are my top six take-aways from what I've learned so far:

1 - Sip water (or non acidic drink) every time you eat.
2 - Throw away your store bought toothpaste and brush with natural soap.
3 - If you want to re-grow a tooth which no longer exists, stimulate the hole as often as possible (or buy a Lipus machine).
4 - Do daily affirmations to assist the whole process.
5 - Start eating or supplementing in a way which assists your body on the tooth repair mission.
6 - Sugar, flour & coffee are not bad for our teeth, so you can stop feeling guilty now!

Number 5 obviously has many variables (calcium is in loads of different plants) so one can approach this in a variety of different ways. Though don't forget about the vitamin D (and C) without which the calcium will not be able to do its job.

Before I sign out of this one I wanted also to mention the connection between our teeth, our organs and our glands.


I asked my ex-dentist about this back when we were still talking and he laughed, saying it was a load of rubbish. Yet how do we explain the reality that so many breast cancer patients had their molars removed just prior to discovering the cancer?

So the main take-away from this should be that your teeth are super important and if they are not in good shape the associated organs & glads are going to suffer. Remember in movies how the slave trader always checks the teeth? Well now you know why.

But it's never too late to change your daily habits and take back control of your teeth!

Hippocrates the Father of Medicine once said, "The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it" and how right he was! Just a shame the dental & medical industry forgot this a long time ago, more concerned now with financial profits than actually healing us. The Lipus machine alone serves as evidence for this because if they really cared about giving us perfect healthy teeth they would have a machine in every dental surgery in the world. Yet they don't because the current system makes more money.

And so, I strongly suggest you get yourself a little patch of land and start growing on it. I already have my neem powder ready to go (picked from a local tree, dried & blended) and now just need to dig up some horsetail grass and comfrey plants, both of which we have growing around the garden.

This is comfrey.


Banned by the FDA indeed ;)

Just as it was when I re-grew my receding hairline I will post updates regularly with clear images so that you may follow my progress. My teeth are very stained and I feel a bit of shame photographing them for you but I promise to do it regardless!

Here are Esteban & Luna brushing their teeth with soap last night.


They were quite excited to give it a try in fact.


We have a collection of natural soaps as you can see, bought from a local woman who makes them herself.


Not gonna say they loved it, but they did it. For the full 2 mins!


And they were keen to do it again in the morning, which is a great sign!

So, with this and the water sipping habit I am confident now they will never once visit a dentist in their entire lives.

Which I think you will agree is a pretty mega statement to make.

Here's me with my calcium boosting kale, parsley, beetroot, apple, carrot, lemon & ginger juice, made fresh from the garden.

Love & Light everyone 🌱




Hey cuddlekitten. How are your teeth I wonder?


May God bless all dentists out there for always giving us quality information on how to take care of our teeth.... Atleast we will enjoy meat for a long time ☺️

Errrr yeah. Not so sure about that "quality information" you mention. While their intentions may be honourable it is unfortunate for dentists they have been taught by corrupt schools which are designed to set them up for a lifetime of work in a corrupt industry.

And the reality here is that if we knew how to look after our teeth we wouldn't need dentists.

Why does none of this suprise me? ;<)

As a young kid, I already realized that what dentists did was mere torture. Fluor biting ( a treatment for young kids ) was an example of this. The taste disgusted me, eventhough they tried to give it an aftertaste kids were supposed to enjoy, like Cola ( hahaha! ). It also didn't help that my parents both were kind of afraid of the dentist, due to their past experiences with dentists. Nevertheless, they kept going at least twice a year and expected us to do the same.

The last time I went to the dentist is almost 4 years ago. In 2019 I lost my Dutch health insurance, due to moving to Portugal, and although this frustrated me at first, I'm now happy about it. My teeth are quite alright, aside from some small pains, every now and then, but I'm seriously interested in trying out the soap brushing. I stopped using fluor toothpaste a couple of years ago, no regrets.

Cheers for this extremely insightful post. I love to see how your brave kids are willing to try out this new technique and am looking forward to reading your future posts about this subject.

Hey Vincent! Am pleased you caught this one. I guess we all have dentist horror stories of some kind? I call health insurance hell insurance. Guaranteed to kill you while lining the pockets of the beast!

Excellent to hear you are still going strong despite not seeing a dentist for the last four years.

Seriously looking forward to getting into this repair work now and covering the journey as best I can...

Dentists are worse than mechanics
(In terms of making up / encouraging treatments and procedures that are unnecessary)

Sebbyyyy! Hey bro. Thanks for dropping by here.

I remember your teeth always looking amazing to me and in fact that was one of the factors which excited me about us living together. Perhaps, I thought, I will have teeth like him if I just eat 30 bananas a day ;)

Happy to have a more accurate picture of reality these days!

Big love x

Ciao @samstonehill !! This is SUCH a brilliant post, and I'm sharing it willy-nilly! Thank you for summarising so well... I had a lot of this info in my back-brain, or intuitively knew it, but hadn't put it all together, and sometimes we need to see it in one place to activate our Knowing, eh!

Yey, I had exemplary teeth as a child - my siblings all did too - going to the dentist was a 'nothing' trip. But when I moved to the city - Glasgow for art school and then London afterwards - my teeth and gums immediately began to suffer. The very few times I went to the dentist, there was immense pressure to do massive interventions, which I refused for the most part - though my first visit as an innocent islander teenager resulted in a truly mean-spirited man giving me four fillings. Bleuuurgh.

That all felt very wrong, and I just avoided dentistry almost altogether for many years, and noticed my oral health improving! I actually dated a dentist here, and unfortunately trusted him to give me a check-up, in which he took the edging off of my front tooth, claiming to be 'improving it' by filing it down, effectively, when I thought he was just cleaning it. I was livid!

So that was about 8 years ago, and I haven't done anything special in regards to my teeth, but have done some seed oil 'pulling' and cleaning... and my upgrading conscious has been suggesting to me for some time that I might heal and regrow teeth: it simply fits in with everything else I'm learning about healing and improving the body. I certainly have moved rather far from conventional medicine, and would never trust someone profiting on such levels that doctors and dentists tend to, to care for my body.

Sooooo glad to have your affirmations here, and I'm looking forward to seeing your updates, and moving forward to heal my own beautiful natural teeth! I was also thinking that the fillings might push themselves out eventually: being affirmed that this is a possibility is VERY inspiring and liberating to me!!

HuGE GraTiTuDE!!

Hey there @clareartista

What a lovely detailed message!

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am so pleased you found this post at the perfect moment. Indeed, just like you I had a growing sense about this subject (love our upgrading consciousness!) but lacked in the past the motivation to sit down for an entire week and do the research. My recent experience with the dentist however (very grateful to him) was the motivation I needed.

I also had amazing teeth in my countrified youth but when I moved to London they started to go downhill. Diet, stress & toxins are the key factors here I would say!

The documentary Root Canal drifted 'by chance' into my feed a few weeks ago and I was blown away by the content. From here it was easy to keep on pushing for the truth.

Just happy other people seem to appreciate this research.

All the best on your mission and please feel free to drop me links under my latest posts if you do any teeth updates! I would love to follow your progress but my feed is always too busy to keep an eye on everyone.

Thanks for mentioning the Root Canal docu... though I can imagine that like any good documentary about the true intentions of any aspect of the medical industry (e.g., The Bleeding Edge), it might make very uncomfortable watching.... 🙏
Yes, thank you too for mentioning upgrades! I'm having somevery challenging release of old trauma, and only today am feeling a new self peeking through! What a week!!

A lot of truth in what you say with using pure soap, my Dad only ever used pure soap for teeth and hair washing, older folk had fixed ideas.

Tooth implants are the worst treatment for many, waste of time and money!

Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

Have spoken to a lot of people about this in the last week and many of them also mentioned how their parents or grandparents used to do this. So yep, the old folk know best!

Just the idea of drilling little bits of metal into my jaw bone gives me the chills. And I am very pleased to have done this research before ending up with implants.

Repair, fix, patch your own teeth for as long as you able. My advice, implants are money making ripoff, had six done strongly advised by Dentist, three removed within as many years at more pain than original implant being done.

Very interesting! I always wonder whether we could grow new tooth! There must be some hidden keys to this process.

Yes, hidden keys! Those words really resonate with me and make me think of a story.

I had a wart on my finger for the last ten years and two years ago I learned about a medicinal plant with a yellow flower which comes in Spring. Inside the stalk of this plant is a yellow liquid I was told to apply to the wart and it would go away. So I did this two years ago but it didn't work at all. This year, determined to have another go at it, I did it again. But this time it was different because my daughter Luna saw what I was doing and asked if she could be the one who applied the yellow liquid to my finger. And you know what? It worked! The wart is 100% gone now. But it only worked when it was applied by the hand of an innocent.

So yes, we may know the technicals of how something works but like you say there is often a hidden key to activate the process. And our inner instinct in the best guide to finding it.

our relationship started to go downhill quickly from that moment onward.

This is a regular theme for me with Doctors and we have been banned from a few! Do not question my authority or title lol

They are unaccustomed to being challenged. So yes, people like us must seem very annoying to them!

Generally speaking I am very respectful in those situations, just because it is easier to get what I want that way, but on this occasion he pushed me over the edge by demonstrating how he knew already root canals come a high probability of being infected, yet failed to tell me this prior to performing the procedure.

In the UK it wasn't so bad, you could give them instructions and they generally did what you wanted to get rid of you.

In Germany they are put on a pedestal and don't like to be challenged or told they are wrong!

I therefore get most treatments l, including dental checkups in eastern Europe and the service is far better. I've even met a few who have done stints in the NHS and returned home!

I'm definitely looking forward to the results you have.

The first thing I need to do is photograph their current state in a clear way which can be compared to the result in the future. Without this the project has no solid value.

I found this book several years ago when I was having tooth problems. I found it very intriguing.

Cure Tooth Decay book crop.jpg

An excellent book there! I posted a PDF version of it two years ago in my @survival-archive account, if anyone reading these comments wants to have a look:

With that said, I don't remember them mentioning the two main points I have learned this week: brushing with soap and always sipping water with food.

It seems to me that if we can combine the nutrition tricks with the above two points, then we are onto a winner :)

Such a great post Sam, I haven't visited a dentist in years, I suffer with my teeth, but mostly from the work dentists have done. I use myrrh when I experience any pain, I have it in resin form and add water to make a small paste which I place in the tooth or on the gum. It works so well.
I use coconut oil to brush and take horsetail to help build up the enamel of my teeth. Thank you for all the other wonderful tips, this is what is so good abut this platform, having posts like this one.
Much love to you Sam xxxxx

Hive is good for this isn't it. Blurt is pretty good too by the way! A lot of enlightened people moved there and certainly for my NWO related posts the interaction there will beat the interaction here.

I suffer with my teeth, but mostly from the work dentists have done

Ain't that the truth! My biggest problem is a molar which has basically been emptied out and filled up with amalgam filling. Over the last year the filling fell out bit by bit and I am wondering now if perhaps it wasn't pushed out by a growing tooth? Indeed my diet continues to improve with each passing year so this is a possibility! But food always gets stuck in this hole now and if the food is hard and I bite in the wrong way the pain is crazy intense and will then last for days. So, I just eat slowly and carefully! And usually I am still at the table long after my family have finished ;)

Thanks for the myrrh tip! In a resin form hey. Hadn't heard of that.

I went horsetail hunting after we last spoke about this and found a load of it growing along the canal. The bit we have in our garden seems to small to chop!

Am really excited to get started on this. Just need to get over my fear of photographing my teeth and posting them publicly...

Lots of love back to you X :)

Great post! I got it forwarded by @vincentnijman who likes to enjoy my dental stories and my sweet taste here in Portugal. I am in the middle of a proces of an implant in another country. I've seen many dentists in my life, they mostly fuck up. It's insane when you realize what 1 tooth can cost. My worst one already costed me around 6000 euro's and I have to lieve with an empty space in my mouth for around a year. I am getting used to it to eat with 1 side. After 5 months there is no new tooth growing yet...

Hello there friend of Vincent! Thanks for dropping by.

Can't even imagine spending that kind of money on a single tooth. Must be a real test. What is the reason your implant takes a year?

I just want my root canals removed and cleaned using the correct procedure (with ozone gas) so that I can have (infection free) empty spaces into which I will grow my new teeth. And like you it seems I must go to another country to get what I want. On google I can see there used to be plenty of holistic dentists in France but they all closed down in the last five years due to the ever-tightening gov restrictions. Welcome to the new world order!

After 5 months there is no new tooth growing yet...

By accepting the implant route you have already signaled your body you won't be needing it to grow a new tooth.

You should be using a LIPUS machine on that hole of yours! After just one month of 20 mins a day you will have a new little baby growing in there. Which will eliminate the need for further dental madness.

The surgery starts tomorrow. Cheaper by the way...but they are going to put some Swiss cow bone (after some research) with the implant. I wonder if I get a free bell with it, to hang around my neck...

I wonder if I get a free bell with it, to hang around my neck...

I guess I'll find out, the next time we meet. If the answer is yes, I will hear you approach from a mile away.

Are you still allowed to eat Milka chocolate, now you've had surgery?

Interesting information. I have never heard of brushing with natural soap, but I assume its much like oil pulling; a working alternative to brushing the "common" way. Wild its illegal to pull a tooth without being required to replace it in France! My grandpa on my Dad's side actually had 3 sets of teeth! He didn't even know until he was in his 20s and his "adult" teeth started falling out and new ones were popping up in its place! He ended up having his dentist pull all his adult teeth so the new set could grow into without issue. I hold the notion this is actually part of our evolution. Dental health is so bad over the globe, our bodies are doing what they need to survive it better. I've heard of some people being born with TWO livers recently, which makes sense as there are so many dang toxins in our everyday lives we need two livers to filter all that out. The human body is a miraculous thing, if we give it the right environment and diet to do its thing unimpeded.

My grandpa on my Dad's side actually had 3 sets of teeth!

What an excellent story and perfect evidence a third set of teeth can in fact be achieved with ease. And knowing he did this in his 20s makes me wonder if we can't grow a fourth set? Perhaps we have the ability to grow a new set every few decades or so. It's just that as we get older the build-up of toxins & frequencies begins to take its tole and the cycle of new teeth stops. Did your grandfather have anything particularly different about his diet?

I like your theory it is part of our evolution, though I would say we had this ability in the past and evolution is in fact a cycle. The two liver story certainly supports the idea of the body changing itself to fix a problem! Amazing.

My friend

if you go onto youtube and look up someone called Dave Murphy (you may know of him), his channel i believe is dMurphy25 (he has a profile picture that looks like Morpheus from da Matrix), and watch his urine therapy videos (i remember there were a few, 2 hrs long) - in it he speaks about how he mended his badly chipped broken tooth with swishing urine in the mouth.

Now i can sense you are making them faces. You must do your own research into this and to try thy own golden juice. I have a video on my hive page here talkin bout this, i even take a swish myself.

Now that youve embarked on some path of holistic tooth mending, i invite you to come take the piss with me....we can be piss takers for life!

Ah yes, good old Dave Murphy. You were right to guess that I may know him. Many years ago he helped me break out of certain globe-shaped limitations of thought.

In fact I was following him back when he did his 30 day urine fast and I have long since shed my knee jerk reaction to this subject.

Four years ago I shared a detailed post on urine therapy here:

And have been drinking it daily since then. And also massaging it into my scalp to promote hair growth.

Two years ago I shared The Water of Life as a PDF so that others may download and read with ease:

Esteban & Luna are so accustomed to seeing me drink it now, they also have no problem drinking their own. When they have ear infections we use their urine directly in the ear and this always clears it up. Sabrina isn't so brave with her pee pee but she does like to wash her face with it sometimes.

Massively appreciate you mentioning this subject however as I completely failed to bring it up in this post! It came up in my research last week a few times. I just forgot to include it.

Though I must admit I don't have a clear memory of Dave's vids on this subject and will dig them up today. There is a chip on one of my front teeth which has been bothering my tongue for the last ten years and if there is a way I can fix it that would be super great!

All the best to you brother. Thank you for showing me your gentle approach introducing this subject to people. My approach is probably too direct and consequently not so effective. Just shut up and drink your pee man!

I didn't know you were a master piss head!

Today this grasshoppa learnt!

I found the film and really enjoyed re-visiting the subject with Dave.

The tooth reference is around 1h 10mins.

Turns out I was not drinking enough elixir! 1oz per day minimum. This silly grasshoppa was only taking a mouthful. And I wasn't being 100% consistent with it either, so adjustments have been made and looking forward to the results...

Much gratitude!

Thanks for the post!
I was thinking about growing your teeth the last days and this post hits exactly to my thoughts :D

Am pleased this was on your mind already.

Now you have some clearer ideas what to do...

Let me know how you get on!

I am even more excited to give that soap brushing thing a try 😁
I mean I never saw this coming, I have heard nothing about this before.
And about being guilty of intake of sugar, I've been there, I literally stopped eating sugary things after my last extraction. I gave up on biscuits and chocolates which were my favorite for some months. I didn't take any candies or sticky sweets either, even chewing gum, although I never gave up on ice cream and will never do 😂

I don't know about regrowing the teeth, I just don't want an infected one again, I am tired of tooth extraction and I just want to have a healthy set of teeth void of infection.
If soap brushing could help in a way, I would really give it a try.

Like you I had also heard nothing in my life about brushing with soap. Amazing how the simplest solution to a problem (dirty teeth) can remain hidden from us for so long! Well, we got there in the end ;)

What I would say about sugar is this:

Our body needs sugar to run and processed sugar is fine to give us an extra kick, but you still have to be conscious of what other ingredients are coming with that sugar. If you are eating candies, chocolates & biscuits for example it is very likely they have ingredients which are not good for you. My advice is to either buy very selectively, looking for all natural, organic ingredients only, or make the goodies yourself! This way you know with certainty what the ingredients are.

I think soap brushing will be a good start for you. If the infection comes again you will find plenty of great advice from other people under this post. You could try rinsing your mouth with colloidal silver on a regular basis. This is actually really effective. Personally when I feel an infection coming (increased pain which throbs all the time) I chew on a few cloves over the course of a few days and EVERY time, the pain/infection goes. I actually mentioned this to my ex-dentist and he told me I was imagining it. Haha!