Another Easy Apply Pie

in #hive-1205862 years ago

Two recipes in two days, that's highly unusual from me, but here I am, today I'd like to share an apple pie recipe with you that I have just tried out. The recipe is not mine, I have found it on YouTube, as always.

I wanted something easy and not too creamy and sweet as I don't like those. After going through a lot of videos, this one seemed like a good one.



4 eggs,
pinch of salt,
160g sugar (I only used 150g),
160g flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
4 apples, (sour if possible)
vanilla sugar source



The method is as simple as possible. As the recipe says, beat the eggs with a mixer, till it's foamy. Slowly add sugar and beat till it's necessary (has to be white and the sugar melted).


What was a bit strange here was that she incorporated the flour by hand. I can understand why as going in with the mixer would crash the foam, mug it is also risky because you has t be careful not to leave lump in it.


To avoid any complication, I added the baking powder to the flour and mixed well. Then added the flour gradually and managed to get a mix without lumps.


I put the flour mix aside and started to peel the apples.



Next was to cut out the seeds and diced the apples.


Then I added the apples to the flour mix.


In the video the woman is using a rectangular pan but mine is too small, so I thought I would use my cake pan, lined with baling paper.


Then I went rogue and sprinkled the cake with with ground walnuts, which is not in the recipe, but apple with nuts is a good combination.


The recipe says bake 30 - 35 minutes at 180C but I needed more, so after 35 minutes I reduced the heat to 150C and baked 20 minutes more.


And voilá! Here's the cake, which does not look good but if I use the "FOOD" mode, I get different photos.



After tasting it, I can assure you, that it's heavenly good. It is not too sweet and using only 150g sugar was a very good idea. I'm definitely going to keep the recipe and use it again when I want an apple pie as I like the outcome. It is easy to make, ready in no time and delicious as well. Can I ask for more? I don't think so.

Soooo, who wants some apple pie? G-dogula (@galankp)? Just so you can't tell me I haven't invited you to the party 😂

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



This recipe looks soooo good. I think it's about time to buy some apples and walnuts🤣.

If I get up the courage to make this cake I'll tag you so you can see my baking attempt 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Please feel free to tag me as I'd love to see your version of pie 🥧 and I also hope you can find the courage too, to make one 🙂

It looks so beautiful
I'm sure it tastes even better
Nice, and the walnut kind of acted as the crust
I love the way you tried to keep it healthy too

Healthy is my number one priority, that is why you don't see me using recipes that contain tons of sugar. When looking for a recipe, I'm always calculating how much would be the maximum allowed by me. Many recipes are nice and good looking but when you look at how many calories it would be, you get a shock. 🥴

Wow, this is the first time I've seen a cake like this, it looks like it's very tasty to taste, if I'm close to you, I'll definitely go to your place. Seeing this cake so hungry and hungry again. I will show this recipe to my wife maybe she can make it 😍

Looks like I have to hide as there are too many who want my cake 😁

Good luck with your wife. Maybe if you speak to her nicely, she will bake one for you.

Ha ha ha ha. Most likely my wife wants to make it.
I like your comments 😉

Personal invites like this are impossible to refuse. Mulțumesc.

Lol, you're welcome 😊

Uh that is looking so delicious. I want a bite! And the youtube channel that you linked has Turkish subs too. So I can watch videos from there. That's great for me! I'll try that recipe and more.

Thank you! I wish I could send you a big slece. I think the woman is Turkish so it may be easier for you 🙂

I guess she is Greek or Russian but yeah she can be Turkish too. That makes my work easier.

I want a piece of this pie and I want that yesterday´s paella too! :D Jokes aside, this apple pie looks really good! I can literally feel how delicious it is since a very similar recipe is popular in my country as well ;)

Lol, so you want the whole menu then 😁
It's not a bad choice. I'm glad to hear you kind of know how it tastes because it's good and worth trying out. You already have walnuts.

This pie looks very attractive.
I wish I could have a bite.😅

Thank you! I wish I could send you some 😁

I can come for it.😅

That looks absolutely delicious

Thank you!

True apple and nuts go well. This looks soo good and very easy. Would be trying this. Another recipe in my book😋

Glad to hear that. The more the better. Enjoy 😉

I do want an apple pi if you'd like to share 😉.. and thanks for the baking tip regarding flour with a mixer

I'd like to, but there's nothing left, so you'll have to wait till next time.

I can't wait so I'll av to try the recipe myself then😂😂

Can I have some please

Sure! Open the window!

This looks so delicious.
Thank you also for showing me all the ways and recipes to make this cake.

My pleasure.


Already imagining how this will taste 🤗🤗🤗. I'm a lover of junk, although I've been trying to cut junk off my diet, I'll reconsider that after trying out this recipe 🤭🤭🤭🤭

I don't know what you consider junk, but I can assure you, this is not.

Oh really, I thought food made out of flour, butter e.t.c basically pastry foods are considered junk food. I stand to be corrected, but that was what I thought it was.

I'm so sorry if it sounded offensive, it was never my intention.

This certainly looks delicious I have to try it, I have never really tasted an apple pie and I was curious.

I grew up eating apple pie so it's surprising to hear you've never had one. It's very popular in Europe. Try it out as it has no special ingredients, you can find every ingredient in your coutry, so why not?

I’ve never made an apple pie in my life as in India it’s not that famous but i will definitely try to copy this recipe but I’m a vegetarian I don’t eat eggs, is there any alternatives for eggs in this recipe?
Btw have ever tried Indian food?
If not i can give you some amazing suggestions.
I’m new here. If you got time check out my work as well.

You can use chia seeds instead of eggs. I know many are using it. Google it and see the conversion rate. I remember one egg was the equivalent of 1 spoon of chia seeds but don't know if it was table spoon or teaspoon.

Thank you for the offer. Indian food is not so popular where I live and I'm kind of staying away from oriental cuisine because I don't like spicy and hot food.

Oh thanks, i will definitely see if it works.
And yeah if you don’t like spicy food you can try Indian sweets, there’s quite an option for you. You can even try making one.

Wut, this looks easy to make. The question is, will it be easy For me? Lol. This looks really good, I love that it has a lot of apples. To be honest I haven't tried apple pie yet. We don't have that here, I only ate the fruits and not the one made like this. Can I have a slice of it pweasee 🤤

It is indeed easy to make. And it'll be easy for you too as there's no reason to over complicate it.

I would gladly send some, but it's all gone 😏

¡This apple cake looks exquisite!😀

That apple pie with coffee should be very good, Erika the plus of the nuts gives it personality, and it the crunchy to feel that delicious tingle when eating it, it is the surprise of the moment.

The recipe looks very easy and is an excellent dessert for an after-dinner or snack.

It is indeed very easy as that was my main focus, to find an easy recipe. It's good when you have guests and little time to put together a nice dinner. Also you can never go wrong with an apple pie.

You had me at easy! LOL

I like easy, too, so I usually make an apple crisp. I have an apple peeler/corer/slicer that makes getting those apples ready very easy (especially when I put my husband on that job).

I think that recipe would be good with Granny Smith apples (my favorite, because they're a bit on the tart side).

You can never go wrong with easy, so why not, right? Granny Smith apples in my country are a bit expensive, but there are other good types. However, Granny Smith apples are perfect!

It looks moistly and refreshing, but I'm afraid that every bite tempts you for more...

It is exactly as you subscribed 👍

Wow that's very interesting definitely delicious. I think I want to try if I was in the same place I eat to my heart's content hahaha👍👍

Hello dear, this apple pies you made looks great, with so many flavors and textures. Thank you for sharing with us!

Two recipes? Wasn’t it just yesterday I mentioned I noticed you haven’t cooked much recently? Anyways, you delivered as you promised. Both mouth watering! I’m going to be waiting on that other thing now.

It seems like you have yourself your own recipe too. Maybe a slight modification from the youtube recipe, but still, Yours.

Btw, what phone did you use for the shots? Just wondering what phone brand has a food mode camera.

Yes, I had two recipes in two days which is rare. I'm glad you like it.

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy F62, nothing special, nor high end, just a regular phone.

Is that other thing that I have promised you and never have delivered?

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy F62, nothing special, nor high end, just a regular phone.

The phone has a great camera. Is that the same one you use to photograph your travels?

Is that other thing that I have promised you and never have delivered?

Nah there’s that too. But I actually meant the art thing. You remember?


Lol I was editing the comment to give more details and saw your reply after the edit.

I only use my phone to take photos as my camera is old and can't even come close to the performance my phone can offer. The truth is, these smartphones have a bunch of settings and you have to learn to use them the right way. So I'm always trying out a few settings and experiencing which one is the best.

My motto is: You don't have to have the most expensive camera, but make sure you make the most of what you have.

Yes, I remember the art thing but I need time for that and I'm away this weekend. Next week maybe I can do more.

I like to think I have a pretty decent phone and I know my way around my phone’s camera, but I can’t shoot pictures nearly as good as you do.

Yes, I remember the art thing but I need time for that and I'm away this weekend. Next week maybe I can do more.

Sure. Enjoy the holiday:) Maybe if you have enough time, you can also help me with the other thing when you come back.


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Honestely, like really really HONEST, this is the best photo of apple pie in any form I've seen in the last time. It looks amazing! I'm in love with this recipe already only by looking at it.

Today I've been in our orchard picking up apples and I though of making the classic "Placinta cu mere" as we call it here and it looks like this one

I picked up a lot of apples for this pie but I'm considering try this as well this week or next week. All three of us are in love with these kind of cakes, simple but delicious. No cream, no nada. Only "blat pufos", "sa nu fie sec". Today I'm baking it, tomorrow is already gone. RIP blat pufos. By bye

I've seen your post two days ago and I remember just now about it because I've been making my agenda for tommorow and I wrote down "Make the apple pie" and booom. Somehow my thought brought to your recipe! Ok, thanks for sharing, for the idea. I;m gonna try it.


Honestely, like really really HONEST, this is the best photo of apple pie in any form I've seen in the last time.

😍😘❤️ Thank you do much! I tried my best and this is what I could do.

I know this recipe. I guess everyone knows this one in Romania 😂 I mean how can you not know it, right? Only if you're living under the rock. It's a good one and I need to make some this period of the year as it's the season.

I'm glad you like my pie and I wish I could send some, but ... you know, we have a saying in Hungarian, which says: "kicsi volt, s elfogyott", which means "era mic și s-a terminat" 😂 Which means it was good as otherwise it would have not been gone so fast.

I hope you're going to like the outcome 😏
Let me know! 😘🤗

you did a very good job, I really like it from your photos. And yes, promise I will do it soon enough! and I'll come back to you!
And yes, everyone knows placinta cu mere. I love it! I love it! 🍎

"kicsi volt, s elfogyott",

sounds so fun for me 🤣 But yes, totally understand it. It's like our blat simplu pufos cu visine. As I said, it wont last for 2 days in our home. Jezz 😅

Ever since I've read this, I have one trouble qouestion hunting me. I love apple and cinnamon! I ADORE IT!
And when I saw this recipe I thought that maybe I would add some cinnamon. But now, after reading it again and seeing the pictures AGAIN, idk about that. Maybe it's cool as it is. And the cinnamon would cut this "sublime" and fine taste that already has. I imagine. What do u think about this?

Adding cinnamon is good as it goes well with apples but you need to think of two things. Cinnamon may not go well with walnuts. I mean it may be too much. Prea incărcat, sa zic aşa. The other thing is that cinnamon may remind you of Christmas. You can add cinnamon, I'm not saying you can't, but then I think it would be a good idea to drop the walnuts. So if you like the Christmas feeling, then you should definitely try it out. 😉

No, I think I will try it exactly the way it is. Because yes, my first thought was adding some cinnamon but after reading the recipe again and imagining its taste, I thought that I'd adore it just like it is, with its mild comfi flavour of apples in a "blat pufos".

Other than this, just so you know. I am a BIG fan of cinnamon. I have it with everything I can. My son is already an addict with it because I introduced him to Ms. Cinnamon since he was little. FOr me Cinnamon is all year round in my plate, not just in winter. :D:D

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