Cheese Puffs

in #hive-1205862 years ago

This snack should have been for Christmas, but because we had so many sweets and my brother offered to bring us something similar, I decided not to bake any. Till today. Today I was asked to make some, so here it is, sharing the recipe with you and also logging the recipe to my online diary.


My mom always used to make cheese pretzels and we loved it. I used to make it too, but then I gave the pretzel mold to my brother. Today I wanted to try out a new recipe, which doesn't need yeast as it's easier for the stomach. I chose this one. Please note, I doubled the quantities, so what you see here is twice as much as the original recipe says.



  • 800g all purpose flour,
  • 20g baking powder,
  • 2 tsp salt,
  • 500g unsalted butter,
  • 500g grated cheese,
  • 6 tbsp sour cream,
  • 2 eggs.

As you can see, the recipe is pretty simple, only has a few ingredients. The method is also simple, no special skills are required.


Apart from the grated cheese and the eggs, put every ingredient in a bowl, then add 2 handful of grated cheese and knead the dough.


Wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours, to rest.


Roll out the dough, which has to be 3 - 4mm thick.


Beat the egg and spread it out on the top of the dough.


Then sprinkle with grated cheese.


Then all you need to do is cut our the puffs.


Place them on a baking sheet. (I have one big one as I didn't know which form to use, but at the end I decided to use the 3cm diameter wide.)


Baking time was also a quiz for me as the original recipe says 13 minutes at 180°C but I decided to go with 20 minutes at 160°C and was right. My cheese puffs turned out golden brown and crunchy.

If you don't like cheese, you can use cumin.


Voilà! (this is for @incublus 😂)

Overall it's a good recipe, with few ingredients and easy to make as well, but I don't think it beats my original recipe that is with yeast. Next time I'm going to share that. I don't know where it will be, but I'll make sure to document the process and share it with you.

My plan is to try out a few recipes from trusted sources, to have them in case I need to bake something unexpectedly. It's good to have a recipe you can trust, to avoid experimenting when guests are coming. Salty snacks are a must, even if you don't serve lunch or dinner. Something to have with a drink is always welcome.


So, cheese puffs anyone?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



There's not much to say here, just yum!

Becca 💗

Thank you Becca 😊 it was yum till it lasted 😄

it was yum till it lasted

Which, I assume, wasn't long.

Becca 😊

Your assumption is correct 😁

You know, my grandmother was always saying, for a housewife (back in her day women were not working as they had the household and the kids), or the host if you like this expression better, the biggest compliment is the empty plates. That meant the food was good and I agree with that. When you see people eating with pleasure, you know they like your food.

Have a nice weekend 🌷

I like the empty plate thing...Also, isn't there a culture where the empty plate is a sign that the guest hasn't had enough, so the host keeps piling it on? I think, somewhere in the Middle East, Egypt or somewhere like that. So, the polite thing to do is leave something on there to indicate you're full. Different cultures huh?

Happy weekend.

Becca 🍄

Also, isn't there a culture where the empty plate is a sign that the guest hasn't had enough, so the host keeps piling it on?

I don't know but there's a habit here, especially at the countryside, where they are constantly filling your glass, even though you say no. It's a very unpleasant habit, which doesn't end well with me as I hate that and leave the glass full, which is an offense.

In my eyes that is not hospitality.

Hmm, I'm not much of an alcohol drinker myself, so that wouldn't work well for me, but I assume there's people out there that would enjoy it.

Becca 💐

Oh my!
I thank the spirit that led me here but then, I can't have a taste of what I'm looking at 😩

So, cheese puffs anyone?

Yes please, how do I get mine? 🥲

The process doesn't seem hard at all and I think I can find all those ingredient here in my area... Would like to try it out.

But I'm looking forward to the one you'll be making tomorrow haha

I don't know how do you get yours as you need to stay in line first 😂

These are not special ingredients, you should find them anywhere and the process is easy too. Lol, tomorrow is another day, another surprise is coming 😏

stay in line first

I thought I was in line already, where's the line at please? 😂

another surprise is coming 😏

Why is that face not connecting with your words? 😂 Well, I'll be expecting it regardless

Such a yummy and inviting snack. The procedure is quite simple like you said, would give it a try someday.
@erikah permit me to ask, what if one does not have an oven, is there an alternative way to get it baked?

As a cheese lover, cheese puffs look so delicious dear Erikah. Honestly, I have not tried it, but I wish to make one. Grateful for the ingredients you provided. This must be very good for the holidays and even any day, hehe. Best regards.

Oh, I'm glad to hear you're a cheese lover too :)
You're right, this recipe is good for every occasion. You can't go wrong with it :)

Thanks for stopping by and have a nice evening :)

You always share delicious recipes with us. We try to make them at home and enjoy them. I have also noted the recipe in my diary. This dish looks so yummy. Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure, I hope you'll like it.

Yes for sure! I like this recipe very much because it looks easy to make/bake and I like cheese. Definitely worth a try. I'll add this to my recipe book(there is no book).

Lol, looks like there will be a line outside my door soon 😂

Probably yes because you are sharing good recipes!

Aww, thank you!!!!


PeakD has bookmark option @incublus!

I know but I want to keep it in my mind hahaha.

This looks great Erikah! Unfortunately, my gf doesn't like cheese that much she hates it, so I might have to come visit you and scoop a few off from your plate.

Lol, you're welcome to visit, I'm going to put a few aside. Also, you can drop the cheese and use cumin instead, that is good too, if you like it.

Dutch doesn't like cheese? I thought that's impossible 😂

This looks so delicious, my mouth is watering, I have to try it now! 🥰❤️❤️❤️

Please do as you won't regret it :)

Wow those Cheese Puffs are irresistible, congratulations!

Thank you!

Oh yeah! 500g each of cheese and butter? I love this already!

You should as it's good :)

Hello, happy new year! It looks exquisite those cupcakes as we say in my country. I congratulate you, everything looks excellent, thank you for sharing your recipe.

Happy New Year to you too and thank you for the nice words :)

They look delicious!!!

Thank you!

This looks so good especially the cheese part, would love to have some one of these days. Thanks for sharing this recipe erikah.


I wish I could send you some :)

Thank you erikah :). Will follow you now :)

Very nice I like it. I will try it. Thanks for sharing

I really liked the way you share those simple recipes so far. I will really try it if we will have an oven soon.
This one have simple ingrediends and process is easy also as if you're playing hihi. That's a lof of cheese by the way which makes it delicious for cheese lovers 😁.like me.

Simple is the best. I'm not a cook or a pastry chef and are not many around, so keeping it simple is the best. And yes, everything with cheese is good :)

Those cheese sandwiches are very practical and easy to prepare, I thought they were fried instead of baked.

I am avoiding frying as it's not healthy, so I'm rather baking :)

yes of course it is healthier

Whoooooo! Looks delicious! SO YEAH! Yes Please! I would love some!😩🤤😱

So hear this! One month ago, I was searching for some "saratele" recipes. And I found some and I wanted to try them out. And then some stuff came in between and then...BLANK! I forgot!

Seeing these delicious looking good cheesepuffs, I thought at saratele again. Is this the same btw? only the shape is different? I can't tell as I'm not so used to "retete de saratele".

Looks good, really! Maybe I can try this one. I love they dont have yeast because I dont know how to bake stuff with yeast! I'm not good at making dough....😒

Aww, thank you my dear friend! 😘 I wish I could send you some.

I don't know if this is something similar to what you read back then, there are so many recipes out there.

This is a good recipe, but if you look at how many calories this quantity may have ... 🤦‍♀ So I suggest you look for a better, healthier one 😂
Yeast based dough is my favorite as it is easy to make.

I wanted to make sure that cheesepuffs means sărățele. Or is it something else, like foietaj or something? The recipe I cant tell if its the one I saw.

I wanted to try one recipe having untura instead of yeah. Cheese and hard cheese as well...kilos go up instantly if we have to many of these. 🤣🤣

My mom said that yeast is not a problem and ita really easy to make. I need to risk my chances and not being too scared of recipes containing yeast. 😁🙄

My mom said that yeast is not a problem and ita really easy to make. I need to risk my chances and not being too scared of recipes containing yeast. 😁🙄

You need to put aside your fear and try the yeast dough out and it's really easy. It's not rocket science and you get used to it. So



Ok, jokes aside, just try one out, one that looks easy.

Yes, yes. 😅😅🙈

I'll get used to it after a couple of times. Till then I'll be like this dude, right? 😅🤣

I'm going to try my mom's recipe of 'saratele' next week or this week. Lol. I said this already a few weeks ago. 🤣🤣
I like my mom's saratele, sa vedem cum ar iesi aceeasi reteta, facuta de mine. As spune dezastros, dar...parca nu sunt chiar asa de grav. 😅😅🤣🤣

That looks delicious!!! plus easy to prepare anything with cheese in it can't go wrong haha. Hay for sharing @erikah 🥰.

Thank you for the nice words, I'm glad you like it :)

It seems to be a very good snack, and it is also a bit similar to the cake we have here, but we do not use cheese, only chocolate filling and we often make it for breakfast

I think you can find a similar one in every country as these are very popular.

Those are sweet, a different one.

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The recipe seems easy to follow and the results look great.

These cheese puffs look delicious, can I have some?

I wish I could send some, maybe in the future when someone invents some way of fast shipping, and cheap too :)

That was my dream invention when I was a kid 🤣. I wondered why we can't teleport things and I told my dad; "one day I'll create a machine that does that" 🤣

Lol, back to the future, huh? 😂

I don't like cheese, Erika, I want to eat them, they look as we say in my land of "slow death" hahahahahah.

They must be very crunchy, and that explosion of salty and creamy cheese that melts in your mouth is a symphony of joy.

Can they be served with coffee?

If you don't like cheese, you can use cumin for example, or some herbs.

And yes, you can have it with coffee if you like :)

ñami...ñami...yummy😃 Erika thanks


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