Delicious and Very Fragrant... This is the Recipe for ES TELER FLAVOR GREEN CAKE

in #hive-1205863 years ago


A few days ago I made Es Teler Flavor Green Cake. Using Es Teler flavor Pop Ice. The taste was delicious. The smell was so good...

Beberapa hari yang lalu aku membuat Kue Hijau Rasa Es Teler. Menggunakan Pop Ice rasa Es Teler. Rasanya Enak. Aromanya sangat harum...


Talk about pop ice, reminds me of my school days. Pop Ice is a popular powder drink in my country. Pop Ice is ice blender. Usually found in school canteens there is/are seller/s who makes/make Pop Ice. The seller/s blends/blend Pop Ice along with sugar, water, ice cubes, and gives/give topping/s. Pop Ice is a very successful product, as evidenced by the various flavors of Pop Ice:

Bicara tentang pop ice, mengingatkanku akan masa-masa di sekolah. Pop Ice adalah minuman serbuk populer di negaraku. Pop Ice adalah es blender. Biasa dijumpai di kantin sekolah-sekolah ada penjual yang membuatkan Pop Ice. Penjual memblender Pop Ice beserta gula, air, es batu, dan memberikan topping. Pop Ice ini produk yang sangat sukses, buktinya ada berbagai rasa dari Pop Ice:


You can also use other flavors of Pop Ice (any). Because at that time I used Es Teler flavor Pop Ice which is green, I used pandan paste (mixture of flavoring and coloring) to make the cake color better.

Kalian juga dapat menggunakan Pop Ice rasa lain (apa saja). Karena waktu itu aku menggunakan Pop Ice rasa Es Teler yang berwarna hijau, aku menggunakan pasta pandan (campuran perisa dan pewarna) supaya warna kuenya lebih bagus.


■ 1 egg
■ About 2 tablespoons of sugar
■ About ½ teaspoon of SP (emulsifier)
■ About 5 tablespoons of wheat flour
■ 1 sachet of Es Teler flavor Pop Ice
■ Pandan paste (mixture of flavoring and coloring)
■ About 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
■ 1 sachet of sweetened condensed milk
■ Margarine
■ Wheat flour (for baking pan)
■ Glazed cheese
■ Colorful sprinkles
■ 1 butir telur
■ Sekitar 2 sendok makan gula
■ Sekitar ½ sendok teh SP (pengemulsi)
■ Sekitar 5 sendok makan tepung terigu
■ 1 saset Pop Ice rasa Es Teler
■ Pasta pandan (campuran perisa dan pewarna)
■ Sekitar 2 sendok makan minyak goreng
■ 1 saset susu kental manis
■ Margarin
■ Tepung terigu (untuk loyang)
■ Keju oles
■ Sprinkle warna-warni



■ Combine 1 egg, about 2 tablespoons of sugar, and about ½ teaspoon of SP in a container. Beat until long.

Gabungkan 1 butir telur, sekitar 2 sendok makan gula, dan sekitar ½ sendok teh SP di sebuah wadah. Kocok sampai lama.



■ Add about 5 tablespoons of wheat flour. Stir.

Tambahkan sekitar 5 sendok makan tepung terigu. Aduk.


■ Add 1 sachet of Es Teler flavor Pop Ice and pandan paste (mixture of flavoring and coloring). Stir.

Tambahkan 1 saset Pop Ice rasa Es Teler dan pasta pandan (campuran perisa dan pewarna). Aduk.


■ Add about 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and 1 sachet of sweetened condensed milk. Stir.

Tambahkan sekitar 2 sendok makan minyak goreng dan 1 saset susu kental manis. Aduk.


■ Put the batter into a baking pan that has been smeared with margarine and floured (with wheat flour).

Masukkan adonan ke sebuah loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin dan diberi tepung terigu.


■ Bake in the oven.

Panggang di oven.


■ Put the result on a plate. Add glazed cheese. Add colorful sprinkles.

Taruh hasilnya di sebuah piring. Tambahkan keju oles. Tambahkan sprinkle warna warni.










Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

So cool the green cake !🍰

Thank youuu

Wow, this is such a sweet snack. Actually, it looks so yummy as the fact that you could find a perfect plate to put it on. It is nice 👍 ☺️

Thank you very much... Greetings

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