(ENG-ESP) I show you how to prepare delicious French toast with cinnamon and almonds

in #hive-1205862 years ago



Good morning dear Hivers... I tell you that it has been a little complicated for me to publish before, because during these days I have had to take care of my mother, who is resting because of pains in her spine. I am going to share this exquisite recipe before I go to sleep, to rest and recover my strength.

Today, you will enjoy the exquisite snack I prepared to pamper my mother, I hope you enjoy the process and are encouraged to prepare these delicious "French toast with cinnamon and almonds ".

Buenos días queridos Hivers... Les cuento que se me ha complicado un poco publicar más temprano, ya que durante éstos días he tenido que cuidar a mi madre, que está de reposo por dolores en la columna. Compartiré ésta exquisita receta antes de irme a dormir, para descansar y reponer fuerzas.

Hoy, disfrutarán la exquisita merienda que preparé para consentir a mi madre, espero que disfruten el proceso y se animen a preparar éstas deliciosas "tostadas francesas con canela y almendras".


  • Add 1 egg to a bowl and beat to a frothy consistency.
  • Incorporamos a un bowl 1 huevo, batimos hasta conseguir una consistencia espumosa.



  • Mix 3 tablespoons of "sugar" and 1 teaspoon of "cinnamon" powder. Add this mixture to the egg.
  • Mezclamos 3 cucharadas de "azúcar" y 1 cucharadita de "canela" en polvo. Integramos ésta mezcla al huevo.





  • Add 8 tablespoons of milk, preferably "whole". Mix again, until ALL the ingredients are well integrated. If you wish, you can add a touch of "vanilla essence".
  • Añadimos 8 cucharadas de leche, preferiblemente "entera". Volvemos a mezclar, hasta que TODOS los ingredientes se integren bien. Si lo desean pueden colocar un toque de "esencia de vainilla".



  • Hivers, to make this recipe I used 3 slices of sliced bread, if you wish you can double the quantities.
  • Hivers, para realizar ésta receta utilicé 3 rebanadas de pan de molde, si desean pueden duplicar las cantidades.


  • Add "butter" to a non-stick frying pan and set the temperature to "medium-high". When we check that the butter has melted, add the first slice of bread to the reserved mixture, moisten on both sides and place in the skillet, cook for approximately 1 minute on each side or until the bread has a golden brown texture. When flipping, I suggest using a silicone spatula to prevent it from breaking.
  • Agregamos a un sartén antiadherente "mantequilla", colocamos la temperatura "media-alta". Cuando comprobemos que la mantequilla se derritió, incorporamos la primera rebanada de pan a la mezcla que teníamos reservada, humedecemos por ambos lados y colocamos en el sartén, cocinamos aproximadamente durante 1 minuto por cada lado o hasta comprobar que el pan tomó una textura dorada. Al momento de voltear, les sugiero utilizar una espátula de silicón para así evitar que se rompa.






  • This is how appetizing and tasty our "French toast" turned out! Friends, when cooking with the "butter" you will get a "crunchy" texture in its crust, the mixture of egg and milk will provide a VERY soft and juicy consistency inside... A real delicacy!

  • Decorate with slivered "almonds" and our snack is ready to enjoy!

  • Así de apetitosas y sabrosas nos quedaron nuestras tostadas francesas! Amigos, al cocinar con la "mantequilla" conseguirán una textura "crujiente" en su corteza, la mezcla del huevo y la leche aportarán una consistencia MUY suave y jugosa por dentro... Un auténtico manjar!
  • Decoramos con "almendras" fileteadas y nuestra merienda estará lista para disfrutar!



  • Thank you very much for visiting my blog, I hope you have enjoyed the "step by step" of this exquisite recipe and I encourage you to prepare it... I say goodbye wishing you bon appetit!
  • Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, espero que hayan disfrutado el "paso a paso" de ésta exquisita receta y se animen a prepararla... Me despido deseándoles buen provecho!



  • All photos are my authorship
  • Todas las fotos son de mi autoría

That's a leveled-up bread and it looks delicious. Thank you for the recipe!

Can't wait to make some french toast like this 😋

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Hi @kristal24
Loving your French Toast.
Since I have cinnamon and almonds, I'm going to try this for I have never tried adding other things to just toasting my bread.

I loved it here.
Praying for your mom's health. Take good care of her.

Love lots,

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This is lovely and the recipe is very easy at the same time ingredients are readily available.

I love the look as it's yummy