Creamy Cheesy Pasta | Our Version

in #hive-1205862 years ago

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Each family has its unique way of preparing food for the family. We can always have our own versions of every recipe. Innovate some and revise others.

This one here is our version of Creamy Cheesy Pasta. Days ago, our friendly neighbor gave us some shell shape pasta. She said she is just sharing to us the blessings and goodies she received from her daughter abroad. Some chocolates and a 1 kg peanut butter was with it. Of course we were grateful.

And so my husband and I thought of cooking a recipe out of that pasta. My husband and I by the way are partners in the kitchen too. He also loves to cook. We decided to make a Creamy Cheesy Pasta using the shell-shape pasta we have on hand.

Here goes the ingredients:


600 grams pasta
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tbsp salt

minced garlic
sliced onions
1 can beef loaf
2 jumbo size cheesedogs (sliced into small pieces)
400g spaghetti sauce
1/4 tsp ground pepper
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar

For the procedure:

  1. First, cooked the pasta. (Follow the instructions on the pack). When cook, set aside.
  2. In heated pan, add butter. Allow to melt then add garlic and onions.
  3. Add beef loaf. then the spaghetti sauce, Mix and cook over medium flame. Season with ground pepper.
  4. Add evaporated milk, then the sliced cheesedogs. Add salt and sugar. 5. Mix and allow to cook for few minutes then it is done.
  5. Ready to be added over the cooked pasta.


This is one delicious pasta! Our children loved it We loved it! At least for us it is. LOL. This was our dinner days ago.

I hope you like this recipe too! Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thank you for watching! Until next time!


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Wow! Love this, too! Hmm, nice for mid meals.

thanks Ate. :)

We absolutely love cheese! This looks delicious sissy! :)

Thank you! Cheese lovers!!

I am definitely gonna try this one! My daughter and husband loves pasta so yeah I will surely try this out! Saving this one in my cellphone for easier access! Thank you ate Met for always providing me the recipes I need hahaha your hive account is my go-to whenever I have to think of recipes for my family!

Yay!! thanks Nik! Greatly appreciated! How are you by the way?

I'm all good ate met. I just got here in Bohol. Cant check my messenger at the moment because I left my charger in Cebu hehe so I am just swinging around from hive to reddit to telegram and discord. hehehe Happy easter ate met. Will wait for your binignit post haha.

Oh you're in Bohol pala. Enjoy your time there with your family. Happy Easter too! wala binignit karon picture nalang hahaha

Yeah, but vacations cant stop me from working basin ma tigok kos telos hahaha

wala pud binignit diri haha picture nalang hahaha

laban!! work on vacay mode nalang hehehe atleast nadala nimo diha ang work. :D