Favorite food in the rainy season french fries and adabi bananas beat KFC

in #hive-1205863 years ago


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

All My Hive friends, meet me again on this happy day, I hope that all of you are always healthy and can carry out activities normally and smoothly and achieve what you want.

Kawan-kawan sekalian berjumpa kembali dengan saya pada hari yang berbahagia ini semoga kawan-kawan semuanya sehat selalu dan bisa melaksanakan aktivitas dengan normal dan lancar serta tercapai seperti yang diinginkan.


French fries are indeed a very well-known food everywhere because KFC also provides French fries in the world known as french fries but the fried shrimp that we buy at this place are very cheap, only half the price of fries at KFC even maybe only about 30% because at KFC, one order of fries is usually IDR 20,000 here for that price size we get 3 times what we get at KFC.


Kentang goreng memang merupakan makanan yang sudah sangat terkenal di manapun karena dari KFC juga ada menyediakan kentang goreng di dunia dikenal dengan makanan kentang goreng namun udang goreng yang kita beli di tempat ini itu harganya sangat murah hanya setengah daripada harga kentang goreng yang ada di KFC bahkan mungkin hanya sekitar 30% karena di KFC itu kentang goreng sekali pesan biasanya rp20.000 di sini untuk ukuran harga tersebut kita mendapatkan 3 kali lipat daripada yang kita dapatkan di KFC.



This is the no 1 Adabi Banana and French Fries in Bireuen.
Adabi bananas are fried bananas that are peeled from an ordinary banana and then mixed with some special ingredients such as flour mixed with water, then the most special thing is that adabi bananas are leftovers or have been fried and given and added chocolate so that it gives an extraordinary taste.

Inilah Pisang Adabi dan Kentang goreng no 1 di Bireuen.
Pisang adabi adalah pisang goreng yang di dikupas dari sebuah pisang biasa kemudian dicampur kan dengan beberapa bahan racikan khusus seperti tepung yang dicampur dengan air kemudian yang paling spesial pisang adabi adalah sisa atau sudah digoreng diberikan dan ditambahkan coklat sehingga memberikan rasa yang luar biasa.

That's my post this time, hopefully we can all work together well and can do all our positive activities for our lives that are more advanced and more developed, see you in the next post.

Thank you very much and the highest thanks to all friends who have visited, read, shared, provided comments / criticisms / suggestions, and gave an assessment of my writing.

I want to thank to all of my friends who are willing to visit and read my posts. Your attention and support means a lot to me.

Thank you very much to all friends who support each other on the HIVE social media platform that we love. I hope we will continue to grow together, help each other help each other maintain mutual respect and progress and succeed together.

That's my post on this occasion. I hope that what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and become reading material and consideration for all of us.

See you again on another occasion in the next post.

Good Luck Tgk @rijalaronaceh


Sampai jumpa lagi di kesempatan yang lain Dalam Postingan Selanjutnya.

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Tgk @rijalaronaceh

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Welldone, but why is French fries and Adabi bananas your best during rainy season. Are they hot? One would think you will be needing hot soup. For me, it is hot pepper soup I prefer or anything peppery

Yes.. that's true.. we really like hot food when it's cold or rainy.. it's delicious

I agree. It helps the cold to become bearable. Hahaha

Yes.. I totally agree too..👍
Thank you very much for visiting my post..🤝
We wish you success always..🙏🙏💯☕