This post is a continuation of the Christmas get-together I wrote about the other day. I started to show the appetizers offered on Christmas Eve.
Entrées refer to the main course of a meal. They're the star of the dining experience, typically featuring a substantial portion of protein like meat, fish, or plant-based alternatives, accompanied by various sides and garnishes.
Along with entrees are side dishes. They tasty companions to the main entrée to complement the flavors and textures of the main course, adding variety and balance to the meal.
These are the entrees and sides I served on Christmas Eve!
Prime Rib
Perhaps no main dish feels more luxurious than prime rib. Prime rib truly is the epitome of luxury when it comes to main dishes. It's so succulent and flavorful, especially when it's done just right. I prepared two pieces of meat for ou feast! 🍖
My guests were delighted by it. There's nothing like a perfectly cooked prime rib to make a meal feel incredibly special. It was the first to go with practically nothing left. A testament to my culinary skills? 😄 I dunno!!! But when the prime rib disappears that quickly and leaves nothing behind, you know you nailed it.
A perfectly cooked prime rib is bound to leave everyone craving more.
![IMG_2557 - CopyB.JPG](
Honey Glazed Ham
Ingredients like orange marmalade, grated fresh ginger, and rice vinegar add an incredible depth of flavor to a classic Honey-Glazed Ham.
Those ingredients can elevate a honey-glazed ham to a whole new level. 🍊 Ginger adds a lovely warmth and slight spice, while the orange marmalade brings a sweet, citrusy brightness. Rice vinegar helps to balance everything with a hint of acidity, making each bite a harmonious blend of flavors... yummy delicious!😊
Bake Salmon
Baked salmon is a fantastic choice—so healthy and packed with flavor! It's the kind of dish that feels both elegant and comforting at the same time.
I used oyster sauce and mayo to give the salmon a lovely creamy and savory coating, and garlic and pepper added that perfect kick of flavor. It turned out wonderfully flavorful and moist.
Shrimp Tempura
The shrimp tempura is premade and sold frozen... just thaw a serve. Premade shrimp tempura is such a convenient and delicious option. It's always a hit, although it looks it, no one needs to know it wasn't made from scratch.😉
Pairing it with a good dipping sauce and some rice or veggies can make it feel just as special as a homemade dish. Perfect for a quick yet satisfying meal!
The entree spread halfway through the meal
😄 It’s always a great feeling when the dishes you’ve prepared are a big hit. The prime rib and all the entrees were the culinary stars of the evening.
Dessert is next!
This is for #SublimeSunday as inspired by @c0ff33a and for the #FoodiesBeeHive.
This is also a post for the Show us your California of @derekrichardson.
A shout out to #TEAMUSA - @tattoodjay, @dswigle, @wandrnrose7, @wwwiebe, @wesphilbin, @thebighigg, and @coinjoe.
I am also a member of #ShadowHunters and #OrchidLovers.
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I hope to see you again soon!
Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!
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