Hello sis!
These are really lovely! So simple but so perfect for Halloween. My daughter's school asked parents to give them a scary treat to school but I totally forgot that part of their information about the Halloween celebrations, until the evening before.
I had no clue how I'd manage to quickly gather a treat as my back was aching a lot already so going out was not optional anymore. I had banana bread left, and remembered that we had these vampire teeth from a few years ago with Halloween, now don't laugh haha:
I know it doesn't look as I envisioned because the icing was not thick enough but at that time I already spent too many hours in the kitchen for other stuff (as I said this was not planned and it was already 7 PM) so I tried to make blood with red (more pink haha) and black icing for the eyes but it was so runny.
I was almost crying from the pain in my back as our kitchen is so low so it was only making it worse, I showed my daughter and she said oh it's scary! That was enough for approval :)
I also went to take some pictures in black and white with my daughter which I will share in a post later..
PS I don't know what I did to earn the 10 HP you powered up on my account but thank you so much, it's really appreciated <3
Wishing you a good weekend dear !LADY !LUV