[ESP-ENG] Contemporary dance "Set fire to the rain" Adele by @mairimmorales

in #hive-1214393 years ago

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Hola amigos artistas. Hoy ombligo de semana como dicen muchos, pues es miércoles, día intermedio de la semana. Adele es una de mis artistas favoritas en el mundo, sus canciones son increíbles, sus letras me llegan al corazón y siento que al bailar me conectan a situaciones que creía olvidadas, lo cual significa que llegan a lo profundo de mi ser.

Hello artist friends. Today is the navel of the week, as many say, since it is Wednesday, the middle day of the week. Adele is one of my favorite artists in the world, her songs are incredible, her lyrics reach my heart and I feel that when dancing they connect me to situations that I thought were forgotten, which means that they reach the depths of my being.

Escogí la canción “Set fire to the rain” por su melodía, desconociendo a primera instancia el significado de la letra. Una de las estrofas de la canción dice - But there's a side to you That I never knew, never knew- y de eso quisiera hablar, como dice la canción, el lado de las personas que nunca conocemos. Saben, con sinceridad, considero que siempre vemos todos los lados de las personas, pero en ocasiones estamos ciegos, de amor, cariño, no sé cómo llamarlo, a veces no queremos ver lo que esta a simple vista.

I chose the song “Set fire to the rain” for its melody, not knowing at first the meaning of the lyrics. One of the verses of the song says - But there's a side to you That I never knew, never knew- and that's what I would like to talk about, as the song says, the side of people we never know. You know, honestly, I consider that we always see all sides of people, but sometimes we are blind, of love, honey, I don't know what to call it, sometimes we don't want to see what is with the naked eye.

Una anécdota personal: Tenía una gran amiga que empezó a salir con un chico que no me parecía, a veces le comentaba lo poco que me gustaban sus actitudes, pero ella estaba cerrada en amarlo y no confiaba en mí. La relación con mi amiga empezó a tambalear y nos alejamos, y a los pocos meses su noviazgo termino también.

A personal anecdote: I had a great friend who started going out with a boy who didn't look like me, sometimes I told her how little I liked her attitudes, but she was closed in loving him and didn't trust me. The relationship with my friend began to falter and we moved away, and after a few months their courtship ended as well.

Sin mas que agregar, quisiera despedirme, invitarlos a seguir y confiar sus instintos. Los bendigo a todos, feliz noche donde quiera que se encuentren.

Without further ado, I would like to say goodbye, invite you to continue and trust your instincts. I bless you all, happy night wherever you are.

Banner hecho en Canva. Video grabado por Redmi 8A y editado por la app VivaVideo. Traducido por google.

Banner made in Canva. Video recorded by Redmi 8A and edited by the VivaVideo app. Translated by google.

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